

St Helens, near Liverpool

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi everyone, I'm Norm. I started losing my hair at 18, and it was gone by 24. At 22 I decided "what the L" and just shaved it all off. I've got MPB, or to be posh, Androgenetic Alopecia... AGA for short (which I suppose makes it the "cooking" type of baldness :) ). It's never bothered me - in fact I always really liked it - it's other people's reactions to it that fascinate me (which were pretty extreme back in the day). So if you'd like to chat about that - or anything, really! - say Hi and ramble on... :)
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Marjorie Mischeaux

    Thanks Norm for your kind words. It is a process of acceptance as you well know. I wish I had connected with my "alopecially challenged" family sooner! Will be posting new bald look soon. I actually love it most of the time these days!
  • MiNAH

  • claire

    hi norm thanks for the nice comments hope you ok xx
  • MiNAH

    Check out my Videos with my girls and I.
    Also my video with my total Alopecia Totalis in
  • MiNAH

    Drop me your email if you wish!
  • emma

    hi thank u for birthday wish things wet and cloudy here but good thanks, hope u well
  • emma

    why thank u but not out this weekend been quite ill, but goin blackpool at end of month fancy dress so will have one or two cheeky ones then hun, canal st i love it there only i place i go wen out in manchester
  • emma

    bad easter theres no such thing lol.. no im on tablets i have pcos thats what has caused my alopecia they trying me on new tablets but they not agreeing with me making me quite ill so have to wait few weeks till they out of my system
  • MiNAH

    So...u got the ladies laughing...well...I'm not surprised Normeee!!!
  • Tiffany P

    I just wanted to drop by and say hello i have been following your comments and you are a hoot, yet truthful. You have a great week :o)
  • Tatum

    Hii thanks, Haha my birthday is the 23rd of May soo close!! :)
    And how are you today?

  • Tatum

    Hahaha :p yeah i did :p nahh just kindding hehe. soo how is your week so far?
  • CBrown

    Thanks so much, Norm - it took me FOREVER to check messages, as you can see. The whole birthday weekend was great. I hope all is well with you!
  • CBrown

    Ha! I love being this age. There is one thing I wonder, though - if I actually had hair, would I be fighting the greys like my friends are now, or would I actually have inherited some of the good genes from my mum and dad and not have to worry for a while still?
  • CBrown

    Well, yes, now that I am older, I can use age as an excuse too! Now we are friends.
  • Tiffany P

    hey norm just dropping in to say hello as usual you have been giving sound advice and your humor is priceless lol have a great week my friend :o)
  • Paul Williams

    OMG my poor deluded friend . I'd love to be able to shave . There nothig better than having a really close shave .
  • Kim Burns

    Every comment you make cracks me up how could I not??

  • Mary

    Hi Norm - glad you got to see the Zombies! "Hold Your Head Up" is a great anthem for Alopecians! Thanks for thinking of me.
  • Tiffany P

    Hello just dropping by to say hello :o) i think i will hire you to speak for me i think it would be funny lol i hope all is well and that you have a great week :o) stay safe and stay cool, here in fl its hot and humid and gross! bye
  • Robbi

    Hi, Norm, Thanks for accepting my friendship. You know, I've bumped into a lot of your comments on here, and I have to say you are awesome! You crack me up! I thought, I've gotta be friends with Norm :)
  • Robbi

    HAHA, you are one witty fellow, my friend! I like your idea of Lovely Doll....or how about LIVING doll!? Just kidding, in truth, I am one humble gal. Keep up those remarks & I'll keep smiling :)
  • Carmen Dayhoff

    no sisters norm, but its a funny thought tho. how r ya?
  • Carmen Dayhoff

    u r silly!
  • Carmen Dayhoff

    your comment on the Hair Obsession blog was great and very thought provoking. i like that tho in a sarcastic tone (it seems) you still say things that are logical, truthful and that matter. ur silly, but u have a great silly-serious mixture. lol
    Have a great day!
  • Kate Taylor

