lisa bea
  • Penfield, NY
  • United States
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  • Lauren W
  • Jennifer B
  • Rebecca Cox
  • Susan - Jon's Mum
  • Lisa F
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • LeslieAnn Butler

lisa bea's Discussions

Help, I need to buy a wig for my daughter

Started this discussion. Last reply by lisa bea Dec 11, 2009. 6 Replies

Help, I need to buy a wig for my daughter. She got her first one in Sept. from a friend in NY. We were very fortunate that he helped us when her hair loss became rapid and she was about to start…Continue

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child w/alopecia
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I do not have alopecia
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Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 4:13pm on February 1, 2010, Jennifer B said…
Hi Lisa,
It would be nice to meet up sometime. Perhaps the get together that Susan is trying to set-up. My son, Alec is pretty shy when it comes to his alopecia, so I don't know if he would open up right now to someone older. At some point maybe he would talk with your daughter. I appreciate the offer and I think it's great that she wants to help. I got him to start seeing the school counselor. They are trying some role-playing and some coping techniques for when kids make comments or make fun. The school bus seems to be his biggest hurdle right now. My son started with a round patch at age 2 and then his hair grew back. He has lost 75%+ of his hair within a year and we shave his head once a week to make it look cleaner. He actually looks good! We stopped seeing the derm, as they were suggesting injections. Has your daughter tried any treatments? Any success at any point? Does she continue to see a derm? Thanks for your note and support. --JEN
At 4:26pm on January 28, 2010, Jennifer B said…
Hi Lisa,
I guess I did it wrong. I'm very new at this. Anyhow, how old is your daughter? Do you ever attend the local NAAF group in Penfield?
At 2:51pm on November 30, 2009, Lisa F said…
Thanks, Lisa. This is a very difficult time right now, but I'm sure things will be OK eventually. It is good to hear that your daughter made the adjustment to a wig without too much trouble. Kait spends a long time and a lot of bobby pins and hairspray trying to cover the spots now, so I think this will be a relief to her once she accepts it.
At 6:16pm on November 20, 2009, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Lisa
We are well thanks. Had a really bad start to the week but things are looking up. On thursday Jon agreed that he needs help with his anxiety/depression. This is the first positive sign we have had for a few months. He also went to his friends place to sleep over last night so he is becoming more social now which is a relief.
How are you and Lauren?
At 4:02pm on November 17, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hey, that is just great! Would you let me know how you two like it?
And I'm here if either of you need to talk. My personal email is
Big hugs!
At 2:21pm on November 16, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Thank you for telling me about your daughter. It's equally as hard for you as it is for her, I know. One thing that you might be interested in is my book, written for women, mothers and daughters called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" (It just won two national awards!) It has helped a lot of women! There is lot of good info in it, it can answer many questions, and it's a fun read, too. You can find out more on my page. It's available on Let me know if there's anything else I can do! I am here to help.
At 11:54pm on November 13, 2009, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Thank you for caring and for your prayers
Jon had a good night. He came home positive and chatty.
He was invited out today to the beach with a friend's family. He didn't sleep last night - worrying about it I think. He made himself sick and then couldn't go which is a real shame. Hopefully he will get another opportunity soon and bite the bullet and go.
Is your daughter seeing her friends more socially now? Does the wig make her feel more confident?
Is she listening to you do you think? It would be good if someone else could reinforce what we tell our children to try and bolster their self esteem.
I also wish they would find a cure very soon. It would turn our life around.
At 10:25pm on November 12, 2009, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Lisa
I know how you feel. Whenever your children have a problem you wish you can 'fix' it or help them solve it. Unfortunately we can't do anything about fixing the problem of alopecia.
I am glad that your daughter has some really good friends. That should certainly help her to cope. It is nice that you both are close. I have that closeness with my daughters and i am so thankful for it.
Jon is having a good day so far today. The last two days he has been in a very negative mood. He is having a friend sleep over and going to a youth group with him tonight. He hasn't had much contact with friends in the last few months so i am so pleased that he is doing something with one.
Hope you and your daughter are having a nice day
At 11:36pm on November 11, 2009, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Lisa
The teenage years are very challenging. Being at all different to everybody else makes it even harder. Appearance is very important to them isn't it? How does your daughter cope? Does she have some good friends?
At 4:39pm on November 11, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Lisa!
How are you doing today? How is your little one?


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