John M.


United States

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About Me:
Hello everyone. I joined this site on Thursday, August 20th 2009. About 5 weeks prior, I noticed three spots on my head after a hair cut. I initially thought I had gotten a REALLY bad haircut and shrugged it off. After about 1.5 weeks, I noticed that the spots really haven't grown in at all. Upon closer examination, I realized they were completely bald.

3 weeks later, I went to my General Practictioner, then to my Dermatologist and they confirmed that I had AA. During the course of those 3 weeks, the original 3 spots got much worse (bigger), and about 4 more spots came up of varying sizes. Some coalesced together to form a bigger spot.

Anyway, needless to say, I was rather freaked out by the whole ordeal. If that wasn't bad enough, while at the doctor's office, I found out I also had high blood pressure. I'm unsure if the stress of my hair falling out contributed to it, or if it was just my general health.

Right now, I'm focusing on my blood pressure and trying to get that down naturally with excercise, diet, and weight loss. So far the numbers have come down, but still not below normal 120/80 ranges yet. I keep telling myself that the BP is the more important issue and the AA shouldn't bother me. Truth be told, it still bothers me.

If ALL that wasn't bad enough, all this happened just weeks before my 35th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDEED!!! :-)

Its exceptionally hard for me since my wife is working abroad for a few years. She's wonderful, exceptional, and supportive. However, SKYPE can only go so far. She's entirely strong and my rock though.

Anyway, I was reassured when I found this site and hope I can make some connections with many of you. I could certainly use some advice and support right now, and promise I will give the same in return.

Take care,

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Robert

    Love your status... I want off this ride too!!!!
  • Ernesto

    Hey John, thanks for the note! I'm doing ok. I had about two weeks of almost no shedding after my good news from the derm that the spot had halted. So i tried really hard to dive into work so i wouldn't think much about it. But then today, it seems the shedding has come back, as there was alot more hair in the shower than usual. I guess I should wait till my next visit next week to see how things go. how are you?
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! Yes, last night was quiet! Thank goodness! Really needed it after Saturday night being so crazy. Found out it was a full moon on saturday night....guess it explains why some of our patients were trying to crash! Everyone made it through the weekend! :) WOOHOO! How are you? I am kinda having a bad day today....noticed alot of hair coming out in the shower today! I swear I am sooooo sick of the unpredictability of this darn disease!! UGH! I hope you are having a fab night with Carol! Hope to talk to you soon :). Nitey nite!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Whats goin on? Not a bad day here 4 more hours of work left....
    We had the Bota Box last night. Pretty tasty stuff.
    Hope your day is going well

  • JeffreySF

    Hiya john,

    Whats up?
    I'm working today.....Yawn....
    Taking a Bay Cruise tomorrow though. I hope the weather cooperates.
    Hope you are having a good day.

  • Robert

    Hi John

    Hope you're having a good week and that the BP is under control.

    I'm having a bad week but this thing isn't going to beat me!

    Catch up with you soon
  • Kelly

    Hi John. Everything is great here in Bako. The weather has really cooled down! It is low 80's today and beautiful and the upcoming weekend looks like much of the same. How is everything with you? Well I hope.

    Talk to you soon,

  • Heather L

    Hey John,

    Just stopping in to say "hello"

    How are you? Well I can't believe it but I need to buy liquid plumber again!! seems like I just did that... oh well. (wonder if they sell it by the case! :) ) I did just get a haircut- a little length off and it does look I"ll take it!

    Hope you have a great night,
  • JeffreySF

    I jinxed myself.....What started out so nice turned into a catastrophic day....Not really that bad but I'm pooped.
    The cruise should be fun. I totally forgot the Blue Angels are in town for Fleet Week and they will be practicing tommorow....D'oh that why Leo got the tickets...Sometimes I'm such a blonde....hehe

    How u doin'
  • Heather L

    Hey- Yep it kind of does take a survival kit, doesn't it?!

    This weekend.... Sat. my sister and I are planning on taking her little boys (5 and almost 3) to a cute local pumpkin patch. They have hay rides, and corn mazes...a few animals. And Sunday I will going to the Raven's game....

    How about you? anything planned for the weekend?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    I'll be on the Bay today but working the weekend Grrrrr.
    Whats up with you for the weekend?

    Happy Friday!!!
  • Robert

    Have a great 10th Anniversary weekend John!!!
  • Robert

    Hi John

    That's great news about the BP.

    I'm chilling out tonight with some beers, and heading into town tomorrow night for a few more drinks no doubt.

