margaret staib


Greenlawn, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
May there be support from the people that love us and know we are stronger than we think.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Heather L

  • JeffreySF

    Happy Birthday Margaret!!!
  • Natalie

    Hi Margaret!

    The swim cap that I have is:
    It is super cute and comfy :)

    Have a good weekend,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Margaret, that's wonderful that you have started a support group, and I'm glad my book has helped some other women! I'm not going to be at the conference this year. I'm hoping it will come to Portland or Seattle and then I will be there for sure!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Margs,

    Only 72 days till NAAF!!! Is this your 1st?

  • JeffreySF

    I'm sure you and Hubby will have a fantastic time at NAAF.
    BTW it is in Wash DC next year.

  • JeffreySF

    How long have you had alopecia and what stage are you at?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Margaret,

    Congrats on making the NAAF Cover!!!
    See you in Indy this June!!!

  • Heather L


    LOVE the NAAF cover! you go girl! Your story was great too!


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Margaret,

    I think NAAF started with the color theme last year. I didn't notice people doing this.
    We fly in Thur and not leaving till mon afternoon.
    Cant wait to see you!

  • JeffreySF

    California is yellow. I don't have any yellow....
  • JeffreySF

    I'm going to try and put a nice outfir together for the dance. I just havent found anything yet.
    I thought about the flower. Always a good idea.

    Cya soon
  • Heather L

    Hello Margaret!

    I'm enjoying your NAAF pictures! Not the same as being there of course...but it's nice to see! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Margaret,

    You can go to Cafe Press to purchase an Aloecia World T-shirt.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Margaret, You keep coming to my today. So I thought I would drop by and say Hi.
  • Sandra Dubose-Gibson

    Thanks for the add Margaret and your support. You have a beautiful family. Many blessings to you and yours. Stay connected.
  • RobynCS

    Hi Margs- How's my girlfriend from Long Island doing? I'm sure youre going crazy shopping for school clothes and supplies yet this weekend. Wanted to tell you that the calls and emails are flowing for the first upstate support group meeting. It will happen at the end of the month. People are coming from all over. Thank you for all your help and encouragement. I could not have done it without you! ttys, Robyn
  • RobynCS

    Margaret- I never saw what you wrote back to me. So sorry to have missed your email...Hope you are well & keeping the meltdowns to non-existent. We had our first meeting and it went very well with 15-18 people showing up. All age groups, friends/relatives of alopecians, and great jr.high & high school adolescents. So good for all of us.

    The next day, I was laid off from my job! Downsizing. That was two weeks ago and I am just trying to scramble in finding a position in this economy. It's almost to the point where I could care less about my bald head because I'm in so much new pain. A definite wtf.

    The dating scene picked up for me somehow. People are coming out of the woodwork...and decent, active good-looking males. Have a second date tomorrow. What do I say? Should I mention the whole wiggie issue or put it off until a third date...women say wait, men say tell him. Oy ee vay.

    Did you end up finding a wig that suits you? You mentioned that you could not find one that fit properly. I think it is just fantastic that you are coaching soccer and being a good role model for your girls. What age group are you coaching?

    Hi to your hubby. I think of you often too. And remember...It is all good.
  • Jess

    Hey Margaret! When and where are the meetings? How many people go? What's it like??
  • Danielle

    miss you too margs!! maybe we can meet for lunch or coffee someday soon?? ill be at the group meeting :) anything i can do to help, let me know!! hope everything is great! xoxoxo
  • RobynCS


    Back to the networking for the group...NAAF had sent out flyers to derm. drs. and NAAF members within a 100mi. radius. I guess upstate NY is more spacious than long, narrow LI. Some members had been in a group 10 or 15 yrs ago, but it was mostly moms and their young alopecians. Now the girls are HS-ers and all age groups had something to contribute to the group. Also, if I meet someone who knows a family w alopecia, I ask them to pass on the info about the meeting.

    Need to get a flat tire replaced. Oh joy.
  • RobynCS

    Happy Monday to you, Margs. Are you staying out of trouble? I am doing my thing and keeping positive. Actually saw my derm. dr. bright and early today. Do you send out flyers before you have a support group meeting? NAAF's first flyer is hard to beat.

    Also, what else do you know about 'latisse'? I remember you mentioning that it changes eye color in it's pursuit to regrow eyelashes.

    How are you and yours? Any chance of meeting me & a friend in NYC?

    Ciao for now,
  • Heather L

    Hey Girl!

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!!

    Hope you are doing well!
