

Madison, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm 21.
I don't wear a wig all the time or anything on my head.
I have alopecia Universalis since I was 9 months old. But I stay strong not caring what people think of me (:!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    HI Tatum, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Tiffany P

    welcome to aw and i love your attitude you will find great people on this site. have a great weekend :o)
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Tatum
    Glad you could join us here on AW.
    You have a great attitude!!! And a great sister by the looks of it.
    I have a son, Jon, 13, who has had Alopecia since he was 6. He developed AU last year. Hope you enjoy this site
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Tatum, welcome!
    You are a beautiful and strong young lady.
    I have universalis, too.
  • Adam Elliott

    hey hows it going? I'm about the same age as you - 14 - so message me some time :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Yeh pretty good thanks, i think i can see some growth :)

    hows school then?
  • Jill Long

    Tatum, I love your attitude! Hair does not make a person, and real people know that.
  • Adam Elliott

    yeh not bad, not too long until we finish now.
    I get 6 weeks off in the summer, i think its longer in america isn't it because we get more holiday spread around the year?
    How long do you get off?
  • Adam Elliott

    not much, I think some hair is growing back :)
    Anything with you?
  • Norm

    Hiya Tatum, Big Fanx for the add! Great attitude you've got.... love the bald look on ya! When are you 14? Only asking cos I'm worried I mighta missed the party.... :)

  • Norm

    The 23rd?? Wow... that's only a few days off... ahhhhhh, hang on - NOW I know why you added me as a pal - you want me to send a card and a prezzy. Gotcha!! :)
    14's a weird age to be.... too old to be a kid, not old enough to go in bars and that. Still... you're older than I was.... I was only 12 when I was your age. :) Tee-hee!
  • Norm

    Hiya the T - soz not been on for a while. Weird week over here as the weather's got really hot for the time of year - high 20's - so gotta be careful about going out and getting the shiny bonce burned... is sunblock the best invention ever?? :)

    Only 2 days to the birthday, yeah? Not received the party invitation yet... I'm so saaaad :( (oh OK, I'm not really!)
  • Kay

    thanks for the friend request :) i'm kaytee.
  • Norm

    Hi Tatum, love the new pix! I might've ben bald longer than you, but you deffo look better than I would in that dress... :)
    N x
  • Tiffany P

    I love your new pics you look so pretty :o) hope your week goes well
  • Christine Corriveau

    Hi Tatum thanks, for adding me.
    I just signed up today and Im very pleased at how friendly eveyone is here.
  • Kelsee Connell

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Kelsee Connell

    At the moment, I am fine :)
    How about you?
  • Kelsee Connell

    Well, I think I've had it since I was about 4....So ten years?
  • Samantha Georgson

    Taaaaatum, best day ever fosho. ;P
    Hahahahh, definitely have to do it again, we're so SUCESSFUL! We made it all the way down there, so amazing.

    I ♥ CLOCKS.
  • Tiffany P

    I saw the picture from epcot did you go on any roller coasters or anything and if you did, did you wear any head coverings? i'm asking a this question because i want to go to a theme park soon and i have lost 2 scarves in the past and thats when i had hair lol trying to figure it out because i cant live without rollercoasters lol hope you had tons of fun :o)
  • Julie Koch

    You are a beautiful young woman Tatum! Never let others bring you down!
  • Rita

    thanks for the add!!!
  • Lavira

    Hi! Thanks for adding me :) Hope you are well. Great pics :)
  • SutraHuh

    OMG I love cross country too, i run like all of the time! It really gets your mind off things! Do you do any other sports?:D hahah I don't meet very many people who like it! Thanks for the friend request! I'm so jealous of your positive perspective on alopecia. I wish i could think that way… lol Well i look forward to getting to know you!
  • Heidi Miller

    Red Ribbon
  • M

    Thank you friending me Tatum. I've just looked at your photos and you truly are a beautiful young woman. Nice to see photos of you and your Dad together.

    Kind Regards
  • Adam Elliott

    Hey not been on here in ages, think i last mssaged you in april! if you can remember me lol.
    Hows everything going for you? How was christmas?

  • Mackenzie

    Hey ! How are you ?
  • Mackenzie

    I'm great. What have you been up to ?
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi Tatum, thanks for your invitation. It is great meeting people like you - a very experienced one compared to me (being bald since some 1 1/2 years only). You got nice pics and a beautiful way being public with your bald beauty. It's an encouragement. Thanks ;-)
  • prince

    Hi Tatum, thanks for acceptin my invitation
  • Mackenzie

    Hey Tatum ! How are you ?
  • Mackenzie

    I'm doing good . I'm trying to stay busy . What have you been up to ?
  • Nicky

    Hey Tatum! I miss talking to you! How are you? What's new?
  • x3Awesome'TTx3

    Your so beautiful! And O we got the same last name!! lol
  • Susan Innes

    Hello Tatum-Your photo album is fantastic (and you look stunning with or without a hairpiece)! I hope things are still going well for you at school. This past week I created a group for Wisconsinites just in case there are people who would like to view or communicate with members from this area. Please consider joining; it could be very supportive for others..especially the newcomers. ((Hugs)) Susan

  • Heather

    Hello....Yes, I see that you are in WI as well...I can tell that you are a very STRONG woman....I am not that strong and I have been living with AU for more than 10 years...I was 15 when my first patch came out...and then it grew back...But then my Senior year of High School all my hair fell out.....So that is a "BIG"..little bit in my life..But, for your age..hates off to you my dear...You are a very strong person...I look up to you!

  • Julius Taylor

    thank you for the add.

  • Justin Dawson

    Pretty good! (: haha wbu?

  • jenx

    WOW You've got the spirit!
    You looked beautiful in your black dress.
    Are your parents proud of your determination? :)
    What else can I say, you go girl!


  • Justin Dawson

    I've had it for about a year and a half now.

  • Nicole Jack

    Tatum what great pics! You are beautiful and I love your strength and personality! ;-) 

  • newlydiagnosed

    Hi Tatum, thanks for adding me...you are such a beautiful person and have such a bright personality, if only we could all embrace this condition such as yourself!