I play soccer and i wear a bandana when I play ,im not completly bald because if i was then i wouldnt have really thought much of it i have like two sections of hair on top of my head so it looks like i have more hair than i actually have. So today we played a scrimage game agansted Hope christrian school .So anyway I was playing defense and the girl who i was trying to get the ball from pushed me or something that made me do this werid flip type thing and landed on my head/neck (now my neck hurts ) and my bandanna fell off it was really embarassing because one it was in front of a entire crowd and both teams (i didnt tell my teammates about my AA because i didnt think it would be neccasary) thankfully no one said anything about my hair (im really thankful for that) but i was just wondering if some thing like that has ever happend to any one else.

Views: 7


Comment by Bob Hershberger on August 16, 2008 at 10:35pm
Oh yes..When I was in school(high school) I wore a beenie hat sometimes to hide my horrible AA,which covered most of my head at the time,and on day,I walked in to one of my classes,and there was 6 girls,all with the same hat on making fun of me and laughing..I just looked at them,and I guess its a good thing looks cant kill..Anyway,that was not my best day..Bob
ps..AA also brought many wonderful things to my life in exchange..God bless us all..
Comment by Kristen Ridenhour on August 16, 2008 at 11:34pm
Yes this has happened to me a few times. The first was just a week or two after all of it had fallen out. I was at gymnastics and it had slipped off. I ran to the bathroom and put it back on as fast as I could. They all knew about it, so they didn't say anything to me and just let it go. Sounds like everyone handled it very well.
Comment by Linda on August 17, 2008 at 12:47am
Ha ha ha, I have to laugh when I think about this one. When I got to high school, my Momma bought me my first wig, it was one of those Supremes doobees. I was Pssst, HOT, lol. We lived a block from the bus stop, it snowed one morning, I stepped out the door and started down the steps and slipped. My feet flew out from under me and when my behind hit the ground, my wig flew up in the air and landed in the snow. I grabbed it and ran in the house. Some of the kids at the bus stop laughed, it was funny, they weren't close enough to see the AA spots on my head. My older brother walked me to the bus stop and waited with me until the bus came, no one said a word, ever, at least not to me. But my siblings and I still laugh about it today!
Comment by Melissa Harris on August 17, 2008 at 11:39am
I sorry that happened to you, but you are going to be alright. Don't let it stop you from living your life and doing what you love to do. You have that right to be happy too! I hope you are doing ok !
Comment by traci on August 18, 2008 at 5:49pm
i used to wear bandanas when i was in grade school also and sometimes if it was windy the bandana would blow the wrong way if it wasn't tied tightly and unfortunately the kids in my class were not the nicest people. i'm sorry that it happened to you but don't worry about what everyone else thinks! if they're going to judge you based on how you look, then that's their problem and not yours. keep on being strong and have fun playing soccer!


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