  • Female
  • Green Bay, WI
  • United States
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I am 29, a mother of 2 children. I was Diagnosed with AA in 2001 my senior year of High School. Then a year later all my hair fell out and now I have AU...To me it's a battle every day. I am very greatfull and thank God every day that it's not a serious life threatening condition. I have trouble coping with it on a day to day basis and it's a struggle... I have actually been with someone and is the father of our children and respects me for who I am with or with out hair. And I am very great-full to have this man in my life...I hope one day I can find peace with my self and realize this is who I am and it's not going to change...Denial is so hard..But, my spirits are getting some where...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 2:48pm on June 24, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

It is great that you are taking it one day at a time. As far as pointers go, there are a lot of them in my book (you can find out more on my page or go to Amazon.com and look up "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It's funny -- I've had AU for so long I'm not sure I would know what to do with my own hair if it grew back. There are so many new products -- and I'd have to learn how to do blowouts and...! Yikes!

At 3:28pm on June 15, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Heather!
How are you today? I have AU, too.
Leslie Ann

At 6:47pm on June 4, 2012, Christine said…
Thanks for the quick response Heather, I'm happy that you found alopecia world also! This is such a difficult condition to live with, I'm still struggling with this too. I would like more info if you have it on your wig, I live in Washington state, but I know that a lot of wigs Re avail. On the Internet, can you tell me more about it, like manufacture or name? I may be able to find it, it looks so nice on you, I don't think anyone would know it's a wig at All, some even great ones I can still tell, you know what I mean. Just a word of encouragement for you , a dentist I had some years Ago told me his brother became AU during medical school, he remained so for five years and then it all grew back, and has not fallen out again(many yrs) now I know that some never grow back but I think it's always possible:)my pattern is not very encouraging, and I've had it for ten yrs now, so I do get discouraged,I developed a problem with minoxidil, and now can't use it, and it helped me, so I'm sad right now. I don't have a great supportive husband like you, but I just try and get my support elsewhere, this has been a greT place for that.
At 12:55am on June 1, 2012, Christine said…

Welcome Heather, glad you found us here. Your Kids are adorable! I have to say I love,love love your wedding photos, and your wig! If you don't mind sharing where you got it, it looks just like my real hair did. I'm still holding on to about a third of it now, I've had AA for ten years also, I have the ophiasis pattern, and seem to be not regrowing anymore, and losing in spots all over now. I'm looking for a wig that will look like yours. You look fantasitc. So glad your here.

At 1:24pm on May 29, 2012, Alliegator said…

Welcome to AW! I was looking at the new photos posted, and the Packers shirt caught my eye. Your kids are so adorable. I just wanted to say that you are not alone, and this is a great website.

At 10:54pm on May 25, 2012, Susan Innes said…

Hello Heather - Glad to have you in the Wisconsin group. Alopecia may not be life-threatening but it can leave us feeling like a shell, and I'm not sure that we ever win the war. Fortunately, there are small battle victories which keep us fighting. Good friends and family support are essential to our mental health; but, when aren't they?:) So, we try not to take them for granted and extend our gratitude for their loving care that gives us the courage to accept our unique image. There's a learning curve to living with the disease with plateaus along the way. Once we reach a certain level of acceptance, we become better than before. This is an incredible group of people who have made great strides at all levels with some extraordinary leaps of faith that life will be what they make it, and that's exactly when they start to soar. Great accomplishments often develop during some of the most difficult times of our lives. Accepting any change in life is not easy but we do acquire strength that we didn't have before and that makes us more confident and capable of facing many of life's other challenges down the road. ((Hugs)) Susan

At 7:42pm on May 25, 2012, Tatum said…

Hey - Welcome to AW! I'm from Wisconsin aswell.:)



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