Georgia Van C

Los angeles, California

United States

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About Me:
I have alopecia and I am a stand up comic and a children's entertainer, and a writer and a runner, and an actor and a hugger!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Annette Duran

    Hey Georgia, I came across your page and I noticed that you have a beautiful smile and that you are in the L.A. area. I am a full time student with Alopecia. I am studying Television Production and am working on a PSA class project on Alopecia. I was wondering of you would be interested in coming out on camera for it. It will get filmed in Nothridge and will send a very positive message about the support groups out there for people with AA. Please consider it and get back to me. Thanks, Annette.
  • Dylan

    heyyyy how are you :D
  • Dylan

    heyyy babe wats up ;p lol ttyl
  • Annette Duran

    Can you send me your email? Thanks!
  • Ken

    I took a quick peek at your girlfromdownunder site and think the focus of your work is fantastic. Am going to look at it when I have a bit more time over the next few days. You seem incredibly gifted. Namaste....
  • TC

    just saw ur vid u look beautiful with hair but amazing with out!! :o)
  • Dylan

    heyyy wats up :D any thing newÉÉÉÉ
  • carly

    hey whats up:)
  • JayB

    Hello Georgia Van C, thank you for the video contribution, hope all's well with you.
  • Shana and Taylor

    I like the photo up there with you in the red hair....real hair or fake hair? I think it is real, dont know!! I am taylor! And me and my mom go on here and find out what people are going through as well as telling them what i am going through. How are you? WHat type of Alopecia do you have? I have alopecia>areata.

    Nice talking to ya!
  • Marcelo M

    hey how is going ? got a question for you what is this DNCB stuff you mentioned at the group ?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    WOW that is amazing. A TV Show. Congratuations! I am guessing it is a kids show?
  • Shana and Taylor

    who is the girl with large red boots that's doin a back bend?
  • Shana and Taylor

    THAT WAS YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????? OMG! I wouldn't hav noticed. It looks like a kid! WHo is the girl with the redish hair? you?
  • Shana and Taylor

    your look changes so fast!!!!
  • Margie

    Hi Georgia, I saw your video clip and it's great. as the others have said earlier, you are beautiful with and without hair. I applaud you for all you do with kids. That's fantastic! I see you are doing filming regarding Alopecia, what will you do with it?
  • Tammy -mom of Ramsey

    Thank you Georgia! You are an inspiration.
  • Margie

    You are undertaking such a fantastic project. I thank you....people need to become aware. I had never known about Alopecia until it happened to my son. Then, if I saw a woman or child bald I immediately assumed it was chemo....I had no idea. It would make so much easier for people if only there was more knowledge. I would be very proud to have my child in your film but am not sure that he would feel comfortable. I will ask him. But who knows. His strenght through this all has been awesome. I'll let you know.
  • Adrian Coe

    Hi Georgia,
    Hows sunny Carlifornia? I see your in agroup health & fitness, i better check that out?as i own a small gym in UK. You,ve probably read my profile, so know which part of this journey im on.Your job sounds fantastic, i have 2 beautiful daughters the eldest one Chloe is 11 and is in Stage and musical. she was accepted in Royal youth Ballet a couple of years ago, and is currently in Christmas panto here.. in Alladin..she works incredibly hard but loves it 2 performances a day 6 days a week.. plus her schooling... im not with her mum anymore but we remain close friends as she means the world to us...i will show her your fantastic video.
    Anyway take care and stay cool...thanks for the friend invite x
  • Children's Alopecia Project

    I found you again Georgia, I may never get to email you info if I keep finding new things to see with you!!
  • Stephanie Jacquelyn

    oh my geez Georgia. I just watch your trailer and it looks amazing. I'm right there with you.
  • Stephanie Jacquelyn

    Please let me know when it'll be available to the masses. It looks like such an amazing project...
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Georgia,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How is everything with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Georgia,

    All is good with me too.
    Are you going to the NAAF Conf?