    Have a good one
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey!!!!!!!! Why didnt you tell me...I would have sent you guys a card or something! Happy Anniversary!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful evening with Carol!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    The air show was great today. i'll get a pretty good look over the weekend but out on the water was the best ever.

    Have a super weekend.
  • Adrian Coe

    no probs mate..stay strong there are always someone having a rougher ride than us !
  • Heather L

    HEY!! YAHOO- you lucky dude! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  • Robert

    Have a great week off!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John!! This weekend was rough at work. Had the patient that ingested antifreeze and bleach. The family didnt to withdraw care because she had only brain stem function left (respiratory center function only). It was really sad! I swear I have to find a new job!!!! Nothing much new on this end. Day 27! WOOOHOO! I hope you are Carol have a fabulous week together! Enjoy your time off! You so deserve it!!!!
  • Jeff W

    Hey John,
    Hope you and the wife are having a blast! Getting a little cool here in the northeast. Golf season is getting short! Talk to you soon!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John!!!!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello! I hope you and Carol are having a great week together :) TTYS :)
  • Robert

    Hi John

    Hope you've had a lovely week. I'm having a much better week this week...thankfully!!! I'm definitely feeling the need for a few more beers this weekend! ;0)

    I got referred by the dermatologist at my local hospital to a "hair clinic" run by a specialist at a main hospital in Glasgow. My appointment is on Nov 15th but may get a cancellation sooner. I've got no idea what they do at this hair clinic but I'll give anything a try...even though I've lost faith in what dermatologists can actually do!!!

    Catch up with you soon
  • Robert

    Hi John

    Glad to hear that you are having a great week. I bet that your BP is "normal" because you're not checking it or thinking about it! Have a good weekend.

    Catch up soon
  • Kelly

    Hi John. I have not used the Chat feature. I will give it a try.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Whats going on with you?
    All is good here. Almost finished with the workday. We head off to Boston on thursday.
    Other than that been swimming on the days off from work.

  • Robert

    Hi John

    I'm doing ok just now, thanks. Had a bit of a rough spell but coming out of it now. It's a rocky road!

    I guess you're counting the days until Carol is next home. Glad you had an awesome week. As I said, I bet your BP was normal last week!
    I haven't checked mine since the last GP visit, I guess I should do it this week. I've been blocking it out of my mind...wish I could do the same for the AA!

    Speak to you soon.
    Take care
  • Robert

    Your spots WILL grow back - keep the faith! ;0)

    In the meantime, it's okay not to care.
  • Margeaux

    Hey's been awhile. I went into a major cave for the month of September andw as in major denial about what was happening. I skipped my monthly injection and my spots got bigger. I just got another shot yesterday and the pain in my spots have decreased. Anyhow...just wanted to touch base. Ironically having accepted this disease (finally) I feel more calm. It's just a hard thing to take accpet that you have something that you have no control over. How have you been? It sounds like you are doing well.
  • Heather L

    Hey John!

    Thanks for stopping in! I just had a great weekend- went to Boston and met a bunch of awesome AA peeps! It was really a good weekend and so nice to actually meet people who "get it" Got to meet Jeff and Leo- they are as wonderful as you would guess!! WIsh you could have been there!

    How are you? How was your weekend? any hair changes?

    Hope you have a great day!
  • M. Luk

    Thanks for checking in with me John. I visit this site every now and then when I have extra time. Yes, my condition has gotten more severe but I'm doing what I can to be strong for my children. I have to set a good example for them so that they know that they can be confident in themselves no matter how they look. After all, if you have a good attitude/personality... people will see past the physical aspects. And that is what I want to teach my children... to be confident in who they are no matter how they look.
  • Kelly

    Hi John. I had a great weekend!! Spent it in Santa Monica to just hang out at the beach and attend Cirque Du Soleil's "Kooza." It was great! How was your weekend? Hope all is well. Kelly
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! Sorry I missed you this afternoon! I actually went to the ER tonight.....really started having severe back pain....scared me to death!!! The only thing I could think was oh my gosh....what is going on with my kidneys! Well the good news is that my creatinine is 0.6 :) but the bad news is that I have a kidney stone :(. The NP said it should pass on its own but I may be in pain until it does...GREAT! She gave me some lortab until it does. Not sure what in the heck I am doing up at 3am after taking Oh well. I will talk to you tomorrow :)
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey my friend!! Where are you? Hope to talk to you soon!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! I hope you have a great Halloween! Today is going to be super busy for us....going to my parents, then to get a pumpkin or two and carve them by tonight, then finally off trick or treating with the boys. Definitely going to be BUSY! I hope you are doing great still! SO happy for you about all those numbers you gave me! YAY!!!!! I knew you could do it!!!!!!! I hope to talk to you soon! Donna
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,
    What's goin' on?
    All is good here.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    Thanks for stopping by. All is good here. Glad you are doing well too.
    The Boston trip was so fun. It was good to get together with friends and have a good laugh. I havent posted any pics here yet but I will.

