What do you think if there were more bald women in mainstream media?

In the past few months I've learned so much about various kinds of alopecia and the people it effects. I would love to see women more accepted in movies, news and entertainment that are bald. It's the artist in me speaking out, but hey. Why not?

Views: 2

Comment by Linda on September 13, 2008 at 3:43pm
I think national acceptance would have to begin in the media, people seem to think if they see it on TV or in a movie, it's okay. I was shopping the other day and asked the clerk where the hats were, she just about pi**ed her pants, she did not want me trying on hats. I thought it was funny, I always carry a wig cap with me for trying on hats, with or without hair, I don't want to catch anything anymore than she thought I would spread anything. But, yeah, I love to see more Bald women...everywhere, it begins with acceptance and rises...
Comment by Dotty on September 15, 2008 at 12:09am
I am confident enough to put myself out there :-) In fact, I was just featured in one of the biggest circulated newspaper in the state for Alopecia awareness month. It was a great article and I was very happy to put myself out there if it will help raise awareness and if it helps just one person, I'm happy!!! I have also written to a couple of the talk shows so who knows, they could possibly respond and do a show for Alopecia awareness!! My Alopecian friend Joyce got a tattoo on Miami Ink.....she is another that is brave enough to put herself out there, and I know that there are many other beautiful bald women out there that would be willing to join us in doing so.
Love and Hugs,
Comment by Dotty on September 15, 2008 at 2:14pm
Hahaha, Angela, you're the best!!! I believe you will get that woman fired and she would sooo deserve it.
Comment by Linda on October 15, 2008 at 4:18pm
LOL, listen to my "fight-cat" sister Angela, I love you too!
Comment by Lindsay on July 16, 2009 at 10:59pm
i just saw this question when i was on your page :) i really wish there were more women in the media that are bald, that would just make it easier to cope in an non-accepting society (of course, there are exceptions :) but then again..... sometimes i feel like it is so special.... its a rare form of beauty <3 i feel so not typical


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