rebecca finlaw


Somerset, MA

United States

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About Me:
Mother of 2 year old Max who has Alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • MiNAH

    I have been allergic all my life..and accept it.
    I do everything.....not going to let anythibng come in my way!
    Except for them so much..but cannot be in the same house with them.
    Although, since growing older the sun has a negative effect on my eyes.
    Hopefully Max will have little to no problems at all and grow up healthy.
    He's an adorable little grandson who is three years old is growing his hair to DONATE to the princess charlotte foundation in order to supply another young person with alopecia a prosthesis.
    I would pray that he's going to be so strong..that a wig will never be something he needs.
    I love the beauty and look without hair.
    It's people and the lack of understanding which cause negative perceptions.
    I really think he has to develope confidence and lets pray that the kids at school are educated before that negative damage begins.
    I guess you are aquainted with the childrens Alopecia Group..something I wish we had when I was young.
    He may be allergic to the sun block which could be irritating his eyes
    somehow..if it gets too close.
    My kids cannot wear sunblock..they get a rash and serious irritation.
    Also..he may just be sensitive to the chlorine.
    That causes irrtitation and burning too.
    All the best
  • Fizza

    Hi Rebecca.

    Thanks for the comment about the blonde hair. I remmeber readign your post about your son's eyelashes coming in blonde. Did they just fall out again? I never saw an update? Did his hair - even the dark ones - not stay. Sorry for all te questions. I feel like we're riding the same boat but you've got a better view than me. My son is 16months now and has lost all but a few tiny patches on his head. He has lots of regrowth but it is white - looks like peach fuzz but feels sharp when I touch his head. He has some tiny lil black hairs or nubs too but most of it is white. Our boys are still gorgeous and I pray that they recover some of their hair one day.
  • jackie estrada

    Cute little boy! I like how he looks as if he's really think about what to do next! My Mikey does that, too! and will say HHHMMMMM! I laugh and tell him he better not be looking for trouble.