  • Female
  • Brisbane, QLD
  • Australia
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  • Vesna Devcic
  • BTB (John)
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About Me:
I'm 23 years old and I was only diagnosed with Alopecia in January 2014. I noticed I was losing more hair then usual around November 2013, on the 28th of December 2013;my son's 6th birthday, I noticed a bald spot the size of a 50cent piece at the front of my hairline. I freaked out straight away but I was able to comb my fridge over to cover it. I went to the doctors a week later and had blood tests. I was then diagnosed with Alopecia Areata and was told I'd lose a few patches of hair. Within a few weeks I'd lost multiple patches of hair all over my head. 2 days before my 23rd birthday which was on the 4th of Feb this year I decided to shave what was left of my hair off. I could no longer cover the bald spots. I know have a few patches of hair left but they are only little ones as I have little bald spots all over the back of my head and no hair left on the sides of my head and none at the front. I own one wig and am waiting for another to arrive. I'm slowly accepting being bald but I still have days that I want my hair back.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Taryn's Blog

Alopecia awareness

Posted on March 1, 2014 at 8:00am 1 Comment

Before being diagnosed with Alopecia i had never heard of it, so now I'm sitting here wondering how many people actually know about Alopecia and what exactly it is. I have noticed that there are quite a few people in the world with Alopecia. so if there is quite a few, why is it not very well known about. I was told by my doctor that mine is caused from stress, if i had been told stressing a lot would cause my hair to fall out i most likely would have prevented myself from stressing as much…


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At 8:38am on February 17, 2014, BTB (John) said…
Hi Pat and I are on the Sunshine Coast and have a meetup scheduled in caloundra for the 22nd if your interesting in attending. There is also a play bejng staged in the future by a member of our alopecjan group an her experice with alopecia. Hope you canzoni us.
At 5:15pm on February 16, 2014, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Taryn!

How are you today?

Leslie Ann



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