Evie and mom Gail
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  • Ottawa, ON
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Evie and mom Gail's Friends

  • Jules1984
  • Melissa(Breanna's Mommy)
  • Erika Vincent
  • Jennifer Krahn
  • Stacey, Olivias mom

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My daughter Eva, 5, has has Alopecia Universalis since she was 10 months old. She just got her first wig, but isn't very interested in wearing it since it is hot and itchy. Normally she does very well, but there are days when she feels like she is the only bald kid in the world. We haven't met anyone yet with alopecia. Her school seems fairly supportive, although there can be comments some days that upset her and there are times when she wishes she could have big princess hair. Would love to meet others in Ottawa, Canada dealing with alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 8:30am on July 7, 2011, Jennifer Krahn said…
Just saw your post in Canadians with Alopecia...there is an organization CANAAF in Canada and I saw that a couple years ago they had a meeting. It would be great to get a NAAF conference for Canadians going up here. I just came back from Los Angeles (missed the conference to get back to my kidlets) but saw for the first time more people with alopecia...it was so nice to see! I saw how empowering this was for everyone. I know there is an organization called CAPS (I think) where it is a camp for kids with alopecia (How awesome)...I'll try to find out more and message you.
At 8:21am on July 7, 2011, Jennifer Krahn said…
Evie is beautiful!!! I was just passing by the photos and had to comment. She looks like she has such a fun-loving spirit and that smile!!! She is GORGEOUS! Wishing you well and hoping you are getting as warm a summer there in Ottawa as we are here in Winnipeg! (finally) Ps - My daughter loves her butterfly face!
At 7:46am on July 6, 2011, Jules1984 said…
This website is not the easiest to navigate through... I will definately give you a call sometime next week and schedule something for the weekend. Alexa hasn't lost all her hair yet.. but at the rate it's going, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She lost about 50% so far and has some regrowth in the areas she lost first... but she is still losing more and more. I'm debating right now whether or not I should shave her head. We can somewhat cover the bald areas because most of the loss is on the sides and on the bottom of her scalp. She is a little shy but is used to playing with children who are older than her since all her cousins are older. I want her to get used to seeing people expecially children who are bald because I'm afraid she might end up being bald herself. She comments that Caillou (her favouritte show) has no hair and that he just has a head.. so I'm trying to explain to her that not everybody has hair and that everyone is different and looks different but it doesn't mean that they are bad or scary. I don't know how to explain to a 3 year old about this stuff... but I'm trying my hardest. Anyways... I'll give you a call soon... Happy birthday to your daughter!! Looks like the weekend is going to be really nice!
At 5:54am on July 6, 2011, Jules1984 said…
Hello Gail, for some reason I can't send out messages through this website. We would love to get together with you guys as well. I have 2 daughters, Alexa is 3 and Tiana is going to be 2 in August. I am also pregnant with the third, due in September. Email me at jswaita@rogers.com this way we can correspond better so we can meet up sometime soon!

At 10:57pm on July 5, 2011, Evie and mom Gail said…
Evie tells a friend in chemo why it's cool to be bald: 5. you don't waste time in the bathtub washing hair 4. you don't hurt when you brush your hair 3. Your sister can't pull your hair 2. You get better head massages and #1 you get the best kisses on a bald head. :)
At 12:30pm on July 3, 2011, Jules1984 said…
Hello... your daughter is gorgeous! I came across your profile while searching for others with AA who live in Ottawa. My 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with AA 2.5 months ago and has lost about 50% of her hair so far. It doesn't seem to be stopping yet... but we have seen some grassy areas of regrowth. Where abouts in Ottawa do you live? How old is your daughter now? I haven't met any children with AA here and would love to meet you and your Evie. We live in Huntclub... what school does she go to? Hope to hear from you!

At 1:22pm on April 30, 2011, Kendal Rauh said…
Your little Evie is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to give her a big hug :)
At 12:20pm on January 22, 2011, Jade Hawkins said…
Hi Gail, I havent had a chance to be on alopeciaworld for some time thus Im catching up now with the time that Ive missed. I just wanted to say that I think its great that you are trying so early in your daughters life to make this go as smoothly as possible for her, because she unfortunate to say is going to have a really rough childhood because believe me theres things that you will try to understand but never really will. If there is some advice I can give you it would be to make sure she has a good support system, social skills will also be something your going to need to help her with, but most importantly you need to teach her to stand up for herself, keep her head high and always be proud of who she is. These are things that noone ever told me, I dont want to see any other children have such a rough time with alopecia. We should keep in touch, If ever one day Eva needs to talk to someone with similar experiences, or to find the best deals on wigs, Id love to help. Ttyl, Jade
At 11:50am on September 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Gail!
How are you and Eva doing today?
Leslie Ann


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