
36, Male


United States

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About Me:
**UPDATE: It's been a few years since I've been on here and I thought my profile could use a quick update. I am now 25 years old, finishing my first year of medical school, and I will be getting married this June!

Hey! My name is Andrew and I am 22 years old and I currently live in Sacramento. I have had Alopecia Areata since the age of nine. So far it has been quite the journey to say the least. Alopecia has been an ultimate analogy to life. It’s taken some time to come to terms with….but I feel confident that I have. Alopecia has shed light on what really matters in life… enjoying the small things….the stuff you take for granted. Don’t beat yourself up….remember how lucky you are to be alive. Nevertheless I am truly proud and fortunate to have Alopecia. I am certain that Alopecia has shaped me into the unique individual I am today!

In retrospect I found that my ability to “cope” with alopecia over the years is attributed to the most amazing people in my life, my parents. Everything I did was supported and encouraged by them. They listened, but never brought up my Alopecia if they knew I didn’t want to talk about it. I was pushed to get active in sports….. this later played a crucial role in not only my acceptance of alopecia, but it also gave me a sense of ambition to achieve my goals. If there was one piece of advice I could give a parent, it would be to listen to your child, compliment their achievements or even their attempt to, reinforce that "its not a big deal”, tell them “it’s going to be ok”, but most of all have your child participate in some sort of extracurricular activity that allows him or her to interact with other children.

I’m currently a senior at CSUS. I am majoring in molecular biology and I will be applying to medical school this summer. My experience with Alopecia has given me ambitions to help others who have dealt with situations that have given them unique challenges in life…. like Alopecia has for me. I have volunteered with many different children, including children who have special needs, cancer, in the burn unit and some who are rebellious from difficult upbringings. I know that helping others is why I was given this…..and I’m extremely passionate and dedicated to achieving my goals. I hope you send me a message and I HOPE YOU SMILE TODAY!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Alex

    hii, whats up?
  • Amy Jo

    u r adorable...haha but hey!! hows it going?
  • Alex

    thanks, u look great in ur pics too

    i cant wait for the conference...hopefully well get to meet each other there =)
  • Amy Jo

    yea i love this site!! haha...i like helping ppl deal w/ AA...i have no problem dealing so yea...umm well to make a long story short about the whole conference...ive gone the last 5 yrs but this yr we arent going:((((....tear...anyway because i got in like huge trouble...had to good of a time a few times...haha....yea maybe you know what thats like?...
  • Amy Jo

    oh and thanx for the comment about the brows...;)
  • Jess

    Hey Andrew, thanks for the add! I see your going to conference too! Im sooooo excited!! :) Hopefully I will get to meet you! Is this your first one too?
  • Babe

    hey andrew! i saw you were from cali and i was like wahoo gotta talk to this guy,then i saw you are totally into sports and i thought we have a lot in common so just saying hey and seeing how your doing! :)
  • Babe

    haha yep cali is the best, little town called petaluma 45 minutes north of san francisco! :) what about you? and i totally miss sports, its a weird transition going from playing sports all your life to not playing at all, and although i had great times with basketball, volleyball and track im glad to be moving into differnt aspects of life! a new adventure is always fun! :) and i was going to go to the conference but things didnt work out this year so im planning on going next year! your going?! and thank you very much for the compliment, they go a long way! :)
  • Jess

    ooo you have been before, awesome! Is it always in Kentucky cause this is quite a hike. Where you able to get a room at the Marriott? I tried but they were totally booked!!
  • Amy Jo

    so...hows it going??
  • Kristen

    Hi Andrew - love your attitude with alopecia. I'm very similar. I started losing my hair when I was 12 but I was really into sports (soccer, basketball, track) so it was never really an issue. Excelling in sports was what I was more known for.

    I rock climb now - have you ever tried it? Definitely an awesome experience. You should put it on your tick list to do. :-)
  • jennifer

    hey there! i have a question about the med. you took called dexamethasone. how long were you on it and did you have any side effects? you have a great attitude about aa. very inspiring! jenn
  • Jennifer

    i ended up staying an extra night in louisville but it was way fun. we totally need a cali gathering. plus there are direct flights from here to san fran for like $100. so i may make the trip up there.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Andrew. It was great meeting you at this year's NAAF conference. I also wanted to thank you for being an Alopecia World-class member. Wishing you great joy and good success, rj :-)
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey You!
    What's new?
  • Zoe Dusting

    Oh i like hearing about your work. It's exciting..but i guess it's top secret. That's exciting that you will finally be legal. Do you have special plans for the big 2 1? I haven't been up to much...went to the lake this weekend which was super nice. It was Canada Day today so it was a long weekend. Woohoo. Yah my mom had a good time in L.A..aand her student DID win!! She's amazing. She went to Hollywood which seemed pretty cool. I'm such an id...i never realized that Hollywood was in California. Geeeeeeeez. Anyways i'll talk to you soon i hope:)
  • Zoe Dusting

    Who doesn't respond to their messages? I always do. What are you talking about? Hmmph. What is your mom's e-mail address? My masha wants it but it wasn't in my friend finder! Whoa lake tahoe looks wicked!! Is it cold? It looks like it would be really cold. Okay i gotta go to work in 8 minutes but i'm still in my jams. But mom wants that e-mail address. I think she even already wrote the e-mail. Hehe. HAave a grreeeeeat day:)
  • Children's Alopecia Project

    Thanks Andrew:

    Visit and register first. We do not have anything in CA as of yet and would love to get you info about starting a CAP Kids Meeting Group on the west coast. We are all about self-esteem and awareness so register and request the info and we will get you going. We have a MO/IL, NY and PA(Philly-ish) CAP Kid locations with 2 more starting in MI and Pittsburgh.

