  • Female
  • Knoxville, TN
  • United States
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At 10:54pm on February 2, 2014, Shepaints said…

Maybe you can get it thinned out? I know many 40-50 year old ladies who have great natural hair. I used to get the jean reneau ones. Let me know if you find something you like.

At 8:17pm on January 29, 2014, Shepaints said…

Hi I am new to this.. are you referring to me Cathi?

Well, I got it in November, so I am not sure how long it will last. The sales person assured me people have them for 4-5 years. It has a 1 year guarantee. I like it -- so far so good! When I wear it open, it is very lush and thick.  

Negatives: It is heavier than what I'm used to and I don't think I would get the velvet lining next time. The hair falls downward (sheital style). This was minimally processed so I wouldn't dye it/highlight it any time soon. I would not swim in this. Email Ellie at Fortune wigs and ask her.   From a local hair place, I purchased "cyber hair" also but I was very disappointed in it's real feel--- it's great for swimming though.   It was super expensive (2k) and my Mazali is about $700 (Look for their Jewish holiday sales-- they cater mostly to orthodox women).

At 11:24am on January 25, 2014, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hey, just read you're getting my book. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know, okay? Hugs!

At 11:17am on January 25, 2014, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Yes, I'm a single person too. It sorta separates the men from the boys, doesn't it?

At 7:51pm on January 23, 2014, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Cathi!

How are you today?

Leslie Ann



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