April Broughton
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  • Barbourville, KY
  • United States
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Hi! I'm a mother of a 6 year old little boy with AT. He was diagnosed with AA when he was 2. He had patchy spots at first, came out, came back, you know the vicious cycle. The last time it came out, I just decided to shave it. Since, his eyebrows and lashes have came out. He's in kindergarten and I must say, he's a special little guy! He loves living life to the fullest! He's a normal child in all other ways. I found this website by accident really, but am so glad I did! I look forward to chatting with ppl with the types of Alopecia and sharing experiences!!
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April Broughton's Blog


Posted on March 3, 2010 at 10:01am 2 Comments

I must say I'm excited to have found this website! I am a newbie here but not to Alopecia. My son is 6 and was diagnosed at age 2 with just patchy hair loss. From there, it grew back, only to fall out more severely. To get it to try to look somewhat normal instead of just a really bad hair cut, I decided to shave his entire head about a year and a half ago. He is still completely bald and quiet adorable I might add lol Since, his eyebrows and eyelashes have came out too. This was the kicker for… Continue

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At 11:15pm on April 17, 2010, jackie estrada said…
Hi April and Logan :) how you guys doing? We're doing well. Just wanted to stop by and say HELLO!!!!!!
At 11:04pm on March 24, 2010, jackie estrada said…
LMAO!! April! so true adults stare at him more than kids do right now. Kids do stare to since he does have shaved spots in the back. As for preschool really undecided about it. worried more cause adults are cruel and may make remarks to him being weird or something and i dont want him to feel different. we already know he is different we dont need people to point it out to him :( right now its easy friends come over and everyone accepts him just as he is. its the outsiders who are our invaders like his daddy said its easy because we have support close by its the outside world he worries about. he may punch someone really. so we just try to go about our business and shop and stuff its like in and out with his daddy for me and the kids we take our time. i can handle stupid people nicely unless i need to be mean and nasty. my friends laugh and say theyd never wanna be my enemy! LOL! I may be little but its the little ones you need to watch out for! And im the mom who will protect her babies no matter what. Take care of your selves and kit >)
At 12:26am on March 22, 2010, jackie estrada said…
Hi April! Tell Logan we said HI! we're doing well finally got some sun out here. So MIkey gets to enjoy some of it. But he has to learn he has to wear a cap at all times. I always laugh cause he has such light skin everyone thinks that maybe his daddy is a white guy i just agree and say that he is but he really is dark! He just took my light color. Daddy gets mad. But with his hair growth he has some white fuzzy hair growing in in some areas but not in others. Did Logan lose all his hair and then regrow or did he lose spots and regrow then lose it all? Im wondering what Mikeys odds are in this? The dr told me kids whose lose only spots regrow and then lose again but rarely have totally regrowth but kids like Mikey who lose it like he has have a greater chance of regrowth but no gurantee that the pattern will not repeat itself. which is what i dread. Im having better days, Mikeys getting more comfortable with taking off his cap in public. Its not so oblivious when daddy cuts his hair really short plus its just in the back. But he is still losing the hair that is still there. Eyebrows and lashes are still intact and i hope they stay that way. Im concerned cause he wants to start pre school this coming school yr worried cause i cant protect him from other kids :( or even parents for that matter. Also cause i want him to play soccer and i wonder if his is able to wear a bandana in a game. Is Logan in any sports now? In summer does his head ever get sun burned? Was is the risk of fungus on his head while wearing a cap in the summer? I know these may sound weird but its all the stuff i wonder. LOL! I know my boys does get fungus on their heads in summer while nthey wear caps but they have hair that absorbs the sweat. So gross. LOL! Does anyone else in your family have alopecia as well? Unsure about alot of this . Sux sure wish i could fix the issue at hand. But what the heck this is my crazy hectic down right beautiful life to live and i love it!
At 12:01am on March 10, 2010, jackie estrada said…
April I to am like you Im used to being in control of my personal life and all that goes with it. I had an experience a few years ago that knocked me off my horse and im thankful for that cause had I not i may not have been able to handle this as well as i would have liked. Im not saying okay, i totally accept this and im strong enough to not let it get to me. NOPE i have alot of bad days still. I still cry when i wake up and see mikey has gotton into bed next to me and that i havent been dreaming this. Its real and I cant make it go away :( today was kids day where I live. Its when people go out and sell the local paper called the fresno bee to support our local childrens hospital. I felt selfish that i cry over what Mikey has when it could something so much worse. I could be crying because he has cancer or something. So im very grateful that God has spared us that :) and of course I cried more just because. But I got over it real quick! LOL! When i got to work my best co worker asked me what was wrong and i told her "oh u know its been one of those morning but i realize im lucky Mikey isnt one of those that their selling papers to give support to." It took me quite a while to really be able to say it AND accept it! Im still gonna cry, be angery, and the whole sha-bang but when im done ill remember how lucky i am that he is still running around driving me crazy and FINGER PAINTING MY WALLS with arcrylic paint, and before i get home he calls me and says mom u lub me huh and u forgive me, huh? and its then that i wonder what am i coming home to that his daddy called me to prepare me for what awaits me when i get there!!! LOL!! But I would not trade that for anything in the world! I often wonder though what daddy does all day with the 2 lil ones that he doesnt see this happening? I can only imagine him telling mikey n emma, mommy is gonna be mad cause u painted the walls! I love this crazy ass, hectic life that the good Lord has given me to live!!!
