In an attempt to personalize my page, I have been in the process of uploading some photos of my hairloss. What a depressing reality test this is! Somehow, I must be imagining myself with more hair. After my last round of AT, the regrowth looked like a rather advanced case of male pattern baldness. So okay, I have been getting away with wearing a hat to work. My new photos reveal small bald patches at the back of my head and it looks like I'm soon going to have to shave again. Oh, how I hate those questions when I'm totally bald! I'm sure everyone knows them. If only people could be a bit more accepting. I can deal with being bald and accepting my naked head is easier than this tease of loss and regrowth. Now I can honestly appreciate the courage it takes for members to post their photos. You are all very beautiful. Now if I could only find some of that beauty in myself and the strength it takes to deal with others.

Views: 7

Comment by Rachel on August 30, 2008 at 10:04pm
For me, right now, taking it one day at a time is too much. The range of emotions that I go through in one day is way too much to handle. So, for now, I am taking it one hour at a time. I can do one hour. And, I'm learning that its okay and totally acceptable to have a whole day that isn't okay.


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