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  • Bee
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  • Carol Yuen

Lina's Discussions

Cosplay wigs

Started this discussion. Last reply by diamond22 Dec 15, 2016. 5 Replies

Have any of you tried Cosplay wigs? How does it look and feel? Comfortable or just unnatural?They look great in pictures o_o This one looks pretty neat.. but would it look as good in real life?…Continue

Tags: wig, cosplay

Regrowth? Dead hair focilles?

Started this discussion. Last reply by lisratae Jul 24, 2018. 45 Replies

I have something I have been thinking about lately..To you whom have had regrowth - from universalis/totalis to areata or fullgrown hair - were you ever completely bald? I mean like 'shiny-bald', or…Continue

Tags: follices

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About Me:
Alopecia... Ah. I'm stressed.
I have had it since April last year and now I am completely bald and without eyebrows.
I'm starting to realize that there's a teeny tiny chance that I will ever get my hair back and I hope my boyfriend won't leave me when he realizes that it won't come back..
He says that it doesn't matter if i have hair or not but he really believes it will grow back.

What should i do?...

I am also desperate for a new wig but I am new to this.. were do i find nice, comfortable natural-looking wigs for a good prise? D:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 12:13pm on December 6, 2013, Bee said…

Hej Lina!

Du skrev frågade lite på min sida i februari (Har inte vart inloggad på AW på jätte länge och kände att det var dags, så jag ursäktar!)

Jag hade Alopecia totalis, alltså så tappade jag ALLT mitt hår. Det var ungefär för 3 år sedan och sen så när jag slutade bry mig helt om alopecia, alltså alla kommentarer från människor men dessutom mina egna störda tankar om hur ful jag var, insåg jag att det bara var en del av mitt liv och så småning om så växte mitt hår tillbaka. Nu tror jag inte att jag har några fläckar kvar på huvudet, men jag försöker att inte heller leta efter dem konstant som jag gjorde då.

Jag har alltid trott att mitt hår växte tillbaka för att jag mådde bra på riktigt, men det finns många personer med alopecia som också mår bra fastän deras hår inte har växt tillbaka. Jag vet inte hur du mår, jag hoppas däremot att du mår bra, men jag tror att det bästa man kan göra är att försöka att inte stressa upp sig över alopecia.

Hoppas att jag hjälpt eller svarat någorlunda bra på din fråga!

MVH, Bea :)

At 2:32pm on April 17, 2013, Carol Yuen said…

Hello Lina,

You sent me a message awhile back in Feb. Sorry that I haven't been replying to my message. I haven't needed a wig since Nov 2009. I had regrowth since, but my hair is still really thin. When I had my alopecia, I had frizz on my scalp. It wasn't completely bald and shiny. Let me know if you have any questions. I am glad to answer them.


At 1:12am on November 27, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome,Lina!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann

At 12:21pm on November 8, 2012, Cheryl, Co-founder said…

Hi Lina, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Be sure to check out "10 tips for getting the most out of Alopecia World” which include a few tips to get you started!
Cheryl, co-founder



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