  • myranda

    hey chica my name is myranda

    seen your profile check mine out think we would
    be good friends lol

    ; )
  • Buddy Daniels Friedman

    Hi Georgia it is buddy the man you signed up, I am learning more about the site all the time, I am SO VERY VERY VERY HAPPY A 10000 TIMES THAT YOU SHOULD ME THIS & that I meet you, I am so close to seeing you then so far away. I want you to be my friend forever. If I say any more I will embarres myself, so that is it, WE WILL GET TOGETHER SOON!!!!!!!! Love Buddy { hope that is ok to say to you}
  • Buddy Daniels Friedman

    I am in Anahiem as I am writeing this, and finally haveing the time to answer a lot of the Alopecia people, I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MORE TIME TO TALK TO EVERYONE , BUT i AM GOING A LITTLE AT A TIME, my caps was on , not going over it. I am in Anaheim working the food show down here.
    So hope rehersal went well, still want to se you & your Act.
    Your friend, Buddy

    p.s We will hook up soon.
  • Buddy Daniels Friedman

    What do you mean not well, that gets me conserned, your health ,hair fall out or acting, please let me know you can call me. Any time. I will call you when I am back home.
  • Carol Solis

    Hi Georgia,,I live in Orange County Calif. ...
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Georgia,

    Whats up Girl?
    All is good here. Hope so with you too.

  • Samantha

    Hi Georgia....I was searching around the internet today and came across a trailer for your documentary....has it been completed yet? I'm very interested in seeing it. It's one thing to read about each others struggles and situations with Alopecia, but to actually see it would mean a world of difference. look amazing with or without the wig!
  • BR Horton

    I never new how pretty baldness can be till I saw your page. Keep on smiling.
  • Cindy

    Hi Georgia, it was great to meet you this weekend at CAP. My daughter Samantha (dancing queen) loved hanging out with you this weekend and dancing and singing with you! I wish you much luck and happiness with your future endeavors! Cindy
  • Samantha

    thanks Georgia!
  • Essence

    yay, thank you =)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Georgia,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Happy New Year!

  • Alexandra Youmazzo

    Alex would love to be a part of the documentary. Let me know when and where.
  • Alexandra Youmazzo

    You can e-mail us at
  • Denise

    Thank you , you have helped me, without even meeting me, I too am a positive person, I love the idea of the film. Let us know when it is done and going to run or air & where & when. Thanks again Denise
  • Kathleen Hertzig

    Hi There,

    I was reading your profile and looking at your profile. You appear to be such a great person. I was wondering if you are wearing hair in some of your photos. Also, how long have you had Alopcia and how are you coping? I am having a touch time and am concerned about wearing hair, well different hair. I already wear clip in pieces, but need to cover the top.
    Thanks so much,
  • Bernard Stevens

    That's my fav. Scaggs tune! Although I had the verse wrong! It's "Georgia, your daddy was high the night he dreamed up you!", plus I spelled Boz wrong! LOL
  • Roger

    Hi =)

    Cool thing about the 7Eleven thing!

    Hugs, Roger.
  • Lisa M

    Hi Georgia,
    It's Lisa from Australia! I've sent you an email to your Yahoo account, to say that I would definitely be keen to help out with your movie.
    I've watched all of your videos and screen shots; you look and sound amazing!
    Please feel free to call me any time, I also travel regularly to the US, so if you need me there, "bring it on"
    Thanks mate,
  • Jill

    Thanks for the friend request!
  • benechia

    Hey there G, thank you so much for your request. I've watched the video and brought many smiles, and tears of joy! I'm so glad to see the embracement of Alopecia among so many people. I would love to be apart of your film. Just let me know what's needed of me and Im there.
  • Henrik

    Thanks for the friend add! ^^

    And a very good initiative with the movie =D
  • Bernard Stevens

    Trailer looks Great! When will it be finished, and how are you going to be interviewing for the film, do we submit a vid or how is it going to work! thx -B-
  • Leilani Eliepa

    Hi thanks for the Add, this is all so new and bit scary at the moment... hate the unknown!!
  • Serge

    Hi Georgia,


    I saw your interview on the channel 7 morning show. Great stuff! It's good to see alopecia getting a bit of publicity down here in oz. 


    Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and great new year!




  • Devin

    Happy Valentines Day Georgia!