
40, Female


United States

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About Me:
I have been living with alopecia universallis for about 9 years now. I've posted a blog about some of my early experience with alopecia. Now I am happily living with alopecia. I always say, "alopecia has been both the worst and best thing that ever happened to me." I have learned so much about myself as a result of having alopecia and I truely believe it has made me a better person. I don't take anything for granted and I appreciate everything and everyone in my life. I am a very happy person who after having alopecia for about 8 years have completely adjusted to it. It was hard at first but now I am so happy with who I am with or with out hair!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Beth

    Hi Nicole,
    Congratulations on the tattoo's. I need a touch up myself. If you plan to come back to NYC and want to get together, let me know. I live right across the river in Hoboken NJ and work right in midtown near new hair.
    Talk to you soon!
    ~ Beth
  • Nicole( colby's Mommy)

    you are beautiful, thought you should know!
  • Katiebug

    Hey... It says that you sent me a message but I can't figure out how to read it?
  • Liz

    Your eyebrows look great! Beautiful shape!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Nicole,
    I wanted to let you know that -- HOORAY! Advance copies of my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" are available right now!
    To find out more about the book, and order if you want, go to: Talk to you later!
  • Samantha

    Hi Nicole,
    I just want to let you know I actually contacted Jeffery Segal before I read your blog and he sent me your video! Your eyes look great! I, too, though thought your hair looked amazing. Just a question on the liner...I'm thinking of getting just my upper lid done. Was the sensitivity worse on the lids then the brow? How long did the whole procedure take?
  • Samantha

    Hey Nicole...thanks for your response! I actually decided to go through Lynn Duncan. I had a hard time decided between the two. It is definitely a tough decision to make. Both Lynn and Jeff are the two that I see all over the internet and that I have heard a lot of good things about.
    I am more nervous about the liner. I would think it would be more sensitive. I have my eyelashes still...they are falling out but for some reason it is not noticeable.
    You know, I have a question about your hair...It looks amazing! When did you decided to go and actually purchase a wig? Have you lost all of your hair? I was just diagnosed in April and my hair has fallen out and stopped growing everywhere. All I have is my lashes. The hair on my head has thinned so quickly and I have a few patches, but I am able to hide them so far. I feel like by the end of summer I will definitely need a wig. How long did you wait before you bought yours? I don't want to wait until I have visible patches, but you never know what is going to happen!
  • Vicktoria (Katya's mom)

    Hi Nicole, thanks for the answer. I have one more question. What is the difference between a hair system and a custom made wig? Thanks Vicktoria
  • Dina

    Hi Nicole -
    I was wondering how you were able to get your insurance company to pay for almost all of your expenses on your wig. My dermatologist and friend where I have bought a couple of my wigs have told me that it is rare that they chip in. I have always paid for all of my wigs. I was just wondering if you have a special insurance plan??
  • Zoe

    Wow, it seems like you're a very strong person. You look beautiful and I wished I had a wig like you. You look great!
  • Samantha

    Hey much hair had you lost once you decided to get a wig? My hair has thinned greatly. I can see my scalp when the wind blows it or when I pull it straight back (which I don't do anymore bc my head looks MASSIVE). I have a few patches, but it's a matter of time before they start becoming more noticeable. I really want it all gone already. I don't care if it falls out. Just do it already so I can get a move on. My bf thinks I'm nuts and says it looks fine. But, the same thing...I was actually in Blockbuster last weekend and saw me from far away in one of the mirrors and I thought I just looked like a freak. I just want it gone so I can get a wig that brings my old self back. You look great though. My bf couldn't believe you were wearing a wig!
  • Samantha

    Hey...kinda personal question, but I'm not sure what to do....did you tip when you had your eyebrows done? I didn't know what to do and 20% of that procedure is a crapload of money!
  • Samantha

    That's what I figured, too. I walked out feeling a little weird, but my family even said at that price they're making plenty of money. She was booked all day!
    I have to say, it is great waking up in the morning and seeing my old face again. Getting out of the shower has never been so sweet!
  • Dina

    Nicole - Just had to tell you how gorgeous those wedding pictures are. What a cute couple!! You look stunning from head to toe. I adore your dress and have to say of course, your hair looks amazing. Congratulations!!!
  • Zoe

