Jennifer Krahn




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About Me:
I have AU and an adventurous spirit! I love running, camping, hiking, fishing, waterskiing, volleyball and anything to do with the outdoors.
I wear a Freedom Wig and am very excited to be a Rep for Freedom Hair up here in Canada! Visit my website
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Jenn! I just read that you went to Chicago for your fitting for a FW. What was your experience like? I am not going to be too far behind you. Do they show you samples of hair? Thanks for the information. How are you doing? Loved your blog about the "mrs potato head"...too cute! Glad you can make light of the situation :)
  • Ella

    Yay, we share the same birthday! I hope you have a most fantastic day.
    don't you just love this kitty in a lime peel:)
    XX Ella
  • Ella

    Just stopping by to say hi :)
  • Donna DeHoog

    Happy Belated Birthday, Jenn! I hope you had a fab day!
  • Monica LUPUS MATTERS Ellis

    Jenn,THANK YOU so much for the compliment.Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
  • Ella

    Hi Jenn, hope you are doing well :) Just wanted to tell you I have an appointment with Deb Fuller tuesday morning.....I am soooo excited.
  • Jeff W

    Hi Jenn!
    It's been awhile and I just wanted to drop by and say Hi! Love the new photos. You look great! Belated Happy Birthday wishes as well!
  • Jeff W

    Hi Jenn!
    Great profile pic! Hope you're doing well. We got nearly 2 feet of snow today. Thought of you because now I know what it's like to be in Canada! Have a great holiday!
  • Emily

    Hi Jenn! I've been wearing Amore wigs for several years now, and I wanted to let you know that I purchased the Codi wig about a month ago after seeing it on you here on Alopecia World. You look fantastic in it! I'm wondering what wig you have on in your current profile picture--it looks gorgeous. Is it another Amore wig? Or did you invest in something different? I'm getting married in July and am looking for something longer that I can play with a bit for some sort of "wedding style". Not quite ready to take the financial plunge and get a lace or vacuum wig, especially with so many other more exciting things to pay for (like a great honeymoon!). Thanks for any insight!
  • Emily

    Hi Jenn! Thanks for all of the information. I will definitely look into the Rene of Paris human hair wigs. As for eyebrows, I had mine done about a month ago here in Chicago by Jeff Segal (is that who was recommended to you?), and I LOVE them. I was extremely nervous going into the procedure and did a lot of research beforehand, so I can relate to what you're going through now. I'm going back in for my touch up sometime in the next week or so. I'm even contemplating getting the eyeliner done because I'm so happy with the results. I haven't had brows for about 3 years, and I finally feel like a real person again. I don't have to hide behind heavy bangs anymore, and not a single person (that I know of) has noticed that my eyebrows aren't real. In short, if you don't think your eyebrows are coming back any time soon, call Jeff immediately. You'll be so much happier. If you send me a private message with your email address, I'd be happy to send you some pictures of the eyebrows.
  • Natalie

    Oh my gosh that is so exciting that you are getting a Freedom Wig! You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I love mine more and more everyday, seriously. What color/style/texture are you going to get? Did you order it from Karen Peterik? So exciting!!!
  • Natalie

    Wow that sounds fabulous! Isn't Karen amazing?! I love her! I just got mine in October, so I'm not really sure how it is in the heat, but so far it is very comfortable and I have never felt over-heated in it. I have even run on the treadmill at the gym with it on a few times and it stays on perfectly even when I'm really sweaty! It truly is amazing. You will love yours, I just know it! What a great way to start 2010!
  • Ella

    Stopping in to to say hi!! How are you doing? Love your profile pic, I see similarities to Bridget Moynahan and Mariska Hargitay :)

  • MacKenzie

    Thank you for your encouraging comment :) Do you have a freedom wig and what is your opinion of it?! I love my wig now but want to have other options as well!
  • Marie

    Thank you, Jenn! Everyone knows I'm addicted to wigs; they are so much fun.
  • Neil Pendleton

    Thanks Jenn, good to hear about your experiences too. Thanks!
  • iamsuperyasz

    hello jenn!

    thank you for the compliment=)
    how are you doing today?
  • Veronique

    Thank you Jenn,
    Your pictures look great, your kids are beautiful:-) and so are you, with and without hair. I had my head shaved today. I put the lacewig on right away, and like you said It wasn,t as painful as I thought. i felt in control,and i prefered that than watching my hair falls. Anyway i feel released, cause i had been thinking about it for a while. I was so scared...but now I did it, and i'm glad.
    have a good day-xx
  • Dina

