Children's Alopecia Project

Reading, PA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am Jeff Woytovich, the founder of CAP. I started CAP so we could help raise awareness but also the self-esteem in children living with all forms of alopecia. We want them to become stronger teens and productive adults and the advocates of the future!

My daughter Madison started to lose her her when she was 5 years old and within 3 months it was all gone. There were no support groups out there that specifically catered to kids and their self-esteem. So when others would not help my wife and I started CAP.

Build Self-Esteem - Provide Support - Raise Awareness

We are proud to partner with Alopecia World and look forward to all of the great happenings that will go on with CAP, Alopecia World and all the other great organizations out there that are inclusive to everyone with all forms of Alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jeff, Nice to see you join us. I don't know if you noticed that a few people have started a group "Parents of Children with Hairloss", that may be a place for you as well. Take care. Cheryl
  • Dotty

    Hi Jeff,
    Nice to see you. Hope all is well with you and the family. Tell everyone hello for me.
  • Jessica

    I love the CAP site had alot of info....
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jeff,

    Welcome the the AW group. I'm glad there are people like you supporting the youngsters.

  • Maria, Mia's Mom

    HI,Jeff. I was wondering if You can give me some advice/or daughter has alopecia and Today was a bad day for us he came home from school and for some reason broke down....she is only 4yrs...I thinking of getting her couseling .Do u know of any therapist that is good with children with alopecia? PLease let me know.Thanks to you and your organization..
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Jeff, Welcome to the site!! We sure do love this page with the pictures that you have put together. We are certain you and your group will be able to help parents and children and many others.
  • Tray (Jazz's Mom)

    Cant wait to get your reply via email to become a member to the site.
    Thanks and my daughter and I look forward to receive the information so that we my inform her school and others of Alopecia.
    Thanks again
    -Tray and Jazzmyn
  • Tray (Jazz's Mom)

    I just wanted to stopy by and say thanks. I revied the informtion as promised in the mail the other day!
    Thanks again!

  • Children's Alopecia Project

    A new chapter of the Children's Alopecia Project will be starting in the
    Missouri/Illinois area this coming Saturday, April 26th.

    The Burke family are the facilitators and they were featured this past weekend in the St. Charles Suburban Journals.

    Visit the below link -
    http://stcharlesjou rnal.stltoday. com/articles/ 2008/04/21/ news/sj2tn200804 19-0420stc- pokin0.ii1. txt

    If you are interested in joining us or would like more information
    about future meetings of the Missouri/Illinois group please contact us at capkids@charter. net

    We now have CAP Kids Meetings in PA, NY, MO/IL and MI. If you have an interest in being a CAP Kid Meeting facilitator let Jeff or Betsy Woytovich know at
  • Jess

    Hey, just wanted to say I really like your organization. I have had alopecia since I was 3 and felt pretty alone growing up. You are really going to make these kids lives a whole lot better :)
    If there is anything I can do to help I would love to, just let me know!!
  • sgomez

    It's a really great, what you're doing for children w/ AA. I am interested in being involved. I myself was diagnosed at 10 months, and lost it all at 5 years. I have recently started a support group here in Arizona, and one of my goals is to do something for the children. I have thought about doing a group just for kids. I would love your advice. I will look into the cap website to see how I can get involved. Do you have a directory of your members? Is anyone from Arizona?
  • Margaret H Baker

    Hiyah Jeff & Betsy,
    Thankyou so much for bringing the CAP crew up from PA to see the show. I can't tell you how moving it was for my cast to meet the kids. What an adorable group!
    It would be great to find a way to get us down to Philly for a "run" in the fall. Much love to you guys!
  • Andrew

    Hi Jeff,
    This camp sounds great! I'm sure the camp has changed many young alopecians lives for the better. I would have loved to be apart of camp like this while growing up with AA.
    I recently have been trying to help young ones who suffer from diseases/illnesses. I currently volunteer as a camp counselor at Camp Okizu (childrens cancer camp) a matter of fact...I leave again this Saturday wahooo. It's really a special experience because you're not only surrounded by an amazing and inspiring group of kids...but the camp experience is awesome. I would love to be able to help bring this camping experience to young alopecians on the west coast. Is CAP located anywhere on the west coast? If not, then how can one go about starting a new chapter?
  • Erin

    This is a wonderful thing. I would love so much to do something like this here. I want to help others, especially kids and teens feel better about what is going on! good job!
  • Gina Choate

    I love the pics, can't wait to show my daughter. She is 6 and doesn't know anyone her age with alopecia. I'm not sure how or what we could do to help but hopefully you have some ideas for us.
  • Taylor-Jean

    Dear CAP:
    I am a mother of a young girl with Alopecia and I would be so greatful to learn about these camps. My daughter feels so alone and I would give anything for her to be able to meet other children with Alopecia. She needs to see that she is not alone! Ever so grateful, Cynthia (B.C.,Canada).
  • Carrie & Nicky Johnson

    Where are you based out of? This looks great!
  • Peyton

    Hi! I guess I have grown up a lot and I'm so grateful that my hair has grown back too! Of course, I still have a few patches here and there but I can't complain about that! How is Madison? Tell her I said Hi!
  • Cindy

    Jeff, I think some time ago I saw your post on another board about expanding CAP meeting to other areas of the country. Is that something that still interests you?
  • Kelli

    Hi Jeff,

    I just recently joined this website and have become aware of your organization. I live in the Reading area and was wondering if you were aware of any alopecia support groups in the area of adults? Any info you have would be great! Thanks!
  • Kelli

    Thanks for the info! I would definitely be interested in attending your monthly meetings and helping out with the kids! Can I find information on the CAP website regarding meeting times and locations? Can I just show up, do I need to bring anything?? I now live in Exeter Township with my husband, but I grew up in Whitfield and graudated from Wilson. We are basically neighbors!
  • Megan

    hi Jeff,
    how do i go about registering for the event in philadelphia?
  • Tamara Reckley

    I just learned about AA in March 2009. In 1 month by daughter lost all her hair and to this day she is still totally bald. I need help and advice. I live in Nassau, and down here alopecia is very rare in kids. She is 7 yrs old and I'm trying to be strong for her.
  • sarah bradley

    i have alapesia and i want to help find a cure =)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jeff,

    I was talking with Carol tonight and she told me she had an awesome time in Philly for Alopeciapalooza.

    Hope all is going good with you and yours!!!

  • alyssa

    hey jeff, i was at the alopecia-palooza, i would like to know if you have the other pictures that were taken?
  • alyssa

    i'm very sorry, but i still dont know how to get into the photobucket
  • Roger

    Great photos from Philly =)

  • JeffreySF

    Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!!!

  • Danielle

    Hey, I saw that you are going to be in Pittsburgh for the marathon I was just wondering if you knew were you would be set up, if in oakland I definatly will stop by and say Hi!
  • Sarah Eisenhardt

    Have a happy Halloween Love Caden
  • PaulJ


    I love what you have done with CAP. Here in NZ we are starting to organise a NZ network, support and events and I am just about to complete our first website. Do you mind if I link CAP on it and an introduction. We dont have anything here at the moment and I'd love to see people read about what you have done and inspire them to make the same thing here.
