

Duluth, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have alopecia areata and I am looking to meet new people with it and make some new friends
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Irene!
    How are you today?
  • Christine

    sure! what is it?
  • Angela Rose

    Hi there, :) i'm just fine, thanks.
    I love your profile picture. :)
    I have a german shepard as well & an australian shepard mix.
  • Angela Rose

    Well she's 7 months, old but almost full grown. I'll post a picture so you can see her, she's adorable. :) Oh & her names mercedes. And besides my two dogs, I have 7 cats, a turtle and some fish. Hah. It's pretty crazy. :p

    And about me, wellll, i'm 15, sophomore, i compete in cheerleading & do gymnastics. And I just got diagnosed with alopecia, about two weeks ago.
    And decided i'd join this site, it's pretty cool. :) And it definitely
    makes you feel like your not alone.
  • Tory

    thanks Irene, it was great chatting with you tonight. Funny thing about my pic, this is at my reception only 9wks after giving birth to a 10lb4oz girl! My hubby and I eloped in Fiji cause we didn't want a big deal wedding-family had other ideas. I love this picture too, I seem conflicted, yet totally comfortable and happy. It reads well :)
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hello Irene, I just wanted to introduce myself, I saw your picture on Jax page & wanted to tell you how beautiful your German Shepard is. I have 2 Lab's but had a shepard when I was in high school & college, I miss her. Take care hope to hear from you.

  • Pamela Rosse

    Thank you Irene I would love to be friends.
  • John M.

    Hi there Irene! Thanks for the friend add. Hope all is going well with you (in spite of the dang'd AA). Take care for now!
  • Pat

    Hi Irene good to meet ya. Great looking GS you have in your hubby used to be a dog handler in the corrections dept and had 2 dogs in the time he was with them. Both used to come home with him and they were treated as pets by the rest of the family. I miss them :(
  • Gloria S.

    Hi Irene! My daughter is a teenager, 13years old. Her doctor did mention that treatment to her and he told her it is like poison ivy on your head. She opted not to do it. She did get some shots and they helped but she also doing a treatment from this man in Israel of a natural herbal gel. It is helping her grow in and stay in, but we shall see.

    We live in PA. We have visited Greece many times with my children and they love it there. I speak fluent Greek.

    I would love to chat again!
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Irene,
    Nice dog!! Thanks for asking me to be your friend. One can never have TOO many friends! We are cat people, but I've always had a soft spot for German Shepherds - and Chows - my Mom had one when she was a girl and her stories always made me want one. Stay warm this winter in MN. NH is cold too!!
  • Georgie

    Hi Irene, I've done kenalog injections and squaric acid. The injections were every few weeks until hair growth appeared. The number of injections depended on the size of the bald patch. For the really big patches I received both squaric acid and the injections. The squaric acid is itchy. But I guess it's the itchiness that stimulates some hair growth activity. Both treatments have worked for me so far....topically. That being said, internally I'm anemic and also since March, gluten and dairy free. No new patches on my head, yet. The old patches have grown in now and are about 2-3 inches long.
  • Meghan

    Hi! I'm doing pretty well, thanks. how are you?
  • Beth

    Hi thanks! How are you?
  • Gloria S.

    Irene, I think my daughter is also seeing your doctor! lol. Yes, he is very good at what he does. She is receiving shots from him, as they are working to grow her hair in quicker. Also, this herb treatment I feel is also helping it grow in strong. I told him about it and he said that it is fine that she uses it as long as she doesn't mind it. She likes it a lot, as it smells soooo good.
  • alyssa

    hey, thanks for the invite
    how are you
  • Gloria S.

    Yes! That's him. He is very optimistic for my daughter and I trust him. He also has a great intern that is now working in his office...he passed his tests and he is now taking over my daughter's treatments. When I see Dr. C. I will tell him that I met you here and that you will like to contact him, but I'm sure you can call his office. He is still at Penn Medicine at Radnor. How cool and what a small world to have found each other here!
  • Gloria S.

    We never went to the support group here. I asked my daughter and she does not want to go. She met a friend of my husband who had AU and his hair grew back and I explained to her that I grew up with twin friends and they had the same thing. We did bring awareness that she is not alone, and so far she is okay, but just okay. Dr. C. and his staff are wonderful people and they are keeping her motivated too.
  • Cheryl Ann Avens

    Hello, sure I wanna be friends!!!! How are you and are you new to group? Thanks for the friend invite!!!!
  • Robert

    Hi Irene

    Thanks for the friend request.

    How are you doing?

  • Christine Messner

    Hello there!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi Irene! Thanks for adding me as a friend! How are you doing?
  • Nick Janda

    hello Irene, hows Duluth? im from the Mankato area. Im super glad to see another Minnesotan on here! Thanks for adding me as a friend. Nice pic, you part of the DPD? Are we the only people from MN on here?
  • Frank

    Hello Irene...
    LOL... Can you tell I am laying on my belly in a hole that is only about 5 feet deep? The cool part is that I was on a glacier in New Zealand.

    Would love to catch up with you sometime. Look for me in chat and I will do the same.
  • Caley Vangelis

    Irene! You are correct - but only half greek - that's funny that you noticed.. are you?
  • Debbie Lopas

    Hi. No, not greek.
  • Debbie Lopas

  • Mary

    Hi Irene - I'm not Greek, but I love Greek music and dance. I teach folk dancing and have done quite a bit of Greek. I play drums in two Balkan bands. One band plays a couple of syrtos (syrta?), and the other is led by a Greek-American guy and we play mostly Greek: tsamiko, zoharadhiko, kalamatiano, zembekiko, hasapiko, sta dhio....You can see some videos of us playing with a couple of guest musicians in these YouTubes:

    Hope you like them. Do you do any Greek folk dancing?

    Mary (who grew up in St. Paul and went to Lake Superior every summer)
  • anna BeLLa

    Not Greek... I am Mexi-Rican :) Mexican PuertoRican..
  • Cindy

    Hi Irene, my name is Cindy and I have a 7 yr old daughter who is now AA. Gloria told me you did the squaric acid and I was wondering which one you did and if you have ever lost your hair post regrowth. Sam has been doing SADBE for almost 2 yrs and has almost complete regrowth and her brows are returning. We have no signs of a regression and I was wondering what it has been like for you. She has been wig free for 5 months now. Thanks Cindy
  • Holly

    Sorry, it's been a while since I've been on here. I live in Duluth, Love it here. But I'm from Superior. What part of Duluth are you from?
  • John M.

    HI Irene, how are you doing? Hope all is going well with you and you're getting all set for the holidays. Drop me a line sometime!
  • Nektaria Kazakopoulou

    Geia sou Eirini!!

    Signwmi pou argisa na apantisw!! NAI!!! milaw ellinika!!!
  • Gloria S.

    Hi Irene...can't wait to get together!
  • Gloria S.

    Hi! I did receive your was great information. If you can find out how long it took before you saw results, I would appreciate it tremendously!
  • Gloria S.

    Thank you!!!!
  • Gloria S.

    Happy Easter!