Hello Everyone.
This is all new for me. I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata about 4 months ago. I couldnt believe it, Im the kind of person that loved doing my hair, and getting it coloured, and all that girly stuff. Now, the only thing I do with my hair, is try desperately to cover up my bald spots, which is impossible now.
I think Im still in denial. I still believe that maybe my hair will grow back, which it hasnt. I still think that maybe this is just a dream, and Im going to wake up from this nightmare any day..
My family, has tried to convince me to at least cut my hair so i can transition into a wig better later on, but Im too scared to go to a hair dresser - What if people stare?
My poor boyfriend has to watch me have daily meltdowns, because I think he'll leave me once, im completely bald..which by the looks of it, I will be.
i want to get over this, and be as empowering as all of you gorgeous people, but Im having a hard time. I see women with gorgeous hair and I want that. I want to go back in time and just have my hair, or I wish I could be as accepting as everyone else.

Views: 8

Comment by Tony on August 28, 2008 at 6:31am
Chelsea...welcome. The first time through is always difficult. The anxiety, the emotion, the what-ifs. Add that on top of the daily stuff we deal with and life can seem pretty overwhelming. Meltdowns...I think we've all been there.

Know that you are not alone. This is a great group...scratch that, it's more like a family. Many have walked this road for a long time. We are here if you need to cry, vent, laugh or just want to talk to someone who understands.
Comment by Amanda on August 31, 2008 at 12:17pm
i totally feel your pain. i lost my hair about 7 months ago and i was in BEAUTY SCHOOL! i had a really hard time accpeting it and i was always so self concious of how others saw me. it was truely a nightmare. i would have dreams at night that i had a georgeous head of hair and wake up and start crying becuase it was just a dream. im not going to lie it really does suck, but over time you will come to realize that its not the hair that makes the person. if you stay strong and confident and believe that you are beautiful, WHICH YOU ARE BY THE WAY, then others will see that too. and im so happy you came to alopecia world. everyone is so nice, and like Tony said, its like a family! if you ever need to talk, im here girl!



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