    I love your wedding pictures! I can't stop looking at them. I'm so jealous. Where did you get that fabulous dress? You look great!
  • amanda~

    Your wedding pictures are beautiful! I'm newly engaged and was feeling a little uncertain about how if I could make it work for my wedding day. It's so nice to see that someone else has. I think you fantastic. Congats!
  • amanda~

    If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for work? I read in some conversation that you wrote that where you work people come into talk about hair and aleopecia. I'm just curious.
  • amanda~

    Thanks Nicole for the congrats. I'm wondering, the place that you work for...does one have to physically be in the store to get the mould made etc. I'm obviously up in Canada and not in the US so I'm wondering if I were to decide that I wanted to come to purchase from your store (your work) would I have to make a trip to the US?
  • amanda~

    Any info you can send me is much appreciated. I do not know if I will go forward with it but I would like to check out all of my options. I look forward to hearing from you & thanks again for any and all help.
  • amanda~

    I too am uncertain how to send or receive private messages on this site. I have left a comment for Cheryl (site developer) asking for directions. I will be sure to pass them on as soon as I hear from her.
    I managed to semi-fix the wig I was so upset about. I am not comfortable trying the tape tomorrow so I think instead I will just go to work with my old wig and deal with whatever people have to say. I figure when they ask about my hair from last week I'll jsut say "yeah it was a wig and I learned Im allergic to the adhesive" and then I'll stop talking. They likely won't ask me "is what you're wearing now a wig" so I think it'll be alright. I will figure out what to do with the new wig eventually and wear it when I'm ready to do so. I can't keep missing work over hair! Thanks for the support.
  • Jennifer M

    I've been thinking about getting a full lace wig! But I don't get how it works with the lace and stuff. Do you cut it off our do you tape?
    xo Jennifer
  • amanda~

    ok so here's what yo have to do. You have to accept my friendship request then look under my photo on my profile and you hit "send message" and that's how the private emails work. I look forward to hearing from you.

    As well, I got your msg and today back at work went very well...I will write a blog about it if I have a chance if not, I'll do it tomorrow morning. thanks
  • Jennifer M

    I don't know how to explain what I mean in english... Hmm..
    But beneath the hairline it's like a strip of seethrough-something. Well, whatever! haha, It's hard to explain without showing you what I mean!
    Where do you live?
  • Khabalu


    lovely meeting you here.
    Thx adding as your friend.

    I must say you had a beautiful wedding :)
  • Jackie

    Thank you, Nicole! I will call as soon as I get a chance.
    Looking forward to it!
  • Jessica

    Hi Nicole is your hair what you would consider a vacuum piece? if so how comfortable are they and how hot do they get?

    thank you
  • Jackie

    Hi Nicole,
    Thanks for letting me know. My email address is: (with an underscore in the middle of my name).
    I hope it works this time!!
    Thanks again,
  • Jessica

    ok so do you need to be at or au to wear them or if you have patchy AA are they good too? Can you swim in them I just was so unhappy with the reg wig that I had before. I was not the same texture and felt so itchy.

    well thank you for all the info
  • Chelsea McGee

    Hi Nicole! I just wanted to say YOU ARE GORGEOUS! :) Hope We Can Chat Soon!
  • Dotty

    Hi Nicole,
    I wanted to update you on the get together. We are planning it for September 13th in Boston. We haven't finalized the place but it is narrowed down to 3 places. The Cheesecake Factory, Vinny T's (Italian) or Firefly (BBQ). Let me know if you are still interested and if you have a preference. A few of us are making a whole day of it with attending a tattoo convention in the later afternoon and going to watch my daughter's boyfriend's band that night. My email addy is if you would like to contact me that way. I hope you can come.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dawn

    Hi Nicole,
    Your hairpiece is lovely. I am shopping around for my first wig. Can you tell me how much a hair prothesis would cost? How far are you from Kennebunkport? I have family that lives there and may go there in October.
  • Dawn