At 11:43pm on March 8, 2010, jackie estrada said…
Hi April! Tell Logan Mikey says HI! I read him ur comment back to us! I can only imagine what you have all been through with the regrowth and losing it again. Breaks my heart that our babies go through this. This is what im praying for not to happen to Mikey. Although we already know its impossible to know whats gonna happen. As a mom its so hard to not be able to fix this. Im so used to be in control of all that we do to make our family run smoothly. With 6 kids kids 2 to 14 theres alot of planning and running around. got 1 in high school, 2 in jr high, 1 in elementary, and 2 at home still its all crazy. But i love this crazy hectic life. Even when all goes wrong. LOL! Im glad to know im not the only one to feel like i do about seeing Mikey look so different from his previous loo :( Im just happy that he is healthy and super happy! My little girl loves to rub his head. and he gets mad at her. So far he still has lashes and brows. I hope he doesnt lose them. But only time will tell. Im excited to have another mom to communicate with. LOL about the head lice. My older 4 kids when they were younger they would go to their dads house and everytime they came home theyd bring back friends. UGH! I laugh now thinking about it cause I didnt really wanna put chemical in their hair so id try whatever remendies people would tell me about even mayo! That was a sight in the middle of summer. And the smell stayed with them for quite some time. LOL! Well u guys have a good night! its 842 pm my time. Night
At 11:35pm on March 7, 2010, April Broughton said…
Hi Jackie. With Logan his started at age 2 he's now 6. It started in patches he had about 4 or 5. They got bigger but grew back in no time. Second time around, the patches got bigger and the entire right side of his hair was almost gone, that grew back too. Third time, the entire top of his hair fell out and then I decided to shave it completely off. It took me a while to get use to seeing him that way too. It broke my heart. I felt like it was better than it looking the way it did. That's been over a year ago since I completely shaved his head. He had. some patches growing and then had some patches that weren't doing nothing. Now, it's not growing again. He started losing his eye lashes back in November on his left eye then after a couple of months, it transferred to the right eye. Now, he has no brows either. He's adorable without hair and I've gotten use to him now. One thing I do like though is not having to deal with lice. I got a note sent home in Logan's backpack the other day saying lice was found in his class. I was like that's one thing I don't have to be afraid of getting!! WOO HOO!! You tell Mikey that's Logan's dad's Harley and he sometimes cruises him around on it. If you all lived close We'd get them out and let them play!! Tell Mikey hi for me!
At 9:36pm on March 4, 2010, jackie estrada said…
Hi April, Mikey really wants to go ride Logans motorcycle! LOL! We call him Mikey Mikey Motorcykie! His hair loss was rapid. His 1st spot was a dime size rt on top of his head and at the nape of his neck was totally gone before I really lost it! So his 1st spot was on Oct 16th at the end of October I saw the back spot. That spot was by chance. He was sitting on the potty and was sweaty from running around. So I decided to put his hair up in 2 pigtails! All he asked of me was to not put bows! LOL! When i spilt his hair in 2 i just about freaked out! When I did see his dime spot I knew it was alopecia. But his daddy keep saying it was ringworm. Of course im a medical assistant and i was like HELL NO thats alopecia! by Christmas he had very thin hair around his crown. And at the nape it didnt progress to more. To date he is half bald and half polka dotted. Im not sure if the hair that is left is gonna fall out. He does have hair growth coming where he has lost. It is white and pokey. so when we do shave his head we dont completly bald him. The dr said we could cause inflammation by doing so. Of course we arent sure of and when itll completly grow back or if the rest is gonna fall like you its just a day by day process. That we hope turns out with hair. But if not thats ok too! His daddy wants to keep him bald because he wants to avoid the unknown. But Mikey likes his hair long. Its been a month now that weve shaved and I still havent gotton used to him like that. He just looks so different. I mean this happened so fast I never had a chance to say ok my son has alopecia lets see what we do now. im sure you understand. He still has his eyellashes and eyebrows and I do pray that he doesnt lose them. But should it happen itll be ok as well. Im gratful he didnt lose it like other children Ive read about that lost it in days or weeks. What about Logan how long did it take for him to lose his hair?
At 10:02am on March 3, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi April..Welcome to AW..I am mom to an 8 yr old daughter with Alopecia. Your son is adorable and looks very confident. Cindy
At 12:34am on March 3, 2010, Roger said…



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