    Any plans for the weekend? I'll be working 12 hours sat and sun....Oh well it's all good.

    Have a good weekend whatever you do.

  • Jeff W

    Hey John,
    Thanks for the note. Things are good here. I keep trying to catch you but you seem to be on an earlier schedule than I am. I've been logging in pretty late at night. I will catch up with you eventually!
  • Robert

    Hey John. Thanks for the message.

    The new pic was taken in July when I was in Vegas... good times indeed... and only 2 or 3 spots at that time. Ah, the good old days... ;0)

    Hope you're having a good weekend and hope we can catch up soon. I will see you in that chat room at some point!

  • Heather L


    Hey- nice to hear from you! Yes Boston was great! Everyone was so cool. I was hoping that their acceptance of their own AA would be contagious for me. Not so much....! darn! Do you think you will make the NAAF conference? It is really great to meet others with's a hard thing of anyone else to really understand!

    How is life with you? Is your wife still home? What's going on with your hair...fingers crossed for some good news!!

    I seem to have almost a new spot a week- they do seem to be staying on the small side I am holding on to any positive I can get!! Just waiting for this ride to be over!! For all of us!! :)!

    Have a great evening!!
  • Kelly

    Hi John. It's good to hear from you. We had a wonderful time at Cirque. It was awesome. If you ever get the chance, you must see it. We just got back from a weekend in Paso Robles wine country. Had a great weekend of wine tasting with a group of friends from my Rotary Club. How was your weekend? Hope all is well with you.
  • Margeaux

    Hey John, Thanks for checking in with me. It's was a nice feeling to have you check in. I actually am having a good day today. Over the weekend I went to a Warriors game with my husband (they lost) and visited with friends. I went out to a bar (which I haven't done since my diagnosis) and met a young man with alopecia totalis. It was so serendipitous. He was the most alive person I ever met. His inner light was so bright. He kept smiling at me and told me that I would be all right. For the first time, I believed that I would be. It's a nice feeling after three and half months of sadness.
  • Heather L


    Hey- how are you? Sorry to hear about the shedding. Although my doctor just reminded me that increased shedding this time of year is normal for everyone- so I will say a prayer that is all that is going on with you!!!

    I'm sure it is tough with your wife away again! If you don't mind me asking- what does she do that requires so much travel? Great news you can spend the holidays together!! And they will be here quick!!!

    Hope you week is off to a great start!
    Good night!
  • Robert

    Hey buddy

    Just checking in with you to make sure you're having a good week.

    I'm doing really good just now - hope it lasts. I've got my next derm appointment next Thursday so trying not to build my hopes up too much that this one gives a sh*t and can actually do something to help. Fingers crossed anyway.

    Catch up with you soon.
  • Robert

    Hi John

    I've had a good weekend. We had some friends over for dinner and drinks last night and today has been a real lazy chill out one! Hope you had a good one.

    Keep up that brave face... you're going to get through this temporary blip soon!

    Catch up soon
  • Ernesto

    Hey John! Thanks for checking in. I've been busy with work and finding a new apartment, so my online time has gone down, lol. Anyway, things are ok, spot is still getting bigger but there is sporadic growth inside it, so it's good and bad news, and I'm trying to focus on the good. Hope you are well and let's chat soon.
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! I just wanted to leave you a quick note! Thank you so much for posting to my blog! You are such a great friend! I do not know what I would have done without you these past few weeks!! I am truly blessed to have met such a wonderful person like you! I know you are there for me and want to is so comforting to know that! Anyway, I hope you are having a great day and know that I am always here for you!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Stopped in to say hello and see how things are going with you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    Nice to hear from you. It's been too long.
    Whats going on with you?

    I'm working Thanksgiving but will bring home an appetite for some fixins'

    Eat well my friend. Lol

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I am sure you have cooked up some fab dishes! :) I hope to talk to you soon!
  • JeffreySF

    Good Morning John and Happy Thanksgiving!
    I hope you have a great day!
