


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm just me...nobody else - no false or cheap immitation and not pretending to be something or someone that I am not!!!

Have had AA for 3 years now - have gradually learnt to accept it and I now embrace it! It makes me different to the rest and allows me to stand out from the crowd from time to time - or should that be hide in the shadows, lol!

I try to not let my ali-p get me down - every so often it does - but just recently I have decided to put it to the bottom of my list of things to worry about - hopefully one day it won't appear on that list at all!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Christina Bostwick

    thank you for your kind words. they mean alot. oh and thanks for sharing your story and your right as time goes on it has gotten eaiser. i hope that one day i will have the out look yuo have on all of this. but either way i wish you the best and you truly are a beautiful woman indis and out i am sure. take care and thanks agin for taking the time to respond to my email:)
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Kat,
    Thanks for your pictures. My AA is getting to be uncoverable. I'm tired of showering...hate it in fact. I'm going hairpiece shopping this week. I hope to have AA on the bottom of my list of worries as well...one day.
  • Natalie

    Hi Kat! The Big Shave (as I refer to it) was amazing! I feel fantastic and beautiful and healthy and whole again!! I just posted some new pics, so take a look if you like. Do you wear a wig? I'm very jealous that you live in the UK- I've always wanted to visit! Thanks for the support and well wishes :)