I have, for the first time, bought a wig I like and are comfertable to wear... but it is not as easy as that:)

I have had alopecia for 20 years and have never worn a wig before for more than a coupl of seconds. Ofcourse I have tried some, but never started using it. I have actually been very proud of that. I go out bald without any stuggle or feeling ashamed. I went through my teens and my early twenties bald and proud of it:) And now I see all the beatiful people in the same situation as myself here on alopeciaworl as well...

So I am now aksing myself; why shall I start using a wig when I just turned 30? It was, ofcourse, something inside me saying: why not try it and see...NOT only because of dating, although it is a lie to say its not ONE of the reasons.

I have now used the wig for a couple of days and I get very nice feedbaks! My feelings are like a roller-coaster when it comes to this subject!

-How to juggle between going both bald and with a wig in public?
-How to be open about being bald and actually proud of it when (sometimes)wearing a wig?

(This is only my thoughts and feelings about myself regarding this topic and I hope everybody understand that I truely respect the choice that each and one of us has to take for themself)

Views: 24

Comment by Silje H Teig on August 26, 2008 at 11:34am
Thank you for the comment!!!! It is so true, and I will certainly enjoy it:)
Comment by Orbit on August 26, 2008 at 7:26pm
While I choose to mostly go out with wigs (and sometimes a headscarf) I do find that some people are a little "confused" when they see me. I like to wear red hair mostly (as I was once a natural redhead) but also enjoy blonde and brunnette hair depending on the day or my mood. Neighbours still sometimes look shocked when I am chin length curly blonde one day and long and dark the next. I used to have mild anxiety about the whole thing - but these days I couldn't care less. I take the compliments with a smile and always answer truthfully if any one asks if it s a wig (most people don't ask, I just tell them they too could have the same cut, colour etc. because its a wig).

Just do what every you fancy! eventually people will get used to your chameleon like appearances, and if not, who cares?! :-)
Comment by Lorena on August 27, 2008 at 12:35pm
I struggled with the same worries. But I find the versatility is rewarding and feeds my desire to be different. I started wearing wigs for fun and dating purposes as well. I got tired of people thinking I was dying of cancer. The positive feedback I recieve is wonderful! People tell me I look ten years younger, always a good thing!. It did not increase my dating at all. Which just proves that the "right man" does not live here. Perhaps in Florida?....
Comment by Katherine Green on September 1, 2008 at 9:20am
Just to say that, i now enojy wearing wigs. And first i had no intention of ever wearing them, but now i find them fun & its good to change styles with your moods; I do enjoy having a bit of a trying on session in a wig shop, i treat them very much like an item of clothing.

Good luck & feel free to stay in touch,ok. i would like to know how you get on.

Comment by Katherine Green on September 26, 2008 at 2:54pm
I would just loke to add that since you wear glasses, why not see your wig as an option, like wearing contact lenses. I wear contacts nearly all the time now, but i like to have the choice; so why not see your wig the same way.

I hope you enjoy getting the positive comments & feedback when your wig, post some photos when you get the time & that way we can all see what it looks like

Stay in touch



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