Rose's Blog – September 2011 Archive (3)

The inquiring mind of a three year old

My three year old grandson really wants to understand why his grandma doesn't have any hair, or more specifically why my hair doesn't grow. Keep in mind that he's only had about a week to wrap his mind around his grandma being completely bald. So today while watching him at my house he started in with wanting to know all about lobsters so we googled lobsters and we looked at photos, videos and information about lobsters and then it occurred to me....I could answer all his questions about my… Continue

Added by Rose on September 12, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments


Before I finally gave up the fight and shaved my head (sweet surrender by the way) I would find myself envious of girls/women who could put their hair in a ponytail or simply just "throw it up outta the way", however now with my newly shaved head I've found a whole new fixation with girls/women that love their wigs or hairpieces. Why can't i be like them i ask myself. To appease my daughter and to feed my curiosity I went wig shopping and found myself shaking my bald head no to every wig they… Continue

Added by Rose on September 10, 2011 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Everyday is a new beginning

I've read just a few of the blogs this morning and it warms my heart. Shaved my head for the first time last night. So little hair left, felt I had to let it go. I've been mourning the loss and yet feeling great relief. I am me, with or without hair. I'm in a 12 Step program that has taught me so much about love and support and now with Alopeica World I have that same support to deal with this disease. I attend my first Alopecia support group this month and I'm very excited about that. This is… Continue

Added by Rose on September 7, 2011 at 11:00am — 4 Comments


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