
33, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Lindsay

    hello beautiful Liz!!!! :) thank you so much for your nice comment on the painting.... what an experience it was to be painted!
  • Ajithkumar

    HI LIZ,
  • Kayla

    Thanks for adding me liz, whats up?
  • Sara

    Hello :)

    how are you?
  • Kayla

    everything is cool, how's life? ^_^ ah, alas I seem to be addicted to Ramen noodles. u.u I hope I dont turn into one..
  • Kayla

    Lol! oh man I love sunflower seeds :D It's freaking exciting.
    I'm eating beef jerky right now, it's kinda burning my mouth but it's so good I don't want to put it down XD but then again I'm a pansy lmao

    how old are you liz?
  • Kayla

    Sixteen, in a hopless attempt to find a decent wig Lol oh well, I ranted about it in a blog, makes me feel good XD!

    Have you heard of strongbad?
  • lynne

    hey thats kl, yeah edinburgh is a great place, kind of gets borin wen u live here, ha ha
    yeah im doin ok, was bak at work this week so thats been kind of an emotional start, its very hard not to think about wat people r thinkin of u tho,
    ive just become a great auntie, my niece has had a little boy 2day so thats great news, canny wait to see him, how r u doin, x

    hi there
    i would like to share that even i faced the same public in the begining and got into depression many times but the way out to this problem came whem i started learning and making people aware about AA. they dont show any interest but still i carried on and slowly slowy people started appriciating my efforts to fight back and help people in coping up with this and making people aware of it. so feel free and live your life to the fullest. i will share more of my experiences and how i tackled them
    take care
  • Natalie

    Hi Liz! I was looking at your pics and I think that it is terrific how confident you are out in public! Bald and proud! You look beautiful! When I shaved my head, I wasn't sure if I would be okay being out in public w/out hair, but now I love it! It has been such a freeing experience, and it's great to see other strong women like yourself out in the world. What an inspiration for all the other girls out there with hair loss - keep on smiling :)
  • Rebecca Rae

    Hey :) Thankyou, i wouldnt go as far as saying that am beautiful, that was really sweet of you thanks!!
    Yeah, your the first person on this thats close to my age :D
    So how are you?
    Hope to talk soon :D
  • Salmezan

    Hi Liz!

    thanks for the add request! How are ya?

    Sal x
  • Salmezan

    Hey Liz, things are swell where Im at. I'm quite disappointed with the weather though. I just bought new shorts and I was planning to wear them out in town! Hope the weather in Nottingham is better than it is in the South-West! How was your weekend??

    Sal x
  • Salmezan

    Flooded!? Wow, it must have rained quite heavily then! Yes I am hoping for a nice summer this year as well, but I wouldn't want it to be too hot! lol. Last year I came to the UK for a holiday and I spent the summer on the Isle of Man and the weather was rubbish! It was soooooo cold and windy. I had to wear three layers of clothing! haha Hopefully it's better this year! xx
  • Diahna Lynn Studio

    I am great! I had a fun weekend.
  • Danica Augustin

    hy Liz!! everything is fine here, just wondering around here to see some sexy women. how are you?

    Kisses, xx
  • Hilde Gabbis

    Aw, thanks Liz !

    Jeah, I was really happy when I found this site... !
    Thanks for beeing so sweet :)
    Hope to get to know u better !

    Hilde x
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hey Liz,
    Good luck with College!
    Also i love your photos - you are very talented and creative.
    You are very attractive - what lovely eyes you have.
    I have to say also that i bet your parents are so proud of you - i would be. You have a wonderful attitude. I can only hope that my Jon will develop an attitude like yours.
    Bless you
  • Lynn Herrod

    Hi Liz, so at last summer has hit our area (just in time for Nottinghams "fake" beach to be removed!) So pleased to have at last had to courage to go wigless ..only taken me 10plus years, what with the rotten high winds we have had, would have hid myself away just in case of malfunction. Well done on results, you bright young thing you. X
  • alyssa

    hey, how are you

    btw i think ur very pretty =)
  • dollydreadful

    thanks!! i have ideas and no training so i m limited -i love the portrait you did of your grandma - everything i do is very ine dimensional im messing with watercolors and paint markers these days - I like to create cartoon/art - but i want to add more dimension to what im doing - we'll talk i'll post some stuff so you can take a look !!
  • alyssa

    hey im good. summer is a little cold over here... nothing like florida. i wish it was warmer.
  • dollydreadful

    I checked the idea of ink washes out and what can I say but fabu!! - i will try those when I have a chance to runt o the art supply ( its in downtown manhattan and I live almost at the bottom of brooklyn - of that makes any sense :) ) I really appreciate the tip - good luck on your exams !!
  • dollydreadful

    ok gte ready for cheesorama i posted three recent drawings i did - you can clearly see where i need help i am horrible with annatomy and they lack depth - oh wellyou tell me where I need help if I knew that wouldn't be needing to ask would I ?LOL :)
  • Mary

    I LOVE clarinet. Have you seen any of my YouTube videos with my band? We had an amazing clarinetist from out of town join us for a performance last December. Here's one tune. There are 6 others from the same show, also on YouTube:

    Of course, this is Greek folk music, so it's different than what you're playing. But, this guy was really amazing, and it was such an honor to play with him. That's, of course, me on the drums. This was before I'd gotten up the courage to take the scarf off for a performance.

