
47, Female

birmingham england

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

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About Me:
i currently suffer from alopecia universalis i have now come to terms with being bald and love it, after 15 years. would love to chat and email other in same situation, especially people in united kingdom.
i also would like to help others who arent coping well and need someone to talk too, as i have finally come to terms with being bald and im raising awareness on this condition.
Im now proud of my dome...................... and you all should be proud of yours to.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

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  • Skin

    Hi Claire... you're a proper 'pecia chick! - Glad you've accepted your lovely bald head! - All the best - Skin.
  • Avis

    Hi Claire! Nice to meet you. I'm fine. Just need to find a confortable head covering. I need a new wig, want a lace one but can't afford it right now. Kids' college expenses and all. Anyway, I would go topless, but my scalp is not pretty right now. I'm working on some dark spots.Think I'll try some pretty scarves. My head is cold here in Alabama. I'll bet yours is really cold in England!
  • Raymond

    I am very fine thank you, and thanks alot for the offer :) . Hope you have a still nice day/Night (Here , at GMT+2 its allmost night so i am going to sleep now ! )
  • Raymond

    GMT+1 is was the correct time : ) , so its 11:40 pm here :)
  • Kelsey

    i am enjoying the site and you look like a very nice girl.
  • patrica

    will contact later.
  • Kelsey

    Wgen did you first get alopecia?
  • patrica

    hi claire have not made my mind up about 2morrow yet. will ring you in morning. love pat x
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Claire,

    All is good thanks. How are you?
    I'm heading to the gym for a workout as I am off today and have been having too many sweets lately. lol

  • patrica

    its me again have heard from five of your friends including ma. rtin will write to them all 2 morrow.will ring you in the pat xxxxxxx
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Claire,

    I'll pop over to Aunti Pats now.
    Hope you are having a great day.

  • nenad

    hi nice...
  • Kelsey

    I have a really great friend that showed me this website and she also has alopecia She got it at 9 or 10 I do not care thogh that she has it because just cause you loose hair does not mean I can not be her friend. So I still am. You should chat with her or comment she is under Shanna and Taylor : D
  • Katherine Green

    Hi Claire, just a quick "Hi" from me & i will write to you again, ok.


  • Kimberly

    Thanks so much for writting to me. What is the difference between AA, AT and AU? The doctor told me I have AA.
  • JayB

    Greetings Claire,

    What fascinating stories you write, I think it's apt time for your book/screenplay as you have talent in said areas.

    Chips and Lager, JayB.
  • jamie1

    Hi Claire, Thanks for writing want wanting to be a new friend. My genetic roots being what they are, I love meeting new people from the UK. I'm a bit ethnocentric I guess (LOL).Your stories are always so interesting. Hope to hear from you often.. Regards
  • Lacey

    Hey Claire.
    I am doing very well thank you how are you?
  • Shana and Taylor

    Me and my mom are doing GReAT!!!! My friend kelsey is a pretty good friend, i am glad she joined!!!!

  • dollydreadful

    OMG I am soooo rusty - of course he is a lhasa - how did I not see that? The face I kept looking at it - he is very debonair LOL -
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Rose

    Hi Claire,

    Let me say that your look is great! :)
  • Roger

  • patrica

    happy new year claire and henry lots of love pat and john x x x x x x
  • Samantha's been a while since I have been on here. I'm doing well....not sure if I told you, but after the summer and when I went back to work in September it started to fall out again...not half as bad as before, but enough. I was taking vitamin D supplements which seems to have kept it from falling out as rapid as before. I think the actual sun over the summer is what made it grow back. I did some research and in October decided to start tanning. I only go twice a week for 15-20 mins and I am wearing sunblock, even though they say they best way for vitD absorption is through direct contact with the sun without block. It was almost immediate that it stopped falling out. AND I actually have regrowth everywhere else! It's slowly coming in, but it's there. I have cut my hair pretty short though...don't want to get too excited about the possibility of long hair anymore.
    Anyway, how have you been? How was your holidays? Well I hope! Well, take care and hope all is well with you!
  • Dawn

    Happy New Year Claire!!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi Claire..Just wanted to say Happy New Year..maybe this year,somebody will stumble on a cure,for ""something""..LOL..Anyway,just wanted to say hello,and see how's thing's..Bob
  • dollydreadful

    Claire hello - thank you for thecomment about my pics - i hope you are well and ilove your pets - i used to have two persians when i was a teenager they are such lovely animals - is she very placid - mine were interstingly i had a dilute blue cream and a white together they would have matched milly nicely :)
  • Bob Hershberger

    Claire...Why hello!!!..Things are going ,so far so good here in 2009!!!!! Dang..I must be dreamin..Anyway,hope all is well with you also...Here's to a cure in 2009...Your bud..Bob : )
  • Scott Moseley

    Happy New Year......hope you had a lovelly christmas and all the best for 2009, hope your well.
  • dollydreadful

    Hi Claire how're you doing these days ?
  • patrica

    hi claire just to see if your ok love aunty pat x
  • Darren

    Hi Claire hows thing ,not been on for a while
    hope your doing well.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Claire all is well thanks.
    The AA man lost out big time.
    How are you?

  • Bobby

    I am doing great thx
  • Heather L

    Hi Claire.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • lynne

    hey im glad to see u've come to terms with bein bald, very brave of u, im new to all this, ive lost most of my head hair just 2wks ago, just got some strands left, it took less than 2wks for it to fall out, it was scary and awful,
    but since ive found this website i feel better knowin im not on my own, not sure if i'll ever be able to go out bald yet, but ive still got to get used to havin no hair first, hope ur well,
    hope to hear from u sn thanks xx
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Claire,

    All is good here with me. How the heck are you?

  • JeffreySF

    I'm glad to hear you are going great. Who cares about men anyway. Lol


  • gary brooke

    hi hope you enjoyed the gig .been trying to get in touch about tonight had a mare of day and night need to get out !!!!! x
  • eva

    hi claire! thanks for being my friend!
  • Salmezan

    Hi Claire, just dropping by to say that you look hot without hair!!

    Sal xx
  • Salmezan

    Hi Claire, thanks for the add! Love reading your blogs! Sal xx
  • Scott Moseley

    Hi Claire , nice to hear from you, hope your well, im getting on with it, you know how it is, Scott
  • Scott

    Hiya claire, Long time no see, would be good to catch up. you still got my number??
  • Samantha

    Hey Claire! Just dropping by to say Hi!!!! :)
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Claire,
    How are you?
    Tracy and Amanda
  • claire taylor

    Hi im good thanks for asking, and can i just say your profile pic is brilliant haha very funny my husband put a wig on of mine once and he looked like Frank Gallagher from shameless lol
  • Amber Lounder

    Hello Claire,
    Thanks for all the great stories,I read them all. Although.. I am sorry you had to suffer all those situations. I cannot believe that all those men can be so shallow I believe there are men out there who can look past hair or no hair. You are a beautiful woman. Sometimes I think god made some of us this way on purpose so that others can see more important things.
  • martin kingston

    Hi Claire thanks for the add, you look great in your new photo what a gorgeous smile, hopefully catch you on here for a chat soon. Mart