Craig S




Profile Information:

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About Me:
A guy who has had AA since teen age years. Had a run of increasing AA spots since 2002-then total loss in 2008.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Craig. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Jane

    I did a search for alopecia and holistic treatment and your name came up. I am actually looking into the same thing and possibly some reikie to go with it. I truly believe in my hear that this disease has a lot to do with stress please let me know how your treatment goes. Thanks.
  • Jane

    Thank you so much for that advice! I will definitely look into that. Let me know how it goes. Good luck!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Craig,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How are things with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Craig,

    Thanks for the add. How are you doing?

  • ALLY

    Hi Criag, thanks for letting me know about your new treatment, would love if you keep me posted. My bald patch on the crown of my head is there 2 years now and has gotten bigger over time. But i did not seek treatment until it was there for over a year as i was pregnant. I could live with that area just want to try everything to hold onto the rest of hair. I still have imflamation that comes and goes in different areas. DO you have bald patches or how long have you scarring alopecia.
  • ALLY

    HI Craig, How you doing. Yes please keep me posted on your new treatment. Hope the shots work well for you.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Craig,

    How is everything going?
    Any sucsess with your treatments?

  • Cindy

    Hello Craig, I was reading your comment about the gel you are using for eyebrows and lashes. How is that going for you? Do you know what the success rate is for that and if it safe for children. My daughter is having regrowth on her scalp, be we dont treat her brows and lashes. Just wondering how you apply it on your lashes, etc..Any info would be great. Cindy
  • Brittney

    Hey, Craig!

    I have questions about the Lumigen, too! You said they're you just drop a few on your eyebrow and eyelash area, and just lay there? Or rub it in? And how long does it take to see results? Sorry to bother you with so many questions, I just thought this was interesting, as I haven't heard of a remedy for eyelashes, thus far. Thanks! -Brittney
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Craig,
    What are you using on your eyebrows? What color are they?
    I'm used to the bald head too but too have some lashes and brows and a soul patch Woo Hoo!!!

    Best wishes,

  • Brittney

    Woo hoo - I'm so happy you're seeing growth after just 2 weeks! That's awesome! I agree about trying the Lumigen before the tatooing. Personally, I don't think I'll ever get anything tatooed. I just don't think it would be the right look for me, however, it looks great on many others. And, deep down, I still hope a cure is in the future, and I don't want to have to worry about permanent brows that I couldn't remove. I hope you continue to have growth, and all of your brows and lashes grow back! I'll check back in with you in the next couple of weeks to see the progress! -Brittney
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Craig,

    Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll give it a try. I have had some regrowth of my lashes and brows. Lashes are pretty sparse but dark. The brows are white as snow. I did get the tattoos so the added white gives a 3D look.

    Whats next?

  • Cindy

    Thanks for the info Craig. Do you know if you will have to continue with the Lumingen to maintain the regrowth once it is completed?
  • Cindy

    Lots of luck with using the Lumingen.Its sounds promising for you!! Cindy
  • Heather L

    Hi Craig!

    Thank you for the friend invite! I look forward to getting to know you better. :)

    I noticed your comment regarding the stock market- I feel your pain on that!! It's kick me in the ....
  • Heather L

    Hey Craig,
    I agree- with all the stress sometimes it is no wonder something in our bodies goes haywire!! But the thing is I can’t find the off switch-

    I don’t think I have ever said “good bye” to my hair. Although it is hard to not take it personal! Sometimes when I am in the mirror and plastering my steroid cream on my spots- I think to myself “what did I ever do to you!” The whole idea of an autoimmune condition- your body turning on itself is that way! Do you feel like that? Although when you think of it like that it seems the way to deal becomes clear. Love yourself well- find harmony again!

    I have had the same experience –the few people I shared the AA with were all extremely supportive and loving. And when I’m not throwing a pity party for one- I feel very blessed that it is just hair! So I’m with you on that!

    I am not sure at any age it is easy! I waved bye-bye to my 20’s a little bit ago! But my first spot was when I was 20 years old. Then had a wonderfully long time (14yrs) with out another one!!

    Have you tried any holistic treatments? Are you currently taking any supplements for immune support or hair?

    Enjoy the rest of your day,
  • julie

    hey my dr gave me different diagnoses and one time told me i too had LPP only to say another visit it wasnt that. I had been researching about this all the while only to find out that was wrong so I dont know if my last DX is right, female pattern but I guess I have to accept it. My dr prescribed Methotrexate when we thought it was LPP.. afterwards I realized I had been taking that and I didnt even have LPP.. its been awful... Frankly I think you are very handsome and either way, with or without hair, you look great! We have to keep the positive attitude that things can always be worse ... they can... and I wish you the very best. Good luck to you. If you ever want to talk, I am on the site!
  • Heather L


    Ok- I find this so very interesting- got to calm myself or I’ll drool! I just finished reading yet another medical book on autoimmune diseases-

    AND of course there are several legitimate theories- and one happens to be that certain virus’s and/or bacteria can trigger the immune system to go out of whack. Specifically these virus’s/bacteria make proteins that mimic the IL-10 (Interleukin-10/cytokine) tricking the immune system to make more Th-2 cells instead of the appropriate Th-1 cells needed to fight the virus. …..Which initiates an autoimmune response! Which also explains why docs give steroids and other immune suppressants AND also explains why when they stop taking these meds the conditions come right back. Nothing addresses the flipped switch.

