Nicholas Peyton (Nicky) was born in June 2001, he is the youngest of 5 children. Nicky had beautiful dark brown hair, and smiled almost instantly. He was a healthy newborn. When he was 2 weeks old he was put in the hospital with a high fever, it lasted several days, we never did know what it was. Nicky began loosing his hair. I was not alarmed because my other two sons lost thier hair as babies to. Nicky had GERD (reflux) really bad, they switch his formula several times. His hair quickly grew back, it was dark and thick again. But at 8 weeks he got really sick again with a high fever, he was extremely dehydrated and was put back in the hospital for close to a week. At one point they told me they wern't sure if he was even going to make it. I prayed and prayed, and when he did get to come home he began loosing his hair again. Well I thought it strange, but the doctors were not concerned. At about three months he had began growing dark straight hair that seemed to stick up all over his head. It was cute though. When he was 6 months his oldest brother got chicken pox, so did Nicky. Again Nicky got extremly sick, it lasted for a few weeks, he lost his hair agian. The doctors still were not worried. His hair did grow back somewhat, it was still really short. Around the time that he was a year old he developed another really high fever, we still didn't know why, after that round with the fever he began loosing his hair in patches. Quarter size bald spots were noticiable all over his scalp. He was 16 months old when I took him to his pediatrician and she said she thought it was Alopecia. They sent us to a Dermatologist in Lexington Ky. She took a biopsy and confirmed it. But gave us the news "there is nothing I can do". Well that was Nov 2002, I looked online but all i could find at the time was the NAAF website, we made a donation to receive the magizines periodically. Nicky kept patches up until he was 2 then it progressed to Alopecia Univerasalis. He had no eyelashes or eyebrows. He began getting alot of "nice haircut", "hey slick", "oh has he had radiation".... comments everytime we went anywhere. He would just lay on me and try to hide. To be honest at first it made me really mad, "why can't people mind thier own business" was my comment at first. Then when Nicky started preschool we decided to "teach" the kids about it. This was a good thing. When others would ask that was new to the class, Nicky's "friends" would even pipe in and tell them 'oh he has alopecia isn't it cool?....." Nick never liked wearing caps not even in the winter when I would fret and worry that he would freeze to death. Nicky now has eyelashes, eyebrows and thin white hair all over his scalp.
Last christmas we bought a house and he had to change schools, things changed for Nicky. He began wearing his coat with a hood all day in school, I finally began sending him with a "hoodie sweatshirt" every day, so he would take his hot coat off, but he never removed his hoodie. I wasn't sure if this was helping or hurting, I went to the school talked to the teachers, principal, kids...
Nothing seemed to help. This year when he began 2nd grade the children began calling him "fat head" or "big head'. HIs school has a zero tolerance for bullying policy, but I know that teachers dont' hear everything. When Nicky is at home, church or the daycare he is happy, outgoing, & mischevious. When it comes to going to school he is shy & sad. Any suggestions from anyone that has went through this would be great. God Bless..

Views: 13

Comment by Cindy on September 29, 2008 at 12:28pm
Hi Carrie...Thank you for sharing Nicky's story..I felt so happy that he was so well-adjusted to his Alopecia until I read the end of your blog where he is feeling sad at school. You did such a great job educating his class and teaching his friends that this is who Nicky is and this is what is has. Have you been able to get the support of the school to go into his classroom and do the same things. It really sadness me to hear that a 7 yr old isn't enjoying school and can't be himself there. School started not too long ago. Have you been able to talk to the school psychologist or counselor about working with the class to teach them about Alopeica and acceptance of all peers no matter what. Sounds like with some social skills classes the kids will learn to accpet Nicky and that he is no different.
Comment by MARIA (mom of Savanna) on September 29, 2008 at 11:11pm
Hello Carrie, Where do I begin, I know exactly how you feel and reading your blog brings tears to my eyes, I have a daughter 6.5 with AU. She has had some situations where kids have picked on her..and as a mother you try your best and sometimes our best isnt enough. I would defintly go and talk to the school teachers,princpals,nurses, counselors any and everybody who will listen. Almost everyone at my daughters school knows about her condtion and she has wonderful support group of friends. Good luck Maria
Comment by Roger on October 1, 2008 at 8:09am
Thanks for sharing Nickys story.


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