although I have had a couple of hard days this past month in dealing with my alopecia, overall, I really feel like I have turned a corner and feel much more comfortable in my own skin and confident. I'm not really sure what specifically has changed... maybe my two weeks in the mountains is sinking into my entire being, maybe all the bikram yoga I am doing... not realyl sure but it is a great comfort to have found a bit of peace with respect to all of this. I still have not told most of my Houston friends. I think so much time has past now that I don't really know how to bring it up.

Views: 5

Comment by Mandy on August 29, 2008 at 4:26pm
Well who says you have to? You are happy and confident and that's all that matters. I find that I don't really bring it up anymore. Simply because it's not an issue. I usually wear my hair when I go out and no one knows it's a wig. If it were to come up, on the other hand, I would have no problem talking about it. Like if someone said, "I love your hair - where do you get it done?" Then I'd say, "I don't! It's a wig!"


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