    Thanks Jenn!!
    First of all I have to say you are so adorable, and your family is gorgeous!! I am glad to see you are doing well with alopecia. My dad has a friend who is a surgeon and he told me years ago, look - you have a condition that you cannot control. It is in your best interest to learn to cope with it now and not to try to fight it or chase after a cure that is not there. I understand we are all different and cope with things differently. However, I am a sensitive person by nature. I remember my dad being very concerned that the possibility of losing my hair would wreck me. They were quite relieved and surprised at my attitude. I will never forget those first few months going on the alopecia message boards, basically I was just interested to see what other women were doing about wigs and I stumbled across some women that were just completely and totally paralyzed by the condition. I remember trying to help one by writing to her almost everyday and I found she was bringing me down and I was beginning to question why I was not like her. No matter what I said to her, she wanted to be miserable over this. That is when I just did my own thing, did my own research, sought out wigs online and never returned back to the message boards there. My boyfriend was reading about botox for alopecia the other night lol. I want it for my face, not my head - kidding.
    Nice to meet you Jenn, hope to keep in touch!! xo
  • Dina

    Buttercream Cupcake
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hello Jenn, I'm Pam I saw you on Aimee's page as I left her a note. My goodness I too am at a year with AAU.
    Your beautiful & what a lovely family, like your lab we have 2. You can see them on my page. We sadly could not have children so we have 4 legged. It was nice meeting & I
    just wanted introduce myself. Take Care
  • Julia McDowell

    Hi Jenn,

    I got it from Debbi Fuller. I LOVE it! I didn't wear it much in the day time in Jamaica - I guess I'm still babying it! but when I did, it felt great. I wear it all day every day since I got home though.
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Jenn...How are you? It has been a while! I am getting real close to the big shave and possibly ordering a freedom wig. Has yours come in yet? Please let me know your thoughts on it! Thank you!
  • Amber

    I've read your blog entries, they are inspiring and a bit of a window into what might lie ahead for me. Tell me, did you get your wigs in Manitoba?? Whereabouts?? Not really sure where to begin and what to look for in a wig and unfortunately I'm about five hours out of the city. You said you like to camp, does the campfire smoke smell linger in a wig??? What's your solution to that one? Thanks again, Amber
  • Shannon

    Thanks for the friend invite, Jenn. I'm afraid I too am on the road to universalis. Only one full eyebrow and one full set of eyelashes left (on opposite sides if you can believe that!) Did you ever find the name of a great eyeliner that stays put?
  • Seadra

    Thank you for your kind words on my new hair photo :) I know what you mean by the wait...Mine took 6 months from order to delivery! Still waiting to get it cut and styled, so I'm not really wearing it yet, plus wearing hair at all will take some getting used to for me. You are gorgeous too by the way!
  • Pat Latina

    Jen, I'm not a beach person, per say, but when you're out in the sun do you put anything on it? To protect it from the sun? Just wondering cause it's been so hot & humid in CT and I've been by the pool alot and I don't want to ruin it. Thanks for your input.
    P.S. I love that we can do so much with it, ponytail, up, down, nothing - I LOVE IT, too. BTW how long is your FW, mine is 8".
  • Pat Latina

    I actually use redkin too. The sunscreen stuff you leave it on? And tell me more about this cap hairpiece.Jen thanks so much. 10" must give you a nice ponytail.
  • Natalie

    Hi Jenn! How do you like your vacuum wig?? I can't wait to get another one...I'm just saving up some money. Hope you are well :)
  • Pat Latina

    Hi Jen thanks for the info on the sunscreen. I went away this past week and used some different type of shampoo & conditioner (not redkin) and it seems to me that the hair is not right. I've shed more hair than ever before using the redkin. I think I should wash/condition it with redkin again but I'm afraid since I just washed it with that other stuff two days ago. What you think?
  • Natalie

    Hi Jenn,
    I'm glad to hear that you are loving your Freedom hair! Isn't it amazing how you can do everything with it that you could do with your real hair? I let my Freedom hair air dry for the first time the other day, and it has these incredible waves that I never knew about! It feels like I have a whole new wig :)
    Take care,
  • Kimberly

    Thank you so much for the comments and support. I am just not sure what to do yet. I'm leaning towards shaving and ordering a FW. I can't let this run my life anymore, I need to run it. All I have done for the last 2 months is hide in the house. No more work outs, no more working, nothing. I have to make a change. Talking to you and others here on AW is helping me figure out what steps I need to take. I apprecaite your support so much. Thanks
  • andrea

    Hi jenn!

