

Philadelphia, PA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi, name is Alina and I'm 24 years old.I came to America with my fam at age 4 from Moldova(little country next to Ukraine)I loved my life in America up until about 6 months ago when I started loosing my hair.It never really stopped shedding after that.My bio hair has thinned out greatly and is quite dry and breaks of easily. The doctors don't know what kind of Alopecia I have,I still need more tests done.
Pretty soon I'll muster up the courage to shave my head and start wearing wigs.I think about going bald all the time. I think I'll be ok with that, but I really hope I don't loose my eye lashes or eyebrows. I really like mine :(
Hair loss isn't easy
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Diego Martínez

    Hello Alina, thanks for added me and happy 2012!!

  • Mats!

    hehe thx, you dont look so bad yourself ;) ... very pretty.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Alina!
    How are you today? I first got alopecia at age 24 too.
    Leslie Ann

  • Jared

    My friend who was taking the shots said i should try one with me giving the finger. That shot turned out to be the one where you can see the heart the best lol.

  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Alina, Thanks for friending me! If you need to talk, feel free to contact me. How's the weather in the City of Brotherly Love?? It chilly here but no snow in NH. I'm headed down to DC tomorrow though, maybe it will be warmer there!

  • abdelrahman elfeky

    hey , i'm fine thank u , wt about u ?

  • Paul

    Hi Alina thanks for friending me. I hope all is well with you.

  • Aeron Howarth

    Hi thank you for the add. (:

  • Tom S.

    Hey Alina, thanks for the add!

  • Blakediddle

    Hey! Thanks for the add! I am new to the website & new to alopecia! I've been losing my hair for 8 months and proud to report I still have eyebrows & lashes! I don't care about my eye brows but I hope I keep my lashes! They are my favorite! Stay strong!
  • Blakediddle

    Thank you for the compliment! He is so much stronger than me! To him its like nothing has happened at all because he loves me anyways! I don't understand how he is so confident but I'm so happy to have his support!.. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye lashes.. stay strong you are beautiful!
  • Aeron Howarth

    Yeah I like Pennsylvania. It is definitely a nice place to grow up. How do you like it?

  • Rachael B.

    hey! no problem! and ya, i'm being as strong as i can (: getting stronger each day! :)

  • Aeron Howarth

    Yeah Pa has its ups and downs. (: Thanks for the picture comment. You are really gorgeous.:D

  • Pat

    Hi Alina thanks for the friend add. Sorry to hear you're going through this's tough sometimes.



  • Pat

    I agree with you, this site does help heaps to meet others going through the same thing. I have met a couple where I live who have alopecia but basically this condition can make us feel very much on our own. I have a terrific partner who is very supportive and that helps a lot.I'm doing very well and my au doesn't bother me too much these days. Hope today is a good one for you too...

  • Ilia Reed

    Hi Alina, thanks for the request. Soon it's two years that I went bald. I could never imagine to have no hair. And here I am, bald and happy with it - and meeting great people at least here (no baldy around in my little world). Take care!

  • Kevin Woolen

    It is a lot of fun. I know the feeling of losing your eye lashes, my heir is all most all gone what is left is patch. The only thing I still miss is my eye hair. If you want support the convention is a great place to meet people how know how you feel. And it's inspiring to see so many who share your life experience.

  • Ilia Reed

    Hi Alina, just to say hello. I hope you are fine!

  • jose

    Philippines 1:19 For I know That through your prayers and gods Provision of the spirit of Jesus crist(what has happened to me will turn ou for my diliverance.God says if two pray for many thing in the world it would come true.YOu pray for ME and I'll pray for YOU.