KIM - Jessica's Mom

53, Female


United States

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About Me:
My daughter is now 8. She had her first bald spot show up when she was 5 but didn't have significant loss until her grandfather passed away. She then lost hair pretty consistently for about 8 months. She's now got a few patches of hair left which we typically keep shaved.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
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Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Kimberly, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Dee Connelly

    HI Kimberly, We just wanted to welcome you to the site!
  • Maria, Mia's Mom

    Hi, Welcome
    my daughter has alopecia for over a year she is now 4 1/2.
  • Carmella

    You're girl is TOO CUTE! I hope that she will have all positivity and wonderful friends that she needs.
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Hello Kim,

    Thank you for the comment we do appreciate it, and your lil Jessica is also a very beautiful lil girl. Savanna also loves dance, she has been doing it for 3yrs now and has a dance recital coming up on May 10...I always have her hats made for her costumes and she is pretty happy with them, she doesnt really like wigs, she says they itch her head, so i dont make her wear them, she only does when she is playing in the house. Savanna loves her hats and feels pretty secure with them as for right now anyway....I am sure when she gets a lil older she might want to wear wigs all the time. We are waiting for the vaccumed sealed wigs from Locks of Love, and we recieved a new wig from childrenwithhairloss, she thinks it is pretty, but she hasnt wore it yet...If you have any other questions or just want to talk feel free to comment back...Maria
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, I have 6 yr old who has been living with AA for just over a year now..She quickly lost all of hair about 5 months after her diagnosis. She has been wearing a wig since Dec and says she loves them. We are trying a new wig out. We have an apt at the Kids Hair Club which is part of Hair Club for Men. They have a program that gives kids free hair replacements. We have our first apt on Sat so I can not comment on them yet. If you go to their website you can get the number for the corporate office to get an application. It is easy and they are really just consent forms. A mom locally high recommend we try it..Hope this helps. And your daughter looks like she has a sunshine of a personality. Cindy
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Hi Kim, I was glad to hear back from you. About the Locks Of Love you might have to send a w2 just to verify income, I believe it is totally free if your income is less than $150 thousand a year, If it more than that i really dont know how the process works...but the vaccume sealed wigs are of human hair, there is a long process to get it done. You have to make a mold of her head and she would have to be completly bald to do the mold then you have to send that back to them, then after that is done they take the mold and cut a plastic like mold and then they send it to you and try on her just to make sure it is the right fit, then you send that back and then they start making the wig which it takes up to 5 months to make...I was told anyway!! But since Jessica isnt completly bald they may just send her a synthetic one, unless you want to shave her head to do the mold for the vaccumed sealed wig...Savanna is completley bald so we didnt have to do anything like that...I am hoping that savanna will like the human hair wigs better than the synthetic ones she has, they bother her so bad she cant stand it. You might want to try and LOL and ask them some questions, and another mother on this site told me about this other site, www.childrenwithhairloss you might want to check in on that one too, I filled out the app and turned it in and savanna recieved her first wig from them the other day, it was a lil diffrent from what she has but she did like it, but not good enough to wear everywhere...I wish you good luck with this and maybe you might find something just right for Jessica....Hope to hear from you again...ttyl maria
  • Cindy

    Kim..Here is a link for Hairclub of Men in Utah.If any of these locations are near you I suggest calling the kids club number to get the paper work..The hair pieces are free..We have our first apt on Sat. Also, have you tried contacting children with hairloss. They will send you a temp wig to keep and to a place to get a custom wig made. Again it is at no cost to you. Also, Samantha wears a headband that has sewen into them and she loves them. Infact, it was all she wore last week in Florida and she wears them on the weekends. You can visit I hope this info helps..You can ask me Sat if i like the hairclub for kids.HEHE..

    The wig Sam wears now I bought and it is an Amy Gibson child wig. I got this wig because she can swim and sleep in, which of course she has never done. She prefers her swim cap. It seems like my concerns about what I was looking for in a wig have changed a little, but I still want these two features in a wig.

    Samantha would love another pen pal..She loves to write..I will email you our address...

