

Carlsbad, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am 27 years old, moved to SoCal form NY last year, just in time to lose all my hair! It has been a journey, ups and downs, and full of enlightenment.... I am blessed with much love and a very lovely shaped head! :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Linsday!
    I have universalis, too. How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help or support you!
  • porcelinh

    hi lindsay, welcome to this wonderful site! its good to know you are in the socal area as i am in san diego. you have a lovely face and i embrace people like us that can go without a wig! did getting a tattoo on your head hurt? i am considering getting another one but don't know where exactly yet. but i must say the alopecians on here look so awesome that they can wear tattoos on their heads and are so brave to show them off! take care, Holly
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Lindsay,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Mary

    I felt very alone, too, until I met Thea at the Bald Girls Do Lunch event in Jan. 08, and then discovered AW.

    Would you like to get together some time?
  • Dorothy

    Good Morning, my weekend was fine, the weather was very nice and we got some things done around the house that needed to be done. Found out my car will need transmission work and of course we do not have the money, so I do not know what we will do. For the near future we will leave it parked. It seems it is always something driving us backwards. I am disappointed that the car is not a quick and cheap fix, but deep down expected the worse. I think I just will do a Scarlet O'Hara and "think about it tomorrow".

    How was your week end?
  • Paul

    yeah i will keep in touch for sure, just taking it day by day and just trying to get used to it
  • Roger

    Great pics.

  • Shana and Taylor

    Hi!!!! You live in Cali! I used to live in NY my whole family lives there now and my mom dad and gramma and aunt and i moved down here to North Carolina. And my sisters too.
    see ya
  • Carol Solis

    Hey Lindsay you live close enough, you ever need to hang out with another bald gal give me a note,, I go down that way a lot member of San Diego Wild Animal park and Love San Diego in general. Ok stay in touch Carol
  • Shana and Taylor

  • Kristen Viveros

    Hey Lydia, thanx for welcoming me. yeah it scared the hell out of me when i scatched my head and brought my hand down with a hand full of hair. i decided last night that i dont want to wait until have only a few strands left. i had three big bald spots and i shaved my head last night. it was was liberating... i felt happy and free! i am just going to keep it shaved now until its all gone. if i notice that it all is growning back at the same time i will let it grow. but i doubt it.
  • Kristen Viveros

    yea it was a big step... so far i have felt the cool water of the shower and felt the breeze of a car ride... i know theres more cool things to
  • Maureen

    Thanks for adding me i didn't see you already added me before i left that comment sry!!!
  • Maureen

    Hi No u probably don't know my son he graduated 2007. But my stepson graduated in 1995. U went to pat med that's so crazy lol!
    U lost your hair last year like me. My son has had it since he is bout 3 years old. His is AA though. R u coming home this summer? If u r we can do bald out day together.
  • Maureen

    I know what u mean bout being alone, when my son started to loss his hair it was the biggest nightmare for me. but like anything else you learn to deal with it. When i lost mine i think i had a bit of an advantage being i went though it with Joe. It still is different when it happen to u... I would love to c u when u come back and hang out! What r u doing for work there?
  • Maureen

    Oh do u know Cassandra Auth?
  • Maureen

    I am so happy u r able to deal with it. It was funny tonite at the gym this little girl came up to me and said I hope u feel better! How cute was she . I had to explain to her that it wasn't cancer. She seem to understand she was about 10 years old... Yes Cassandra's dad is a special ed teacher. The world just became smaller lol!!! No I have never heard of thatspa but than again I am not that with it when it comes to spas lol! I can't wait to meet u when u come home. Oh the gym I go to is Finest fitness on Main st in Patchogue, do u know that gym?
  • Shana and Taylor

    I bet it was very cool!!!!!! I wanna get painted by someone!
  • Shana and Taylor

    You really rock those bandanas/scarfs!!! lol
  • Shana and Taylor

    Your welcome!!! I know. I am glad God gave me this disease because my mom lets me do almost whatever i want to my wig but not to my real hair!!! lol. Thanks!
  • Carol Solis

    Hi just realized today I had mail,,yikes sorry did not mean to ignore,yes lets stay in touch you doing the bald girls in SD july 16th,,maybe we can meet than. ok by for now
  • Salmezan

    Hi Lindsay, thanks for the add! When I saw your pics I knew I had to get to know you. I also see the similarity too! I love your scarves and I love how you tie them up like that. Makes me wanna go shop for some now hehe. I agree that we are unique and beautiful. I love that you see the positive side to it as well. I LOVE the tattoo on you head. It looks soo cute! lol

    I'd love to get to know you more. Hope you had a great weekend!

    Sal x
  • Misty Boggs

    Well its going ok..and how about you? I'm just trying to live day by day and make the best of it!
  • Misty Boggs

    the comment that you left me was awesome! It made me feel better for sure! so does your hair try to grow at all? I was just kinda wondering what I have to look forward to...Do you have to shave your head or is it just smooth bald? I still really don't know a whole lot about this stuff but I know that mine is getting worse.......another 6 year old daughter has a spot in the back of her head, have you ever heard of mother and daughter having it because my derm says that it dont usually happen that way?
  • MiNAH

    I went out with some friends of my son just this weekend and when they saw my sleek bald shiny head..that were blown away!
    They said it looks striking!
    I was totally bald in the 80s' and it grew back in spars and fluffy on top.
    My son has told me to shave it off for years now.I only wish I hadn't of waisted so many of my young years with a spars hairless looking head...that made me look frumpy.This has much more appeal being sleek and fresh looking.
    I'm sadened by my hair loss...yet more sadened that I waitied so long to be free again.
  • Leon Johnson

    Hey Lindsay,

    Hope everything is going well.
  • Leon Johnson

    Well..that's great. Happy Birthday. I'm just tryin' to put projects together and be an artist. I hope I can finish this project by the end of the year.
  • Carol Solis

    Fun to hang out with you and your friend you two are a blast and I am sure have fun where ever you end up ,, keep up the positvie attitudes you will go far. Carol Solis
  • stefan

    hi there!thanx for adding me as a friend u r super cool!!!!!!
  • stefan

    ha ha i insist u r cooler lol looking at all the pics i wish we could all meet up on a special time n spend some quality time together!!!i like your pics very much coz you look cute and very lady-like and also because i can feel a very good karma around you but now this is my personal feeling!!!!!!lol sure it must not be easy everyday but anyway keep up and stay like you are!!!!!!!
  • Husband of woman with Alopecia

    Hi Lindsay,

    Thank you so much for your kindness! I will have my wife add you and contact you.

    Take care