What I'm going to do - even if it can't change things

So I ready this article earlier about Dale Platts (Thanks for bringing it to my attention Angela). This was the link I saw
but I found it on BBC news with a video too and found it to be even more touching in motion with audio.

At any rate my children (now in third and fourth grade) are getting questions about their mom at school now. I explained this story to them and they're DISGUSTED!

So I'll be speaking with the teachers to arrange a time for me to speak with each class about alopecia and hopefully share the story of Dale Platts. My ulitimate goal is for my kids and their fellow students to express their thoughts on this injustice, in their own words and writting, to mail to his school.

Check it out - I'll keep you posted.


P.S. Although I have not yet contacted the school I have contacted several companies that sell baseball caps with inquires as to what it would take to purchase enough caps for the students and make it an addition to the school uniform.
P.P.S. I have always demanded that people not discriminate against me, as I would not do to them, so I beg of you if you have even a moment for this cause stand up.

Views: 15

Comment by jamie1 on September 11, 2008 at 11:20pm
Dear Carmella, Right on, sister! You are one VERY powerful woman.
Comment by Melissa Harris on September 12, 2008 at 12:48am
I'll check out the story Car, sounds like a great idea! Keep us posted on how it goes at the school.


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