Gale Moorman


New York, New York

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Female, married but separated for 4 years. Have 3 sons. Self-employed residential cleaner in Manhattan - New York City. Had alopecia close to 3 decades.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Gale!
    You have had alopecia about as long as I have.
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi! I am in Portland, OR. I love New York though!
    It's so special at Christmastime...
  • Jocelyn

    Hey Gale! How are you? What you say is very true and since I started going to those meetings and joined this website I have become more and more comfortable with me. Are you going to the meeting on Monday?
  • Jocelyn

    Yes it is the 11th - MONDAY---January 11, 2010---Start Time: 7:30pm at the same location
  • Alex

    Hi Gale,
    Thanks for the friend request! I'm glad that you think I am an inspiration! I just do what I can to get through the day. How are you?
  • JeffreySF

    HI Gale,

    Stopped in to say hello!

  • Stephanie

    Hi Gale,

    I am definitely going to the BGDL evening in NYC and look forward to meeting you. I wear a wig and absolutely love it. In fact, Redd at Mark Garrison cut it for me. I know that even if I lose all my hair I will still wear one as it makes me feel good. I suppose that's the point; that we who have this feel comfortable with ourselves whether that means going out bald, with a hat, a wig, whatever! My alopecia is not a "secret" but something I only share with friends and family. I am a very private person and I don't discuss personal things with work mates or strangers. Considering all the pain and suffering out there, I wouldn't trade my AA with any of it. I feel blessed to be healthy.
    Anyway, it will be great to meet everyone next month. This disease has led me to some really fabulous people.
  • Brittany

    Hey Gale!!

    You made an account! ^-^
    How are you?

    Brittany ^-^
  • Maureen

    Hi Gale, Thanks for the friend request, Nice to meet you!!!
  • Trixie

    Hi Gale,
    Thanks for the request. Im in Ohio and cant make it to the BGDL evening in NYC. Im coping the best I can which is about all I can do.
  • Jocelyn

    Hey Gale

    I'm working on Sunday ... we have to go to long island during the day so I'm trying to figure out how I can be back. How is the planning going?
  • Francie

    thanks for the invite where are you holding the meeting? -francie
  • Sam Sam

    HEY thanks! let me know more about it!
  • Heather Bloom

    Hi Gale, I'm interested in your support group. Where is it being held?
  • Saida Z. (Ariana's mom)

    Thank you I'll try, and thaks for the friend request and its actually mydaughter with alopecia but im not taking it very well
  • Sam G

    Hi Gale! I went to work with no covering today for the first timeand it was scary but ok! You look fab in your hat and your headscarf.
  • Saida Z. (Ariana's mom)

    Thank you for the advice. I been trying to look for a support group i know that would help my daughter to feel that she is not the only one, i don't think there is one here i live in a small town (Las vegas). Hope you have a great weekend
  • Jocelyn

    Hey Gale

    I will keep you posted on how my clinicals go today. Hopefully they won't run late but you never know with these professors. I'll keep in touch tonight.
  • Jocelyn

    I am so sorry my phone died at work and no charger. I ended up leaving my evaluation at 8:00! yikes! I just wish I could have called you to let you know. Hope it went well. Speak to you soon
  • Seadra

    Hi Gale, thanks for connecting! I live in MA. I've had AA for 23 years or so, recently became totalis. Sounds cool that you've been connecting with others in your area.
  • Brooklyn Baldie

    Hi Gale,

    Thanks for being a friend.
    Great job on the motivational speaking too.

  • Tracey Tiznor

  • Leon Johnson

    Hey. Sorry it took a while to read my post I've not been able to get to a computer for a while. Your group meeting sounds cool. I'm curious as what the fee is for?
  • Rachel

    Hey gale,

    it's actually a hair piece not a wig, at the mo I still have about 90% of my hair, but I have patches on top of my head so the hairpiece is great-a 3/4 cap that is the right length and colour. You'd only know up close if you looked properly!

    Yea my job is stressful, I've been told to avoid stress to help my immune system get stronger and stop attacking itself but stress kinda comes with the terrirtory when your dealing with other peoples problems as well as your own!
  • Jordyn Charthern

    too all
  • ayana

    good morning gale~! thanks for the friend invite. looks like a beautiful day in nyc. enjoy!
  • Jeanette Langone

    Gail I'm sorry I havent seen your post until today. You must think I'm so rude. I'm so happy to be added to your list..thanks so much for including me.
  • Tracey Tiznor

    Happy Mothers day Gale........
  • David A


    Thanks I appreciate the invite. Unfortunately I am not in the NY area but I wish you the best with the group!
  • Joye Pressley

    Hi Gale thanks for the add. I look forward to the get togethers. Please keep me in mind. Stay Blessed!!!!
  • Pat Latina

    Hey girl, how are you? Sounds like business is doing well. Wondering if I'll see you tomorrow at Tal Bagels on 86 st. Take care.
  • Leslee

    hey sorry i missed you... but family does rule over bagels. hope to see you at next event. we should do happy hour.. ciao