  • Female
  • Houghton, NY
  • United States
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Suzanne's Friends

  • Mommy of 2 boys
  • Emmy
  • kdeff
  • Angie
  • Misty Boggs
  • Amit
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • Tasha Dingler
  • german mama in NY
  • Jo Jo
  • Jill
  • kim trivett
  • claire
  • carly
  • Jessi

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About Me:
My 3 year old daughter has alopecia and in January asked me to get rid of my hair. I did and it has taught me so much about the strength in both of us as well as my 2 year old who seems to almost wish she didn't have hair either now.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 2:21pm on April 7, 2012, Angie said…

You're are a cool mom. God bless you and your family.

At 7:04pm on March 22, 2012, Emmy said…

Hi Suzanne, my daughter is 6 and recently diagnosed with alopecia areata. would love for her to be pen pals with Emma.

At 9:50am on March 04, 2012, Jessi gave suzanne a gift
At 9:50am on March 4, 2012, Jessi said…

Hi, my daughter will by 6 in May and she lost all her hair almost 3 years ago. I'm sure she'd love to be friends with your daughter. We live in Upstate NY near Syracuse. Even being penpals would be awesome, she loves getting mail.

At 8:31pm on October 19, 2009, Jo Jo said…
How old is your daughter? Was she born with the Alopecia or was it a gradual process? If it is too personal to share, that too is fine. I have my 5 year old that was born with extremely fine hair, soooo fine that sometimes I can see her scalp. I work in dermatology and know that first they would do a punch biopsy then depending on the kind of alopecia she has, I could start injections of steroid, but this stuff has side effects and to me I just dont want to subject her to that. I think it will be her decision. Your thoughts?
At 9:19pm on October 18, 2009, Jo Jo said…
At 9:21pm on July 11, 2009, Dotty said…
Happy Birthday!!! Your daughters are beautiful as are you. I have much respect for you for shaving your head for your daughter. My friend Lori also keeps her head shaved for her 6 y/o daughter with Alopecia. Big hugs to you and again, Happy Birthday from a fellow Cancerian. (mine was yesterday!!)
Love and Hugs,
At 1:19am on July 11, 2009, Misty Boggs said…
Oh by the way Happy Birthday
At 1:18am on July 11, 2009, Misty Boggs said…
Wow..thats awesome that you shaved your head for your daughter! I have alopecia and so does my six years old daughter! I was just diagnosed in February and it really hurt my self esteem alot, but then a month later I found a bald spot in the back of her hair! So sad...well good luck to all of you!
At 11:16pm on April 14, 2009, suzanne said…
thank you everyone. This site is amazing with all the information and support what a welcoming place


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