    Thanks and keep up your good work too!

    Jeff Woytovich - Founding President
    Children's Alopecia Project, Inc.
  • Sophie Ray

    hii :) i was wondering if i could ask you about this Dexamethasone you took? although i accept who i am etc, im kinda getting the point where i just want some hair, but ive never tried any 'treatment'!! haha. was it injections? side effects? i see you love sport- me too! i actually agree with that sporting does boost the confidence of an alopecian- at least in my experience- i am now the hockey, swimming, tennis, and lacrosse star haha. do you still play football? x
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Androo my sac of tomatoes,

    Stopped by to say hello

  • JeffreySF

    All is good here too.
    Gonna have some dinner. Homeade chicken soup with garlic cheese bread. So Yummy!!!

  • Zoe Dusting

    hey what are you doing in that picture where you look like you're preaching? you didn't tell me about this...are you a minister too?
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    Hey Drew. haha, yes, who ever sent you that e-mail was right. and thank you for the sweet comments, I really appreciate the support and excitment that this is bringing to the alopecia community, it has been quite the journey so far. :-) so you're up in Sacramento?? thats awesome, I'm going to school in San Francisco and my roommate is from Sac. I'll send out a little something when I find out when the show is coming out :-) -Becca
  • Jennifer

    Hey There just thought i would say hello. How are you doing?
  • Jennifer

    I need a break too, but we are usually busy right before thanksgiving doing food drives and turkey give aways oh well. I have alot of changes coming soon so i am getting excited we shall see how it all goes. talk to you soon.
  • Mikey Massoud

    what is up.. uh my homey?
  • Mikey Massoud

    the Killers are killing me with their awesomeness!!!
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hi :)
    Hope you had a delish turkey lurkey weekend.
    Call me when you get back! We need to have a big catch up sesh!!
  • Jennifer

    Hey andrew. I just did a bit of digging about owen. The tv station is in fresno and the school is in clovis. Also the report was aired just 2 days ago on the 12th. I think I might right a letter to the news and see if they can put me in contact with the family. Maybe we can do something to help or go talk to them.
  • Jennifer

    I just got done with finals on friday. But i was thinking about writing the news network. I figure they would be more apt to getting us in touch with owen and his family. I think if we use the media the school will be more willing to listen to us. Im was also going to call NAAF to get the video for school kids and hopefully at least get them to show it. Im only a couple hours away so i can drive up anytime.
  • Jennifer

    Most definatly. message me when you are all done with finals and we will figure out where to go from there. I just wrote the news station a short letter hopefully they will pass on my email to his parents. talk to you soon good luck with finals
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,

    Stoppin' in to say hello.
    What's up in your world?

  • Craig

    yo, do you play poker by any chance? we have games every other tuesday at my house. I don't live far from Sac State. Also, do you know of some good fishing spots? I have a boat and like to fish, but I can never FIND the fish!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,
    Be careful I think this guy is a little off his rocker. Dont leave your contact details.

  • JeffreySF

    Delete your post or change the message
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Andrew,
    For some reason this guy really pissed me off today. I think he changes his profile frequently. I sent a message to RJ and Cheryl to check the whole thing out.

    How are you doing otherwise?

  • Bobby

    Awesome, Maybe go to the Pine Cove after you get back and settled from "Ok" Red Lobster, I heard they have cheap lunch specials now.
  • Jennifer

    Hiya, sorry i have been super busy but only a few more weeks of school. I haven't heard anything new from them. Ill send you his dad number I forgot to save his email so it got deleted. What i good help i am. How are you doing?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    I listened to your music on you page tonight.
    How is everything going with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,
    All is good here with me.
    Are you taking the EMT Course?

  • kaitlin lavin

    heyy.. random question- have you ever been to a conference?
  • kaitlin lavin

    just curious to see what you thought of it
  • Roger

    I remember seeing you in Louisville =)

  • Jenn

    Hey Andrew, I live in Sac also....and went to CSUS small world. Do you ever go to the meetings in SF. I have been to one and they are nice to go to. It's kind of far but worth it. That's cool that your an EMT. I work at Sutter Memorial in the Lab. If your ever over that way stop in and say Hi.....Take care and have lots of fun with your pre-med classes
  • Misty Boggs

    How are you? Just wanted to say hello!
  • Drew

    Hey man, yeah the conference was great I'll def go again in the future. Your playlist is pretty good too, a little bit of everything which is what I like. I really got to update and change mine around. But good luck with the drums and everything. Hows your summer going?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Andrew,

    Stopped by to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!

  • Misty Boggs

    Hello...I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! How are ya?
  • Dotty

    Happy Birthday Andrew!!!
  • Melanie

    Thanks for your comment. It's relieving to find a group of people who know what we're going through. It seems so hard to accept right now. Thank you.