    Today, I just went to the Hair Club. The lady said that she never had a customer with so much hair. Well, they started to put the system on. I asked if they could use maybe the tape, just in case I didn't like it, it could be easily taken off. Well she pulled up my hair and glued the system on the perimeter of my head. It felt like this tape was pulling my hair out. She started to pull my hair through this system and OUCH!! It kept getting tangled. The holes on this integration system were about the size of an eraser top. I thought that they would be bigger. So after her trying to pull my hair through the cap or system for an hour, I asked her to stop and take it off. It was just to painful. Maybe I do have too much hair at this time. I hated that it didn't work out because I was hoping this was my solution but it was to painful. Do you know of any other options? I wonder if the holes in the integration was just too small and is there another way to attach this system? Also, it had taken her an hour to pull some of my hair through the cap and she still was not done. Does this typically take this long? Are integrations more trouble than they are worth?
  • Dotty

    Hi Nicole,
    Thanx for the nice comment about the article. And, the Boston meeting was AWESOME!!! We really had a wonderful time and are planning to have another one in a couple of months. Maybe a Christmas one!!! I hope you can come to that one. I really am looking forward to meeting you. There was also three of us that went to the tattoo convention after lunch. We were photographed by a professional photographer and interviewed twice. Once by a college student doing a piece for the Boston University newspaper, and another video interview by some people doing a documentary!! We had so much fun. I can't wait to have another luncheon. We'll have to plan it for a time that you can definitely come. My friend Joyce is trying to get us interviewed again the next time by a friend of hers that works for a news station!!! So, let's keep in touch and get this in the works okay?
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dawn

    Are you ever down south?? I would be really interested. I just don't know if I can get up there to Maine. Is there anyone you could suggest around this area. I live in southeast Georgia.
  • Jackie

    Hi Nicole,
    Things are going fine. I work for an election services company, so you can imagine how busy we are right now!! I've been trying to get my paperwork together to see about having insurance pay for my pieces, but haven't had time yet. I'm also considering a vacuum piece. So, my quest is on hold for now. Once I get some things in place, I will be in touch.
    How are you?
    Have an awesome day!
    Jackie :)
  • Jackie

    Thanks so much! Enjoy this fall weather and I will be in touch! Jackie :)
  • Zoe

    HEy Nicole,

    I'm also starting to lose my eyelashes! I hate it and I feel really uncomfortable. It keeps me up when I look at your page and I see pictures of you. You're so pretty and so strong. Can I add you to facebook?
  • Zoe

    Hey Nicole,

    do you wear your wig all day long? Also when you're at home or do you take if off then?

    I take my wig off when I get home but I feel so unattractive without it.
  • Shana and Taylor

    Hey Nicole,
    I am taylor and i have alopecia areata you have a bio matrix or in other words a lace wig that is glued on? I do! I love it and i was asking because in one of the pictures up there it looks like you have what i have....your hair looks a lot like mine!

    just wonderin
  • Lia

    thanks for the warm welcome =) you're gorgeous and have a fabulous wig - i hope mine will look that good
  • Shana and Taylor

    I like your wig anyway! looks like "you"! Thanks for the comment.


    p.s wanna be buddies
  • Hannah

    Stopping in to say hi! Your pictures are beautiful, what an inspiration!
  • Lori

    hey Nicole- sorry it has been pretty close to forever! When did you get married? Absolutely stunning. I am so happy for you. Lou has decided to go natural and kindergarten has been ok, except when she tried to ride the bus home one day- now I pick her up. She said kids were actually touching her head.... Dotty is coming over tomorrow which will be Lou's first exposure to meeting someone else with AU... I think it will help alot. I hope you are well and staying warm! Spring can't come fast enough for me. -Lori
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Nichole,
    Stopped in to say hello.
    I'll be back doorbell and phone. Grrrr

  • Amy

    Your hair looks great. It's all custom or semi custom by your shop? Are they both lace?
  • Fox

    Hi Nicole you look great! I'm also losing my hair.

    thanks for posting the info where you buy your hair,I'm going to read it right now :))
  • Fox

    do you use tape or glue for your hair?
  • Sam Sam

    Love your page. You look great!!
  • Jules

    Just wanted to say your photos look your hair!
  • Emily

    Hi Nicole!
    I was reading through various old posts and discovered that you had both your eyeliner and eyebrows done by Jeff Segal. Jeff recently did my eyebrows (love them!), and I'm now considering getting the eyeliner done. I was wondering if you had him do the hairstroke eyelashes on your eyeliner or if you went with the straight, traditional liner. I'm not sure which would look best, and I'd love to hear about which type you chose and whether or not you were happy with it. Thanks for any insight you can provide! Your brows and eyeliner look great!