

Nottingham, MD

United States

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About Me:
My alopecia started when I was in high school. However, the patches were so small, and I had such thick hair that it was hardly noticeable. During college, I started having bigger patches of hair loss, but my hair always grew back. At age 23, my hair started falling out like crazy. 2009 was such a hard time for me. I was devastated. My hair went from being thick and beautiful to nothing. I had lost over 50% of my hair, and it was getting harder and harder to hide. I became so self-conscious. I had been getting cortisone shots for an entire year but decided to stop in February 2010. The shots did help somewhat, but I was still losing hair even the areas of re-growth. I purchased my first wig in March 2010. It's hard, but I'm trying to get used to it. I just really miss my hair. It was something that gave me confidence because people always complimented me on my hair. My hair made me feel beautiful. Now I am just trying to learn to be beautiful with my new hair. I hope one day that my hair grows back, but I'm not sure if it will ever be what it was. Acceptance of my alopecia has been hard, but I thank God everyday for my health and the many other things I have in life for which I am thankful. I feel that I have a good support system, but at the end of the day, I never really feel like I have someone who I can really connect with and who understands my struggle.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Linda

    Hi Nikki, welcome to alopeciaworld, you will find support and friendship here, stay blessed!
  • Heather L

    Hey Fellow Marylander!

    Welcome to Alopecia World! I'm sure you will find this site helpful!! I understand your fears about losing all your hair. I also have continuous spots either popping up or growing in all around my head! Are you currently under any kind of treatment? Have you had any recent blood work to see if there are any changes there too? Hang in there- you are among many friends!!

  • Nikki Mans

    i have the same thing going on as you so dont worry well lose our hair 2gether
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Nikki,
    I totally feel for you. My alopecia started end of Jan 2009 and my shaved head was unveiled May 2009. I wish I could tell you what to do but each person needs to have their own journey through this thing...I'd never even heard of alopecia before Jan! I know for me, personally, shaving my head really helped me get out of the hiding stage and I felt like I wasn't looking sick anymore (not saying you are by any means) I bought a terrific wig, which I thought would be horrifying as I too had fabulous hair before this hit. The wig made a HUGE difference in my self conciousness and self confidence. I have to say that my reliance on God was also crucial throughout this time. This site is nothing but supportive and inspiring. I wish you well and feel free to email or chat anytime...I'm hear to listen and help in any way I can.
  • Natalie

    Hi Nikki! Thanks for the friend add :) I know exactly how you feel- that is how I felt too when I was losing my hair. For 7 years I had alopecia and it was okay because the spots were only little and I could easily cover it up. But then it got worse and worse and none of my treatments were helping, and it was the worst feeling in the whole world. I didn't know about this website until a few months ago, so for almost 9 years I pretty much thought I was the only person in the world who was going through this, and that made it even worse for me. Everyone has to find acceptance through their own journey, and the journey is certainly the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, but I have come out stronger and I know that you will, too :) I went through most of the stages of grief: denial, anger, depression, and then finally acceptance. When I started getting panic attacks, I knew that I had to shave it off and start over, and that is when the acceptance began. Now that my head is shaved and I have a wonderful wig, I literally feel like a new person, or should I say, I feel like my good, old self again. I honestly don't know if my hair will ever grow back, but looking back on my experience now, I'm glad to have gone through it because I am a more confident person now. Just remember to hold your head high everyday, no matter how bad you may be feeling inside, and please feel free to ask me any questions anytime. I hope that I can be a light for you in this journey and to let you know that you are beautiful: hair or no hair! Keep on smiling Nikki :)
  • Jeanne

    hey Nikki, its great to meet people in MD. I can understand how you feel. in fact everyone on this website can relate. I joined this website a few weeks ago and it is a great tool in helping you keep your sanity. have you thought about if you lose y'all your hair if you would wear a wig? there are some very natural wigs that may help you feel more confident and not so embarrassed to go out. keep your head up. I look forward to getting to no you.:-)
  • Roger


  • Marina

    Hi! how are you? I'm happy to be your friend! A big smile from italy!!!!!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Nikki!
    I know how scary and hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Daria

    Hi Nikki! We're neighbors....I live right off Putty Hill!
    Bottom line is yes, no doubt, alopecia sucks. And it's really really hard to accept. But I'm here to tell you that there are a lot of wonderful people on this site who will help cheer you up and get you through this. We've all been there...been in that place where it's just starting to happen and life is so confusing. The good news is that for most of us, we conquer that and move on. I still have days where I feel really sorry for myself, but most of the time, I'm really happy. I'm comfortable in my bandanna -- and people really seem to like me in it! That was a big surprise for me. A lot of people just think it looks pretty cool and I've had so many people with hair ask me how to tie it properly b/c they want to wear one, too! Anyway, I've dealt with alopecia for a while now and if you ever want to chat, just let me know. I've also been through this in many stages (from a few bald spots to losing it all-- and I've got some great beauty tricks for each stage of the way!) Take care of yourself now....and know that you're not in this alone!!!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Nikki,
    How are you?
  • Jessica

    hey Nikki,

    glad to meet you, thanks for the friend request. so your getting your first wig... lots of things to think about. if you ever need to chat feel free to send a message, chin up girly

    lots of love


    Hey Nikki!... thanks for the add....i can really relate with you... I really had a hard time at first when my AA got really bad too... I felt when I lost the majority of my felt like i was losing "my identity" and who I was... which in turn...made me feel like i was losing "my sanity." ( then add dating/boyfriends in to the about emotional roller coaster ;) )....My hair loss at first was somewhat slow.. and i was able to hide it by using extentions for about 2 years....i just recently purchased a wig ( just like you :) ) and am having a little trouble adjusting and "loving" my wig... but everyday i wear it.. it gets a little better.... took awhile to play around with it a bit.. to get it to "sit" the way i like it... Anyways..i feel like i can relate with you....(especially with the whole boyfriend issues"...msg.. me anytime you want to chat...ttyl...take care!
  • Aspen

    hi i am aspen!!!!
    comment me back soon so we can get to know eachother
  • Dana Kozlowski

    I just started loosing my hair this March and it is scary. I am slowing getting regrowth and unfortunately I don't have thick hair so any hairloss is apparent. Right now I wear a piece which covers the areas, but I am worried the areas with hair will soon disappear. What kind of wig did you buy?