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  • Fort George G Meade, MD
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  • porcelinh
  • JadeKiss
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  • Salmezan
  • LeslieAnn Butler
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Hello~ My name is Chaeri. like Cherry.
I was diagnosed with AA about a year ago. I have tried many treatments, but none of them seemed to work. I couldn't tell my mother about AA, because I didn't want to see her sad. But, it's funny how when you are at your lowest moment, the only person you really miss is your mother. So, I called my mother and told her about my AA.

My mother asked me if I wanted to try accupunture treatment. Being asian, my mom believed in accupunture. I tried it and surprisingly it worked~! It was six monthes treatement, with many many pins in my scalp ( it didn't hurt at all ), big needles poking my scalp ( that hurt~!) and bitter medicine to drink. It might sound scary, but it really was not that bad. It was sort of relaxing, like I was at a spa. I know, I'm crazy...

Well, now, I have full set of hair on my head. Healthy and black. It's not as much as before, and it is thinner. It still comes out more than average, maybe 150 a day...but it seems like it is growing more than it is falling out.

I am so glad to have had this AA experience in my life. I appreciate more now. I appreciate wind blowing through my hair, being able to wash my hair with shampoo, and just simple little things I would have never appreciated it before. I am still fearful that my hair will fall out again, but I guess now I know how to deal with it. However, it doesn't seem like it is going to fall out again...I am truly blessed.

I really want to encourage others to try accupunture treatment. It may be costly, but if you want to try it, then I can help you getting the information. You don't have to be asian to have accupunture. Many people ask me this question. The accupunturist will know what to do. Just make sure you find a reputable one. Thanks for reading about me~!

By the way, all of you guys are sooooooo beautiful~!!!!
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At 10:27pm on February 16, 2009, porcelinh said…
hi chaeri, i can relate with you about the asian part and AA. i have AU and my parents took it one step further and went to the temple and pray to our ancestors to have my hair grow back. i remember it was my senior year in h.s. and my parents took me to the temple had me on my knees, pray, rub dirt on my head, and my dad threw an object in the air (i think it was an apple) as a ritual. it was werid and embarassing! its funny to me now as i look back but, it was the worst time of my life at that age and dealing with AU. i am still learning to accept myself and living life to the fullest. it kills me when i call home and my mom still ask in chinese "is your hair growing?" Holly
At 11:17pm on January 21, 2009, Liz said…
Hey, I'm asian too and I know what you mean, my parents made me drink those chinese herbal stuff and this time around my friend suggested acupuncture and i'm going to see a chinese doc about the herbal drinks again... but it's nice to know it worked for you :) You're so pretty!
At 4:48pm on January 16, 2009, Cherylnz said…
Hi Chaeri
Welcome to Alopecia World
At 9:01pm on January 15, 2009, JadeKiss said…
Thank you so much for the advice Chaeri! You look great and it's great that you are with someone who loves you, hair or no hair. I will definitely look into acupuncture. I'm not at all worried about the pain, I'm willing to try anything!
At 3:41am on January 9, 2009, Salmezan said…
Hi Chaeri, you're really pretty! I am so happy to hear that acupunture worked for you. I have already given up on myself, I haven't tried acupunture though but I highly doubt it would work for me. Hair isn't really a matter to me but my eyebrows are, it sucks having to draw them every single day!! :(

anyway thanks for accepting my friend request. Take care and Happy New Year!
At 10:40pm on January 8, 2009, Eileen Simpson said…
First of all thank you so much for this information and I do hope it helps others, and also I would like to welocme you to a great place to be.
Quick story I know a gal at work who have AU for years now and she is trying the treatment also, I'ts not working for her yet but she remains hopeful.


At 3:15pm on January 7, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
I am doing great! I am very happy that I can be of help here through my book and by giving support and advice!
It sounds like you have a wonderful attitude and I am sure will be inspiring to many people.
At 8:57pm on January 6, 2009, Linda said…
Hi Chaeri, welcome to AlopeciaWorld, what a pretty name!
At 1:33pm on January 6, 2009, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Chaeri, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
At 12:51pm on January 6, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Chaeri!
How are you doing today?


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