
50, Female

Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I live in Atlanta where I practice esthetics, also known as the art of ripping hair out of people for a living! ironic....
I was born with AA, and acquired AU at 16. I have a twin sister who does not have any type of Alopecia, which is awesome I'm so glad she doesn't! I wouldn't change my situation for the world, it has made me who I am and I am a stronger person because of it.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer

    Hello welcome , I have an Alopecia friend that has a twin too that doenst have Alopecia also. And they both leave near Atlanta. His name is Jeremy and he is on this site.
  • Roger


  • Roger


    Im doing fine thanks. Fixing the last things before my trip to Louisville on wednesday for the conference. Im so excited.

    How are you?

  • Orbit

    Zanie, I like your vibe! Yes its ironic that you spend your days artificially inducing forms of Alopecia! Do you go au naturel at the salon? Are your clients curious about your condition?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Zanie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • as

    Beautiful greeting from Czech republic.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Zanie,
    Wonderful! You are an inspiration. I just wanted to say hello and find out how you are doing today!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Fabulous! If you get my book, let me know how you like it!
    Go to and you'll get a 30% discount.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

  • as

    Hallo Zanie,
    I am got Alopecia not long ago.Only learn with it live.Therefore admire you who with it live from child's years.Apart heavy it must have been for young girl.I cannot it nor introduce be in your place.All are very brave and astonishing personalities.Already am it several times wrote,earlier am bald woman haven't seen as far as here on alopecia world.I have to but tell, that the even if it to you is very heavy,believe, that the and smooth are very beautiful namely not only on surface.All have you got in addition sort of inner eye - appeal that the near hairy women begin miss. Excuse mine bad knowledge English.Perhaps me is understand.
    Keep lovely day.
  • Roger

    Hi. Yes, it looks awesome up there. I wish I got the time to cross the USA. Its late here. 2am now....sleepy sleepy time soon. Im still on vacation.

  • Maggie

    Hi Zanie. Thanks for the add. I hope you come out next weekend for lunch. I'm trying to think of a convenient place in the VA Highlands or something.
  • Maggie

    Hey Zanie, hope you are having a good day. If you want I can try to find a place close to where you work so that its easier on you to get there? Let me know. Hope work is going well.
  • Maggie

    Wow what a small world...I live in Decatur! Actually in Oakhurst, but its Decatur they just like to act all snotty about it lol. I went to Agnes Scott College in Decatur. Do you know of it? Its the all brick little college right near Dowtown Decatur. I still would love to meet up with you for lunch sometime if you ever want to, and yeah I think I will go to the drum extravaganza, but I've never been to Suwanee so I need to figure that out lol. Hope you make many people beautiful today and I hope you have a great day yourself.
  • Maggie

    I did have a good day, thanks for asking. I bought some plants fo rmy new apartment...I am hoping I dont kill them ;) I have lived in Decatur since 2003/2004 thats when I started college. I graduated last year in 2007 and have been working in Atlanta and living in Decatur since then. I'm taking a few years off before I apply to grad school, at least thats what I tell myself lol. I wont be able to do Sunday, could you do Saturday? I got free tickets to the Braves game on Sunday, so I wont be able to meet for lunch then. Just let me know?
  • Roger


    How are you doing?
  • Shannon

    hEY!!! I noticed you do not live to far from Nashville and I just wanted to stop by and tell you I am hosting a Links for Locks tournament here in the Nashville Area Friday Sept 19th and would love if you could make it!!! There are some people coming up from GA and down from KY !!! Would be awesome if you could come. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon. Let me know if you would like some info. I am in need of golfers and maybe a few more sponsors ... if you have any connections or know of anyone who would like to play please let me know :) thanks

    Shannon O'Neill
  • Roger


    Im fine thanks. Back at work after a long vacation.

    Im planning to have some more vacation later this year =)
  • Roger


    Louisville was my last vacation. Im thinking maybe going to San Francisco later this year. It looks nice over there. How about you?
  • Roger


    How are you doing?
  • Roger

    Im fine too. Just had dinner here. 5.30pm here soon =)
  • elvira delgado

    zanie am elvira i been with alopecia for about 2 years
    now i love you're eyebrows did you had them done.
    mine fell out they did came back but now they are
    staring to fall out again am considering tattooing
    them but i don't know if color will fade or change
    well nice talking to you hope we can be friens.
    by the way nice pictures.
  • Gary

    you look awsome with no hair. looks like you have a great personality. drop me a note sometime if you want
  • Roger

    Hi =)
  • Roger

    Thanks for caring Suz.

    I met her here at AW. She was very nice. Im sad she passed away.

  • Galena

    Thanks for the friends invite Zanie! I'm in Fayetteville, maybe we can meet for lunch one day.
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Zanie
    Thank you for the friends invite. Welcome to AW.
    Love your pictures, your lovely.
    Take Care, Talk to you soon.

  • Amber Lounder

    OMG I just love your pics that baby pic is a dorable You are so pretty
  • Chris P.

    Dear Zanie,
    I forgot to add the message to my request - sorry! So here it is: Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!
    Best wishes,
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Zanie,

    Happy Birthday!!!