    Thanks Norm.
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Hey Norm, my new bestest friend. You make me smile :)
    Well, I'm getting my "head" around it, I always have to grow a set for these situations. My mother calls and she's worried about what to wear and wants me to help her pick out something. My comment was, just walk in beside me and my baldness and no one will even notice you! I like your solution better, just go ALL natural, let's give em somethin to talk about! Cheers!!!
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Hey Norm, I think your pictures look great and that's not a word of a lie!
    I thought you'd get my meaning "growing a set". The day I returned to work and had to face 60 co-workers at a staff meeting, I grew a set that day. But the funny thing was I got compliments, imagine that! Sometimes it's all an act but I seem to be able to pull it off. I'm a Taurus so I grab the bull by the horns :)
    And, no I'm not flying the helicoper, the stick was removed on my side. It was a surprise Birthday present and we went and few over our cabin we built last summer. I took 254 pictures. But I have a Honda Foreman 450, an Excaliber Cross Bow, a Marlin 44 rifle and I got two bucks (8 point and a 4 point) plus a doe last year! Still impressed?
  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Yeah I'm a real outdoor girl, I was just shopping for camo bogs (rubber boots) for the fall hunt, good for minus 40 (which we need in this neck of the woods). So your were into archery too, cool, I'm a good shot at 50 yards target practicing but I wouldn't try it in the actual hunt just in case. I just had to tell you about my "bike" :)
    I like the DGADBS so much, it's my new handle! and I wont forget I owe you one Norm, just for the smile alone I owe you :)

  • Susan P aka DGADBS

    Hey Norm, I guess I shouldn't call it a "bike" it's an ATV. We have loads of fun riding back at the cabin where there is hundreds of acres of crown land to hunt and explore. Very rough terrain, the bike hardly ever gets into third gear. I don't get helmet head cause I don't wear one, I know I'm bad. I just can't stand the weight on my head. I'll see if I can't find a pic to post. Right now I'm going to find a good pic from the wedding, I had a blast and didn't wear a hat at all!!! Yeah me :) Got some compliments too!
  • Wendy Coco

    Ok Norm, I think you missed your calling or maybe you will be a comedian in your next life; all your postings are sooo funny!!! Thanks for the compliment,your'e also very sweet!!
    Great to have you as a comrade:)
  • Wendy Coco

    Alright then, now I know where you get your sense of humour from, being a Brit myself it's all making sense now!!!
  • Wendy Coco

    Actually I was born in Portsmouth but grew up in Gorlston-on Sea, nr Gt Yarmouth and then spent my teens in Bouremouth, moved to London in my early twenties; then worked on a cruise ship as a hairdresser for 6 long weeks; moved to South Africa for 14 months, back to London for 6 months and then moved to the US 29 years ago!!
  • Wendy Coco

    So I'm a smorgasbord Norm!!!
    How was your day today now that it's almost over? !!!
  • Wendy Coco

    yepperoo!! It's 104 degrees farenheit here so NO hair on this little pee head today!!
    What do you do to earn these non eventful days?
  • Marissa L.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Glad to hear such positive words of wisdom and encouragement!!
  • Tiffany P

    lol you are too funny, i was watching a documentary about a russian prison and he said that and i just kinda liked it. we can hide our alopecia and try to lie about whats happening to us but in the end we are lying to ourselves because we are failing to accept whats happening by denying the reality of the situation. i dont know anyway nice to hear from you and have a awesome weekend :o)
  • Emma Sandell

    happy fathers day daddy norm xxxxxxx
  • Robbi

    Norm, you are hilarious--love your comment about Pria's pic of the monkey! :)
  • Robbi

    You are very sweet, Norm, but I think one reason I'm so happy is because I'm going to the conference this week, have you ever been? I know it's a bit far from the UK
  • Robbi

    Ah, well that's too bad, Norm. Too bad they don't have these conferences in every country. I'll let you know how it goes, for sure :)
  • Robbi

    Gosh, Norm, you must be :)
  • Tiffany P

    do you still have the motorcycles? they are really nice i always wanted one but my mom says i will crack my head open lol my dad wants one too but he wants one with training wheels. anyway hope all is well have a great week :O)
  • Robbi

    Norm, you are funny, and I will be sure to tape record any pertinent conversations!! :)
  • Robbi

    I agree, Norm, perhaps you should pass on the blue wig idea; you are perfect the way you are! :)
  • Robbi

    LOL thanks Norm! I think going to the conference this past weekend helped me decide to just reveal my true self! Hope all is well with you :)
  • Robbi

    That's great that you're taking the week off--enjoy & relax.:) Yes, the conference was fab, wish you could have been there, Norm! By the way, what is "dishy"? Is it the English term for stylin'? lol
  • Robbi

    Haha, that person was YOU, Norm! I knew it meant something positive, but I thought it was more along the lines of sassy or stylish! I love UK slang! :)