    Are you trying any treatments at the moment? We are working with Children's Hospital in Boston now are doing a irritant treatment. We are in the early stages, but my motherly instinct thinks it will kick in soon....cindy
  • Cindy

    You've Got Mail!
  • Cindy

    Anytime Kim...I have been learning along the way myself..I am looking forward to taking her to the kids hair club tomorrow. Please send me your address as well. Samantha told me yesterday that she would always be pen pals with kids with Alopecia...We are waiting for your address too..I sent you an email through this website. if you did not get it, there is a pic of envelope at the top of your page and you can click on it. It is a nice way to send private messages at times. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Cindy
  • Maria, Mia's Mom

  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, Did Jessica's get Samantha's letter? How are you doing?
  • Cindy

    Kim, glad Jessica got the letter...Samantha is looking forward to her reply..Cindy
  • Cindy

    Kim, Samantha received Jessica's letter..She will write back this week..Samantha is really enjoying getting letters from her Alopecia pen pals...Cindy
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Kim,
    Your daughter Jessica is adorable.
    I wrote a book that might help you with the situation with your daughter. It has a chapter devoted to kids with alopecia. It's called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" Go to my page to find out can order it at the link on my page.
    Take care,
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim. Just saying hi and wanted to see how things are going...I hope to have Sam write Jessica another letter when we get back from our trip ....Cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, Thanks for the post..I am equally sorry we have not sent a letter too..We have been on the go with camp and vacation. It has been on my mind to have Sam write a letter, but we have slacked a bit..Sam is sporting her new wig from the kids club. We did trim it some more on Friday and will post a pic soon...Enjoy the rest of summer. We go back to school next week..YIKES..I need more time home with Sam..Cindy
  • Megan

    hi Kim,
    Jessica is adorable. my 5yr old Paige has lost most of her hair for the 2nd time. i don't know what to do with her look? so sick of the baseball caps. what do you do for your daughter? just hats? is that a wig in the first picture? i don't think paige would go for a wig right now as she's probably just treat it like dress up. she's adjusting pretty well to the situation, so i just want her to be comforable. how is jessica doing in school? does she have to deal with any teasing or is everyone just used to it? thanks
  • Megan

    hi Kim,
    my daughter is actually Paige. i'm Megan. i need to fix that on my page. thanks for the reply. where did you get the headband with hair? does she keep it on? i love to hear the way your daughter is handling this. Paige is the same way. i don't know if it's because she's 5 or because she's so laid back? she first lost her hair last jan--it was down to the middle of her back! she lost all the hair on the top and most of the sides and a big portion of the back just thinned. so when she wore a baseball cap, you couldn't really tell. we started treating her with a topical steriod and by june of this year, she had a full head of hair. of course we had to cut the back to match so she had a cute little short haircut--she went the whole summer with amazing growth and then the last week of the summer it started again. it's pretty much fallen out in the same pattern as last time, but it looks worse as she is working with a lot less to start off with. she has this tiny little head so these baseball caps overtake her whole face. i love that crochet hat your daughter is wearing in that picture, but i can't find them anywhere. i swear i'm going to learn to crochet just for this reason. so it sounds like your daughter isn't faced with much teasing? that's awesome. paige hasn't had much, but who knows what will happen if her situation is still like this a few years from now? she's only in Kindergarten. thanks again and speak to you soon
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim..How are things going for Jessica? Sam is having a great start to school and we are still on a regrowth journey..We happy here right now...Hope all is well..cindy
  • Karen

    Hi Kim,

    I was wondering where you purchased the wig with the headband on it for Jessica. I think it looks great on her and want to get Amber one.

  • Karen

    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for that. Could you tell me if it needs to be put on with tape or can it just be worn like that. Does it feel heavy?

  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, How are you? Stopping by to say hi and see how Jessica is doing..Hope you enjoy the holidays..Cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, That is okay. She slacked too..But, we will send on back for sure..Her mail has been slow with the holidays...I am emailing it now.
  • Cindy

    Sam will be excited and sure to reply!!
  • Cindy

    Hey Kim, Samantha received Jessica and KC's letter today. She was so excited and be on the look out for a response in the next week...Cindy
  • Cindy

    Kim, I was just reading your mom stuff post. Samantha wears a wig from the Hair Club for Kids. I suggest going that route vs Locks of Love. Locks of Love is stressful and they really only give free hair pieces to those underprivileged. There process is emotionally draining. Sam has her 2nd Kids Club wig. They give 3 free wigs a year.

