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father of 6 yr old little girl from Toronto Canada would like to chat and get to know more about what to expect and not to expect "for that matter" on alopecia.Been reading many comments and stories and find the people here very warm and open about this condition would love to get involved in groups and such discussions.
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At 8:50pm on September 14, 2008, Janna said…
Hi again, Tony,

Best of luck with your little girl's treatment. Please let me know if you see any results! I understand what you said about your heart breaking when you notice your little girl trying to keep her hat on in public. Today I heard my little daughter, Lynnea, saying under her breath at a party "I'm not a baby. I'm a grown up girl!" when the other kids were refering to her that way. I think she holds a lot of those feelings inside.

I'm hoping to take Lynnea back to our naturopath again soon to have a check up. We recently visited a peadiatrician who is convinced that Lynnea has celiac's disease as well (because she's so petite) but she doesn't seem ill, and her coloring is fine. I'm so reluctant to put her through uneccessary bloodtests if she doesn't really need that. I'd rather take a non-invasive route with her care. I DO know that taking her off dairy made a HUGE difference in her health!

Good to hear from you. Keep in touch.

At 2:06am on July 13, 2008, Janna said…
Hello Tony,

I've just signed on for the first time in a long time and noticed that you'd responded to a forum I'd started about developing alopecia at a young age. It sounds like our little ones are quite similar (re: food allergies and sensitivities to additives etc.). I hope that the sterol works for your little sweetie. Since writing on that forum, Lynnea has regrown her eyebrows completely, her eyelashes are growing back well, and her head is covered in a light fuzz! I know that it might be temporary, but we're enjoying this step forward, and she's very pleased with her 'eye bowws'. I think with here, there is a definite correlation with her diet, and her system needing to be cleansed of toxins.

Please write anytime. I'd love to hear anything you've learned about alopecia through your little one's experience.

At 8:19am on June 23, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Tony, Thanks for the note! I hope that you and your little girl are hanging in there! :-)

I will spend some time to gather some info on children's wig and forward it to you shortly.
At 11:50pm on June 21, 2008, tony said…
Edyta took your advice and called did tell me they do it for free up to 17 but they never call back.Oh well will keep calling, hows everything with you just thought I'd say hi.
At 10:12am on June 10, 2008, Stacey, Olivias mom said…
Hi my daughter is also 6 years old with complete hair loss. This is her 2nd time the first time she was 3 was scared to death as to what it was my husband started going online before our Dr's appt and right off he found a site and knew this is what she had. It is hard when you see these other little girls with their long flowing hair and knowing that will probaly never be. But she is very confident and most kids are pretty good about it. I told her well everyone is born bald God just covered the ugly ones with hair. How is your daughter coping with this? Does she have a wig? Which we have discovered is not covered by medical. But found a great wig site that we have purchased off of for a partial wig that you can velcro from hat to hat, thats if she wants to wear one and all the power to her if she doesnt, I know with our daughter the sunscreen is from head to foot in case she heads out the door without her hat or hair! If you have and questions and to see if alot of their symptoms are alike let me know also be prepared if she has no lashes of minor eye infections she had her first this year!
At 12:06pm on June 5, 2008, Julia said…
Thank you so much for the comment...How is you daughter handling it? I think sometimes we as adults handle it much worse than the child does which sets up new insecurities for them...

Well take care!
At 7:11pm on May 28, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
Hey man..Yeah we live in Sundre now...just west of Olds 1/2 hr or so and one hr nortwest of calgary.....
At 8:59pm on May 27, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
Yeah..injections at that age would be traumatic i think...they told me it was upto 20 shots per spot and yeah no real guaranteof succes...but i have also heard of herbology and homiopatic remedies having profound effects...(myself I'm a sceptic) but others i've heard have had some good results... Yeah we're from calgary both me and my wife..we moved outta the city proper about 5-6 yr's ago into a town of around 1500, and I wouldn't trade it for life in the's kinda like camping year round with full ammenities...anyway i hope you have success with your little one and pls let me know if it has positive effefcts....(even if not...) good to know...
MIke v
At 10:32am on May 26, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
Hello Tony...Ufortunatley my experience with doctors is somewhat limited on this I still haven't found one with a satisfactory explanation about the condition...i feel i know more than them thru research on the net. I do understand that it can go into remission..but no one seem to know the trigger for this....I have so many spots that needles and injections just seem like a cruel I just shave my head...(still look kinda goofy as my hair is black) so you can still see the bare patches...., the general conclusion I have reached is that it is kinda a mixed blessin' as I have received a superior immune system due to the elevated white cell count. I rarley, if ever get sick (even if the wife and kids are all sick) i sail through...I wish you the absolute best of luck with your daughter.... maybre the pediatricians know something about this in children that I do not...
again good luck...I'll be interested to see how it works....
MIke V
At 5:51pm on May 25, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
Hello Tony...I am a dad, 2 kids, both healthy (thank god) ..but I have Ariata (small patches) all over my head..and I haven't done any treatments..but I may have some insight as I've had it for about 5-6 yrs now.....


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