

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Like many men I went bald.
For me it was a very positive and pleasurable experience.
I love being bald and also find the look attractive in women.
There is far more to my character than my love of being bald and I fully appreciate that all women, bald or otherwise have far more to their character than their hairstyle.
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Gill

    Hi John
    Thanks for your comments. I beleive that whatever form of Alopecia you have, gives you and insite into other peoples feelings. It unfair to say that men dont suffer, Im sure you do, just in different ways.
    Having alopecia had changed me in many ways, and has made me less judgemental of people, and to look further than outward looks.
    We all need friends John, the more the merrier.
    Take care
  • Gill

    Hi John
    Yes, as you say, I am ok with being bald most of the time. But if I was totally honest, if somebody offered me my hair back. I would bite their hand off, and I think most women would. Im not saying its not a big thing for men, but it is still very strange to see a woman without hair.
  • Bald_Man

    Hi Gill

    Really nice new pics.
    You look great.
