Thanks for those of you who commented/read my blogs, especially for not throwing stones as my complaining and venting had nothing to do with alopecia, here on my alopecia profile. At any rate. I'm going to be just fine. While I can not see the future I know that I will always protect my children, thanks to all of you who pointed out who foolish I was acting. I actually was unable to sleep because I couldn't stop planning for today. I wish I had logged on sooner ... maybe then I would not have forgotten to pack the boys lunch. OH well, they're the only kids who got BK kids meals today so I'm sure they loved it.
Incase anyone wondered. I went did give my mother in law the money. Perhaps, afterall, I was just so upset because my mother would never ask me for money, particularly knowing I'm a unemployed student. At any rate. I feeling far less angry, bitter, crazy and hopeless and much more numb now.

Views: 2

Comment by JeffreySF on September 5, 2008 at 4:08pm
Glad you are feeling better today
Comment by Linda on September 5, 2008 at 4:32pm
We love you Carmella, lol@mask and eye protection, Angela. I'm so glad we're family here!
PS-I could have used a BK kid's meal today!
Comment by Mandy on September 5, 2008 at 4:58pm
I don't think you were acting foolish at all! And...I'm glad if you're feeling better...but you described not being angry, but numb. And I dunno how I feel about that word...numb. Doesn't sound much better. Please message me and let me know if I can help in any way! Even if you just need someone to vent to, or if you wanna get some advice.

Comment by Melissa Harris on September 8, 2008 at 3:40pm
I glad that you are ok. Sorry if I seemed like I was going on and on with your blog too. I have been though these types of things too and I have been on both sides of it. I know things can get better. It got better for me and then all of the sudden I got this Alopecia and things were hard for me again. Now I just think, there is always something that life is going to throw at us and we just have to do what we need to do for ourselves, our kids, and families. Just know that you are now alone and if you feel like you want to vent, you can always do that here. No one is your judge. I just wanted to tell you what I wished some people would have told me when I was going though stuff. And I know having Alopecia doesn't make it any easier. Take care of yourself Carmella! Hope you are ok!
Comment by Melissa Harris on September 8, 2008 at 3:42pm
I meant, just know that you are NOT alone, sorry!


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