    All the best,
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Liz
    Thanks for the comment on the photo
    I shall pass that onto Jon
    How are things with you? How are you enjoying college?
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    Hey... I like your fuzz :) It is getting really long! I'm excited for you! Hope you are doing fine!
  • Mary

    LOVE your photos! You are so creative.
  • Joshua

    Hey Liz,

    Thanks for the friend add. Hope you're doing great. Take care. God bless.
  • ashley mcmullen

    thank you for becoming my friend i will be happy to get to know you :) and chat sometime :D
  • Keeley Tomlinson

    Thanks for the add!
    I drink tea in the bath too!!! :)
    Whereabouts in Nottingham are you? My sister lives in Lenton. I love Nottingham!!
    Hope you're OK:)
  • Keeley Tomlinson

    i'm doing OK....still trying to convince my mum to let me shave the remaining bits of my hair off so wigs will be more comfortable but she just gives me 'the look' everytime I bring it up! haha But I'm sure I'll live!
    Hope you're doing well :)
  • Keeley Tomlinson

    oh yeah by the're art is beautiful! :)
  • Sian Ellis

    Hiya! Ye nottinghams not 2 far from here, havent been for years tho lol. Im doing ok thanks, just trying to addapt at the moment lol.. How are you? xx
  • Keeley Tomlinson

    yeah I guess so...i hope she'll come round...I try to talk about it calmly and maturely but she always turns it into an's really frustrating!

    hope you're doing OK
  • hannah sophia holland

    Hi Liz, No problem! hoping to talk to as many people as possible :)
    I am doing very well thankyou, how are you?
  • hannah sophia holland

    Glad to hear it! :D which uni are you going to? that'll be great for a new start!
    Regarding my dissertation, wha I thought I would do is meet a lot of people online and then when my questionnaires are ready, ask people to fill some out along with my schedule, but if you want to help that would be amazing when the time comes! I'll be sure to send you a message about it :D
  • hannah sophia holland

    Brilliant, I'll let you know when Im sending things to people :) (should be in the next month-6wks).
    That's cool, I've gt a few friends who go to uni in Newcastle. I'm at Manchester doing psychology :) x
  • Joel

    Hi Liz how you doing?
  • Joel

    Thanks Liz Ive had a lot of fun so far in this crazy life!
  • Joel

  • Gemma B

    hey Liz I went to Northumbria Uni six years ago to do History of Modernartdesignandfilm. Hope you are enjoying it I have some good memories there. Newcastle is a brilliant place.
    Gem x
  • Jack Gs Mum

    Life is hard but if it wasn't we wouldn't fight for it would we! I love this profile, your energy is fab liz.
  • Norm

    LIIIIZZZZZ!!! You're 20.... Happy Birthday!! You might not be a teenager anymore, but don't for one moment imagine that's the end of spots, oh no.... :)
    By the way, did you get bought a new cardie to replace that black one you're so fond of? ... tee-hee...!
  • Norm

    Well, I'm up in the North-East this weekend visiting a pal in Whitley Bay (weather permitting).... so I'll look out for any sightings of Cardie Girl, righting wrongs wherever they may be found, and drinking bars dry everywhere... should stand out in all the snow!! ;)
    And, Congrats once again on entering your 3rd decade. (no need to thank me, ho, ho.) xxx
  • Tom Hobb

    Happy Holidays in Newcastle. I hope you're warmer than New York is at the moment. I'm thinking of the positive aspects of global warming.

  • diane cocks

    Hi liz thanks for accepting. I know what you mean i dont know anyone with alopecia where i live. Take care and happy new year. xx
  • Diane leach

    Hi Liz my name's Dia i live in Greater Manchester and would love to be friends and chat with someone who understands what its like to live with Alopecia..I have totalis, and have lived with it for about 6 yrs. Hope we can chat and swap info. thanx Dia. x
  • velvet

    hey add me on fb as i am not here much and then we can talk more :D xx
  • Jessica

    Hey Liz, Thanks so much for the friend add, very nice to meet you:)
    would love to chat more