    Regrowth is white and eventually turns color. It will be fuzzy. Samantha is finally getting new white hairs in balder areas which is exciting. I do have regrowth pics on her page if you want to peek. She is still doing the squaric acid treatment which is working, but takes some and patience some of which I don't have some days..
    Take care,Cindy
  • Cindy

    Let me know how you make out.
  • Cindy

    Kim, I couldn't help to notice your post on another page about the squaric acid. What was Jessica's experience with it. We are seeing good results with it and Sam puts up with the irritation. Her started growing about 3 or 4 months of weekly treatments once we got on a weekly cycle. I am still trying to be hopefully that her brows and lashes will start to come in soon. she lost those completely shortly after the new year last year.
  • Cindy

    Kim, we have been lucky with this treatment for Samantha. She tolerates it and has never complained, despite some of the issues we have had. I have asked her on occasion if she wants to stop and she says no. She sees her hair is growing and wants to keep going. We still have no brows or lashes. In the fall she was getting brows and I was so excited, but they did not stay. She is now getting a spurt of new fuzz in bald areas so I am hoping for something soon. Samantha is writing Jessica's letter. Please tell her we have not forgotten her..I don't know what i did with the envelope so if you can, please send me your addy again. She loved getting a letter from both Jessica and her sister.
  • Cindy

    Kim, Samantha loved seeing the pictures of Jess and her sisters..They are adorable. Where did you have them done? I found your address. Just need last name please so I can put the letter in the mail..Cindy
  • Cindy

    Thanks..It likely wont get in the mail till Thurs. We are getting a snow storm tomorrow. We are having our first snow day which is not bad. Many towns have already had a few, but ours tries to stay open or get a half day in.
  • Cindy

    Great..Samantha will be excited to get another letter..
  • Samantha

    Hi Jessica. I have my own page.
  • Samantha

    Hi Jessica I am waiting for my letter.
  • Cindy

    Hi Jessica, Samantha got your letter and will respond shortly..Have a great rest of the school year..Cindy
  • Samantha

    I am great i wrote back.
  • Megan

    hi Kim,

    what does jessica do during the summer when she swims?
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Kim,

    I have a 6 yr old soon to be 7 at the end of the month. I was hoping Jessica and my daughter Amanda can write to each other. She enjoys writing to other children on this site.

  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, that is great to hear about the regrowth..I am sorry to hear about Jess's eyebrows. Samantha is doing well. I need to update her photo's. We were just talking about that first hair cut today and she will be ready soon. I found a brow hair this week, but who knows. She had a few last fall that did not stay.Maybe this will be different. We are going to Fl for two weeks and the sun is going to be great for hair if it stops raining long enough..LOL..I have to tell you Sam has such a positive outlook. Yesterday, she told me that she is a normal girl and Alopeicia was her normal. Tell Jess that..She threw me for a loop with that statement. If she takes the attitude with her all through life she will be fine no matter what..I know I will be the one with all the tears if she looses it all after all the time and tolerance she has put in to the treatment. I need to get Sam writing a letter to Jess. School got out today, so she will have time to write since we will be looking at the sky crying the next several days...Are you going to Alopeicapalooza? We are...Cindy
  • Cindy

    Kim, please tell Jessica that Sam is putting a letter in the mail to her this week. I hope I can find her last letter with your address..LOL..We got side tracked with end of the year stuff, but I want her writing this summer..
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Jessica,
    How old are you? I will be 7 next week. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have 1 older brother. He is 17. What are you doing this summer? What grade will you be in? I will be going to Sea World this summer.
    Love, Amanda
  • Rainey Clark

    my son Chad has been bald for a year, his hair has not even started to grow back. we are to the point that it wont grow back i wish it would just as long as hes in high school its really hard for him kids give him a hard time im glad to i have another parent to talk to about this
  • Misty Boggs

    Hello...How are you? I just thought I would say hello! I know how hard it is to just sit and watch your hair fall out little by little! Me and my 6 year old daughter has alopecia! Jessica is so pretty! Good Luck to her and if yall find anything that works then please let me know! Has she had the shots?
  • Samantha

    Hi Jessica, I am having a great summer. I went to Alopeicapalooza. I had so much fun. I even got to do the fashion show. And do Karaoke. I did Breakaway. It was awesome. I am getting a haircut. And if you see my new profile pic. It is me and my uncles new kitten Spooky. How was your summer? When do you start school. Mine starts in two weeks. Write back, Samantha!!!
  • Cindy

    Hi Kim, Happy Birthday! How is school going for Jessica?
  • Lisa F and Chloe

    Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement. Chloe has 9 bald patches, but so far we have been able to hide them. She has been very positive, but I worry what will come if we are no longer able to hide it. I am very thankful she is healthy, but it still is hard to deal with the not knowing if or when it will get worse. I show Chloe the smiling faces from all the kids on this site and it is so uplifting. I don't know much about ALOPECIAPALOOSA but I would love to have Chloe meet other kids and adults who know what she is feeling. I will help in any way.
  • Tina (Jillians mom)

    Hi Jessica! This isyour friend Jillian. We look a lot alike. I like cats too I dance too. im 8.
  • Cindy

    Hi back! How r u?
  • Jessica Hoschouer

    Aww!!! I look so sweet and innocent!!!