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  • Yuba City, CA
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About Me:
I am 28 years old, and a stay at home mom to my 1 year old son. I have been married for just over 2 years, and I have been diagnosed with AA about 8 years ago, got the injections, and my hair grew right back. When my son was about 4 months old, I started noticing that my hair was falling out. I was going through major Post-Partum Depression, and I knew I took way too long to go to the Dermatologist, but finally about 6 months ago I went, and I was almost 50% bald. She gave me topical steroids to do for 2 weeks, and then I was to go buy Rogain. I did just that. Yes, I have new stuble and hair growin in, BUT, my hair is still falling out more and more everyday. I pull HANDFULLS out. I dread taking a shower just because of the process. I hate the Rogaine.. I actually think it is making it worse, so I just stopped using it... I have tried to have a happy heart and be positive about this. I think I do a [retty good job, but sometimes, I just HATE that this is happening. I want to just shave it off, but am so Insecure to do so. Treatments I have found online are so much money, and I am not exactly rich. My husband has been an unbelievable support to me through this. He still tries his hardest to make me feel just as beautiful as he always thinks I am, and is so loving about it. I am just stuck in this place of not knowing what I want to do. I am tired of taking the time to TRY and cover it up, I almost just can't. I would love to meet you all and hear your stories and hopefully find and build some friendships through this. I need to talk with people that know EXACTLY what I am going through. I am so glad I found this site. Hopefully I can get soe help through this.
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Alopecia areata
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At 3:48pm on March 20, 2010, Tallgirl said…
I am in Lincoln. Ever come down Hwy. 65? We could meet in town or at Starbuck's!
At 3:36pm on March 16, 2010, Mary said…
Welcome to the National Bald Out Group, Emilie.

I was where you are not too long ago. I thought my life would be over if I lost my hair. Then I thought it would be over if I lost my eyebrows. Two years later, and my life is great and I'm comfortable going everywhere bald. It's who I am now. Take care,
At 3:36am on January 16, 2009, Jamie said…
Hello Emilie,
I know how you feel believe me, I am also tired of covering up the spots. And also in the spot of I don't know what to do. I've been going through that alot lately in trying to make a decision. I was so happy to find this site, anytime you want to chat, I'm here.
At 8:28pm on January 2, 2009, Eileen Simpson said…
Hi Emilie, I've been meaning to say hi,
So hi, how are you doing? My name is Eileen and I will be oving to Sacramento in June to live with my son and grandson. So maybe we could chat sometime. I think that your a very brave young lady with a beautiful baby. I hope that you have a great New Year.

At 2:12am on December 14, 2008, Eileen Simpson said…
I just joined tonight didn't even know there was such a sight out here. So this is very late in posting to you. I have had AA for less then a year and already about 30 of my hair is gone. its just such a weird disease, I can't understand it, my moods are up and down. I have felt like shaving it all off many times, but until I can find a good wig I wait.
Anyway looks like there are some good people out here,
Hugs to you, and keep your chin up you are not your hair, you are unique and special with or without it.
At 6:48pm on September 22, 2008, Gina said…
Hi Emilie,

I know exactly what you're going through and how you feel about it. My hair started to fall out right after my second baby was born but didn't get that bad till a year ago. I too tried to cover until I couldn't anymore; got a wig but didn't shave what I had left of my hair, it fell out short after that anyways. I still hate this, and some days really are a challenge but it gets better, you get to the point where you realize you can't let alopecia prevent you from enjoying your life, especially when you're a mom; I know my kids are happier when I'm happy :-) It's great that you have your husband's support and I'm glad you found this site, it helps to know we are not alone. So hang in there...
At 4:29pm on September 4, 2008, Zoey said…
I think families would be welcome, but I am not really sure. This will be the first meeting I will be attending. So, I am not really sure about anything. Sorry I am no help!

I was born and raised in Los Angeles area. Valencia California. Do you know where that is? Its right by Magic Mountain.

I wouldnt worry about what your little cutie will think when he gets older. I can tell you from my experience, my son being 9 years old in 5th grade. He hasn't been teased at all. Infact, all the kids come up to me and talk they want to hang out..lol Its cute!
I am the only parent they all run to on the block and ask questions.. Makes me feel pretty good that none of them run and scream from me. I am not sure if anyone asks my son what's wrong cause they have never asked me.
I have had one of his teachers ask if I was okay. I think they thought I had cancer. (I wear my scarf all the time)
Anyways, its so far away. I am sure everything will be okay!

At 2:28pm on September 2, 2008, Rachel said…
Your son is so stinkin' cute!!
At 2:17pm on September 2, 2008, Dawn said…
Hi and welcome Emilie
At 1:40pm on September 2, 2008, Dotty said…
Hi Emilie,
Welcome to Alopecia World. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that we are just like family here so if you need anything, be sure to let me know. I love your pics. Your son is adorable and it sounds like you have a very supportive hubby. That makes a huge difference.
Love and Hugs,


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