Aprille Covert
  • Female
  • Harveys Lake, PA
  • United States
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  • Jasmine Quintero
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My name is Aprille and I have a 9 year old daughter who was diagnosed with Alopecia. While she is a VERY happy little girl whose personality you notice before the way she looks, it breaks my heart to find new spots of hair that seem to be missing.
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 3:20am on April 16, 2010, Cindy said…
HI Aprille, I have been asked to have you to read a post on my page from Lisa and Chloe.
How are you?
At 7:20pm on April 14, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi, that is awful. Can your doctor recommend a derm to go see. Don't be afraid to go to another derm. I kept taking Sam to a derm until I found one that would really do something besides appease me. It is common in some cases to have the hair regrow as it falls out. I know of a girl in my town who has that. I just think there are derms out there that don't believe in treating this condition because the science of it is a mystery and there is no full proof cure. Just keep smiling for your daughter. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. Have you contacted CAP yet? Since they are our of PA Betsy maybe able to recommend a derm for you or direct to you to someone in the area that can make a recommendation. Overall, how is your daughter feeling? If she does email, Sam has an account and she loves to write to people. Cindy
At 6:24pm on April 12, 2010, Cindy said…
You are very welcome. I do a CAP meeting here in MA. It is comforting for the kids to know they are not the only one. I know how upsetting it can be to see clumps of hair come out. It was much harder on me then Sam. We are fortunate that we found something that has worked for her and most of her hair is back now. I know she will be disappointed if her hair falls out again but I think she will be fine. Have you gone to a derm yet? Cindy
At 1:02pm on April 12, 2010, Jasmine Quintero said…
Hey,Thank you for the comment I really needed to hear that from somebody. You are also beautiful !!!!
At 3:02pm on March 30, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi Aprille,Welcome to AW. I have an 8 yr old daughter who is well adjusted and happy as well. How is your daughter doing? It is very hard for us as parents to watch this happen and have no control over stopping. If you haven't yet I suggest contacted the Children's Alopecia Project. They are based out of Reading PA. CAP maybe able to offer you some support and connect you with a family near you. They will also be having their second Alopeciapalooza this summer a conference for the kids. Please write if I can offer you any help. Cindy
At 8:58pm on March 29, 2010, Jean said…
Welcome to Alopecia World,
My daughter has had alopecia since she was 14 years old, right at the start of high school. She had spots during high school , her friends were very supportive. She is now 23 years old and lives in Washington, D.C. It hurt watching her loose her long wavy beautiful hair.
She still is the same beautiful woman but without hair and a stronger will. My advice to you is to be there for her. Believe in her and be proud of who she is. She loves you .iam sure you and your family will be there for her. That's all that matters.
At 6:28pm on March 28, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Aprille!
How are youo and your little girl doing today? I know it's hard when your child has alopecia. You want to fix it and you can't. It's great that she is a very happy girl and she's lucky to have a mom like you!


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