    So I am understanding you correctly that you had mononucleosis which induced liver inflammation and swelling??? Interesting- I’ve not had either but read that mono. Is closely linked to Epstein- Barr virus. ….even read that Epstein-Barr causes mono and in pathology the often both appear together. AND they are several studies that Epstein Barr/mono- DOES increase the risk of MS, hemolytic anemia and Guillain-Barr syndrome---all autoimmune diseases. So why not AA as well? SO I think you posed a very question!

    It would be interesting to know how many people with AA had with in 6months prior to onset if they had any type of cold/flu/virus?

    Shew- my fingers are tripping over themselves! Also- I had a doc tell me that it is a given that if you have an autoimmune disease you have intestinal stress of some kind or another. So I read on this too…. It is estimated that 80% of the population has yeast overgrowth. Which reeks havoc on the immune system.

    Opps I just noticed the time and I need to run to an appointment. I'll finish the "yeast thought" later-

    Plus this is getting LONG! (hope you meant it when you said you were open for discussion!! :) )

    ps. I just KNOW this AA thing can be figured out! Let's just hope sooner than later! :)
  • Heather L


    Hi! You keep bringing up so many things that rattle around in my brain!

    WOW- you were really sick! I cannot imagine losing 40 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. Did you have any family living close to you at the time? I’m sorry it was so bad- Yes I too have heard mono stays dormant (don’t all viruses??) in your body- BUT I do think it is rare for it to re-surface. I do know how you feel in 2003 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease- it’s pretty prevalent along the east coast- we have such a huge deer population- so we also have lots of deer ticks! Having a dog I am always outside- anyway I caught it early, I found the tick on the top of my foot! Two months of antibiotics later I was fine- BUT like your were told – the lyme virus can resurface with trauma or stress. I don’t wish to borrow trouble so I don’t think about it- and fortunately I feel fine.

    Also to our previous discussion- my reoccurrence of AA came on the heals of having lyme disease- I never thought that was a coincidence. But like you again- my first spot was at 20 long before the lyme…. So I don’t think it was a root cause but certainly could have been a trigger to bring it back.

    Vaccines- what a controversy! They are important but I do believe that for certain people who have a genetic predisposition for autoimmunity that vaccines can trigger it!

    AS recent as 1976 the National Influenza Immunization Program began. Millions of Americans were vaccinated. The program had a surveillance system in place for monitoring side effects- and found that 10 states reported cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in recently vaccinated people. The relationship was so high that in Dec. of the same year the vaccination program was stopped. In that time over 500 cases of GBS were reported and directly related to the vaccine!!! A similar situation happened again in 1992-94!!

    Pretty strong evidence the vaccines can trigger autoimmune diseases!

    Also look at heavy metals- mercury in the form of thimerosal is STILL used in some flu vaccines and some pharmaceuticals! Just look at the whole debate over the huge rise in autism. Some even believe autism is autoimmune- after studies have found autistic brains have chronic inflammation.

    What makes only some people who experience a common infection or who receive vaccinations get sick? Why can one person’s immune system take the toxic hits the world throws at it and others can’t? Seems to me those answers are more important then indentifying all the autogens that trigger autoimmune diseases….

    Check out this quote from Dr. Ahmet Hoke at Johns Hopkins “It takes the human body thousands of years to adapt to new environmental stresses- yet in a hundred years we’ve dumped so many toxic substances into out environment that our immune system is being asked to differentiate between our own body and unrecognizable invaders nonstop. Which makes our body much more likely to make a mistake than it was a century ago. There are just so many more opportunities to make mistakes”

    Look forward to hearing your two cents!
  • julie

    how was your weekend?
  • Meghan

    Hey Craig!!
    Ya.. I have heard about the shots... I might talk to my Doctor about it next visit.. it probably would be easier to be consistent with it.. I forget to take them alllll the time!!! I just dont know about giving myself a needle once a week hahaha but I guess you would get used to that!
    Hope you had a good weekend, and thanks for the comment!
  • Heather L

    Hi Craig,

    Hope you had a nice weekend!

    Interesting about the complications of mono! No I have never had it. And never had EBV either (although I have read like 90% of the population has by they time they reach 30 or been exposed to it)- I've been very fortunate thus far- I can probably count on one hand how many times I've ever been sick... as far as virus's/flu/colds...I don't seem to get those. knock on wood! I have wondered if having an amped up immune system from AA is the reason. Other than when you had Mono- have you found the same to be true?

    But to answer your question...Yes I do think infections or virus's can cause autoimmune I think it is not that much of a stretch to believe mono or EBV can cause AA in some folks! I don't know that could ever be proved- or any one trigger could for that matter. Basically I think it is different for all of us and think there are many different triggers- (stress, diet, environment, genes etc.)

  • Brittney

    Hey Craig. I think you told me you were using the Lumigen or Latisse. I just wanted to check in with you to see how it's going. Are you noticing any re-growth? I'm starting the Latisse tonight, I hope I have some luck with it.
  • MiNAH

    I stopped everything as far as I became very ill after my cortione injections.Also many other medications caused me illness.
    Allergies, Sensitivities to medications is always going to be an issue with me.
    However...even though I had seen the doctor in the past...they never offer any new ideas or treatments.
    Guess you have to ask!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello Craig,
    We don't want those nose hairs! All the other ones are okay.
  • Ernesto

    Hi Craig....wanted to ask you about loosing eyebros, read a few of your responses on the discussions boards and I think one of mine is thinning out and I'm a bit freaked, but also not sure if I'm just seeing something that isn't there. how did you treat it?