Lisa and Natalie
  • Female
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Lisa and Natalie's Friends

  • Lisa F and Chloe
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • Lillian (Tracy-mom)
  • Annette
  • LeslieAnn Butler
  • Cindy

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About Me:
I have a daughter who has alopecia areata.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 5:13am on May 3, 2010, Annette said…
Hi! How do you do?
Greetings from Denmark
At 2:26pm on April 10, 2010, Annette said…
Hi - that sounds fantastic! My daughter still doesn´t know about her spot and I can´t see new hair growing :( - but I hope we ar lucky this time!
I think there are quiete many girls at the age of 8-9 years in here with aa - strange isn´t it? I just wonder about it...
Many greetings from wonderful little Danmark :)
At 6:44am on April 9, 2010, Annette said…
Now it´s 7 weeks ago that I discovered at my daughter has got AA - and there´s still no difference: she is not loosing hair and there is not growing new hair....How about your daughter? Hope you are well! Greetings from Denmark
At 2:33am on March 27, 2010, Annette Thompson said…
Hi Lisa and Natialie,
Welocome to the site! I am also new and live north of Seattle. It is nice to see someone else from the northwest....
At 3:18pm on March 26, 2010, Annette said…
Hello again :)
My daughters spot didn´t increase until now! Now it´s 5 weeks ago - so I´m still hoping that´s just this one spot. How about your daughter? Clara still doesn´t know that she has got AA - but she knows the desease because her brother also was loosing hair 2 years ago...
At 7:58pm on March 23, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Lisa!
How are you and your daughter doing today?
At 2:27am on March 21, 2010, Annette said…
I am Annette, living in Denmark (but german), and mom of 4 children.
My daughter Clara is 8 years old and I noticed one spot (about 1 cm) on the top of her had for 4 weeks ago. Until now nothing else happened: she is not loosing hair and the spot is still the same size. She doesn´t know that she has got AA and she doesn´t get any treatment.
My son and my husbands sister have/had AA too.
At 1:41pm on March 19, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi LIsa, I am Cindy and parent to an 8 yr old daughter. Welcome and this is a great support network and you will it helpful, especially the days you need it. Sam has had AA for 3 yrs, but has regrown most of her back now. It is emotionally draining on us as parents because we have no control of this condition and doctors don't know how to permanently fix it. The important thing is to give your daughter the support she needs. I suggest contacting Childrens Alopecia Project You can join for free and they can help you locate a family in your area if they have any in their data base. There are also a ton more services they can offer you. Contact Betsy and she will get you set up and help you. They are having Alopeciapalooza this summer in Aug and it is a great conference geared for the kids. Please email me if there is anything I can do to help. I have aquired many resources over the years and I am happy to share. Cindy
At 3:14pm on March 18, 2010, Lisa F and Chloe said…
Welcome, my 8 year old daughter was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago. Hearing the news that she had AA was hard to take. We had so many questions (and not much answers from the doctors). I have been amazed at the info, support and friendship I have found on this site. I am sure you will find the same. Good luck to your beautiful daughter and your family.


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