Many people will tell you how the wind in your hair feeling is great. But for someone like me who has alopecia areata, I see the it differently. Since I have bald spots on my head its generally not very noticeable but when the wind blows then it reveals. I used to always wear a hat whenever I go outside but now I'm not as self conscious. If its very windy outside then I would wear a hat.

Views: 14

allets Comment by allets on September 18, 2010 at 9:47pm
Hi Lawrence,

I remember the wind too well! :P I use to always try to wear a lightweight hoodie or sweater with a hood (even in summer too!)to cover my head. Just as soon as I entered a building, I'd dash into the nearest ladies' room to rearrange my hair.

I use to dread windy days. Now that I've shaved my head, I actually enjoy breezy days! :)
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 19, 2010 at 12:31am
Its funny that you said this.....just yesterday I went for a ride on my horse thru the fields. It was the first time in many years that I was able to enjoy the wind without wearing a hat. 2 weeks ago I shaved my head, and got to feel the wind across my head. What a feeling!!! I was sharing this with my boy-friend who just so happens to have long hair. He told me that the 'wind in your hair" is highly over-rated anyways. (he knows just how to make me laugh)
Comment by Tamara on September 20, 2010 at 9:08am
My new favorite thing about not having hair is driving with the windows down! I HATED doing it when I had hair because it would blow into my face/mouth/eyes and become the largest tangled mess. Now I put all the windows down and enjoy the wind blowing on my face/head!
Comment by Sam Sam on September 20, 2010 at 4:48pm
I agree with Tamara, the best thing about not having hair is God breathing on it. The wind, sun and rain (as Tamara has ftold me about the rain) its just lovely. When I wore a wig I would be afraid of the wind blowing, I would try to duck it, or even walk a certian way with my head facing the ground so my hair would not fly up. I enjoy the wind now i look forward to it, feels great.
Comment by Lawrence C. on September 20, 2010 at 9:44pm
Thanks for the input. I would always comb my hair with my hand after the wind blows. And I too did turn my head a certain way so the wind will blow on my hair as much. I find that when the wind blows against the back of my head it reveals. Sometimes I see people driving in convertibles with their hair flying and hitting their face, looks messy but then again I don't have long hair. I have been debating if I should shave my head but not sure if it makes the spots less noticeable. I see that with a shaved head its low maintenance which is a good thing.
Comment by Tamara on September 21, 2010 at 7:29am
I had hair down to the middle of my back this time last year. Yes it was beautiful, but it was a pain in my butt!! I never rode with the windows down more than half way. Shaving has definitely made it easier to hide the spots. I let it grow out a little bit and I dyed it blonde to make the bald spots even less noticable, and i actually like it!!


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