Laura Duksta's Blog (5)

Are there any aspiring Children's Authors in the group?

Hello my fellow Alopecians :-)

I haven't stopped by in a while as I've been busy getting ready to teach my first ever "Children's Author Academy". I realized I didn't share this with all of you and I know there are probably at least a few of you who have a great idea for a children's book brewing inside of you! Obviously some of the greatest children's books share life lessons and we have all certainly learned a few!!! My class is focusing on creating your own bestselling children's… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on October 22, 2008 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Alopecia on Entourage

I was catching up on my Tivo's episodes of Entourgare (I know...not the most enlightened show) but they mentioned Alopecia twice in one episode. Not really anything about it but just that someone had it which I found strange unless they were obvioulsy trying to bring attention to it. It is awareness month...I was wondering if someone that works on or with the show is affected? I haven't been on this site in a while...Was there any mention of it here? Let me know if you heard… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on September 22, 2008 at 4:36pm — 3 Comments

A post from one of my MySpace friends "Tribe of Eden" on Incurable Diseases and the power of love!

Hello my bald brothers and sisters!

I have asked one of my MySpace friends if I could copy his post here. Bryan Eden is part of "Tribe of Eden" a group of hardrockers bringing a positive message to the world through their music. He shared this story in a recent bulletin and I wanted to share it all with you! I am certain, that as Bryan proved...with love...anything is possible! Enjoy and please visit his sites that I listed at the bottom. I thought this was an incredbily powerful testiment… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on April 5, 2008 at 12:25pm — 1 Comment

How/When My Alopecia started (a long one...)

Hello My Shining Ones :-)

I also just posted a video that shares some of this same *long* story....if you'd rather watch than read :-)

In my first blog I said I would share "how/when" my Alopecia started as the story has unraveled itself to me slowly over the years! When I was 7 or 8 years old I realized I was somehow meant to "travel the world, meet my brothers and sisters and spread the message of love." Yes, perhaps an odd thought for a child, but it was something that… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on March 18, 2008 at 8:14pm — No Comments

Hello My Bald Brothers and Sisters!

Wow!!! What a great site! And how cool are social network sites! I think Alopecia World is using the same system that we just moved my company to If any of you are following along with the New Earth book with Oprah and Eckhart Tolle you'll enjoy our site...come check it out when you get a chance!

But back to Alopecia World...this is awesome! What a great resource and place for people to meet, ask questions and feel a sense of community! I *LOVE* the… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on March 8, 2008 at 8:15pm — 3 Comments


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