    I wanted to check in with you as I just got my Freedom Hair piece also! (i remember we ordered them around the same time from Karen). Anyway i just posted a pic of mine...i love the feel of it...kinda wish my bangs were longer but ill get used to it. Also kicking myself for not going with a longer length! oh well...that will have to be for the next time around. You mentioned swimming...I"M DYING to jump into a pool! i have to ask...did yours stay on ok? just curious.

    Hope all is well!
  • Natalie

    Sounds like you had a fun ski trip with your wig!!! Glad to hear that you are loving it and loving life with it :)
  • Carol Yuen

    hey jenn, your freedom wig is so beautiful. it really suits you. do u mind telling me how much it costs because i am looking into getting one pretty soon. thanks
  • Gail

    Best of luck to you in the marathon! You are brave for doing that - hair or no hair!
  • MiNAH

    Been a long are you and the family doing Jenn???
  • Tamara

    Thank you so much!! :)
  • Donna DeHoog

    WOW JENN!! I absolutely LOVE your new freedom wig!!!!!!! Ok , my mind is made up! Definitely doing it after seeing yours! Who did you order yours from? Is yours the 10 inch or 12 inch? Density? ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! You look fabulous!
  • Pat

    Good luck in the marathon...let us know how you did!
  • Margeaux

    Congrats on your Marathon! What was your time?
  • enez R

    Hi Jen!

    I am new to this forum, I actually found your page while looking for a picture of a hair piece I am interested in but I love how natural the piece in your pic looks, I am guessing it has to be custom? If not would you mind sharing what style it is? You look amazing! Thanks! Enez
  • Devin

    Hi Jenn,
    Thanks for the add, I ran one Marathon a long time ago and I was going to ask your time, but saw it on Margeaux wont believe me but I swear mine was 4:09...but no pee breaks so I guess you beat me! haha
    Great pics-you have a good looking family.
  • Kylie Bamberger

    thank you very much!!
    many of the photos were actually school projects, but it is my passion and has turned into much more than a school project haha
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Jenn - checking in to see how life is and how your wig is doing? Did you keep it longer? I did and I'm so happy...everyone tells me it makes me look younger (only 45 so not sure how much younger :) --
    How do you wash your wig liner? I'm not sure what products to use? Anyway, Happy Holidays to you and your family and you look GORGEOUS!
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Hi you! Happy Holidays! (Much happier celebrating with new hair .. I can say that for sure! :)--- Thank you so much for the compliments...I just got my hair thinned out a bit more (2nd time) and the bangs cut a bit more. Was just still wayyy too heavy.

    We built our home in 2003 and moved in two days before Christmas. We LOVE our home - I'll take some interior shots and send them to you. I can just see it in the midst of a forest..(gorgeous setting - where?!) It's actually not overly large - 3800 sq feet - main floor master w/ 2 more bedrooms downstairs. Very open - outdoor kitchen - large deck..we live in every room - truly. We have the plans - Kirk and I worked with an amazing architect and actually the home was copied from another home in the Evergreen area (up I70 toward Breckenridge).

    The pictures by the way were taken by a great photographer - Kirk and I donated a ton of money to the Animal Shelter (a new one was just built here in Golden) and purchased a van that our doggies pictures will be on - they added a professional photo setting for all of us! We were so happy - such fun! My dogs are amazingly gorgeous aren't they?!

    Have a wonderful wonderful Holiday Jenn!

  • meliana

    thnks for the add! it feels good to know i am not alone!!!
  • liselle

    I actually bought the codi wig because it looked so good on you.
    I ordered ginger brown, and toasted brown.
    Thanks so much.
    Hope you are well :)
  • Jessica

    hey did you cut your piece to a bob?? whatever you did love it looks so pretty
  • Jessica

    THanks Jenn,

    I actually have cut bangs since getting this piece, so it looks a bit different. My last one was cut into a bob and i really like it short but kind of liking longer for now. How long did you order this time? Mine was 10 inches didn't get much cut off. I love the inverted bob cut it's my favorite look that's what my hair used to look like BEFORE it fell out. ugh well take care enjoy the day.
    talk soon