I have wondered sometimes what other people think when they see someone with alopecia areata. If or when someone asked me whats wrong with my hair I would be happy to tell them its alopecia areata and that it is and autoimmune disorder. Of course not everyone knows about alopecia and perhaps some might think if they get too close to you they will get alopecia. I have ran into a few situations where some people think I'm diseased like they would sit near me then stare at my head then sit further…
Added by Lawrence C. on December 26, 2010 at 11:12pm —
Many people will tell you how the wind in your hair feeling is great. But for someone like me who has alopecia areata, I see the it differently. Since I have bald spots on my head its generally not very noticeable but when the wind blows then it reveals. I used to always wear a hat whenever I go outside but now I'm not as self conscious. If its very windy outside then I would wear a hat.
Added by Lawrence C. on September 18, 2010 at 3:37pm —