Who thinks it is Stress or Emocional? Do you distinguish anything out of normal after and before lossing you hair??

I have been told over the years that the main cause is Stress, and emocional problems, my derm gave up and sent me to psychiatrist cause he belives it is an existencial crisis...
I am not sure what to think to be honest, I do distiguish a Huge issue in my life back in the time when the loss started to get worse. I have been also a scary child since I can remember...
So I have never had the opportuny to ask arround people with the same problem to find out if that might be correct...
I do suffer also from allergies and eccema... and they said it is all emocional.
Have any of you remember something emocional, stressful, frustrating or dissapointing in your lives by the time you started lossing your hair?
Did you lose all you hair at once? Cause in my experience it has come and go, but this time it just got really worse to a point where I am wearing a wig.
I am very scared cause In my country nobody has ever told me to lose hope and just be okay with it I have kept on fighing over it to recover once again... sometime.

Views: 25

Comment by Pat on October 3, 2008 at 2:36am
Hi Grace, I was going through quite an emotional ordeal when I started to lose my hair. I believe it was the trigger for my alopecia. I have regrown and lost my hair once during the 20 years I've had this condition. Seems to me it has a mind of its own. I'm glad you've found a lace wig system that works for you. I wear a variety of wigs, these days mainly lace or thinskin wigs with human hair. I also have a suction wig that I wear occasionally. Learning to live with alopecia has made me quite versatile in the wig department :)
Comment by Grace on October 3, 2008 at 3:11pm
Hi girls thanks so much for your comments, and Pat I do Agree we have to become versatile...
Comment by Pat on October 6, 2008 at 8:09am
Although I believe stress was the trigger for me, I know that for many others stress isn't a factor at all. It really used to bug me when people told me not to stress...as if I was bringing alopecia on myself! I thought it was very inconsiderate of them...but looking back I can understand how they were thinking. I was pretty stressed out at the time and losing my hair added a whole new dimension to my stress factor. I have a theory that once alopecia is triggered it is with us for life, and can be triggered at various times throughout our lives and disappear just as mysteriously- just like the cold sore virus.
Comment by Grace on October 6, 2008 at 12:55pm
Hi Pat, actually I have been doing some reseach and chinease doctors say that stress cause the blood to heat and that makes the hair fall. I am also considering a treatment that I just ordered from la India you can read a bit more in alopeciacure.com
Comment by Pat on October 7, 2008 at 7:34am
I've given up on treatments, but I'll be interested in how yours works out. At the early stage of my alopecia I was given the contact of another alopecian who had regrown her hair and attributed the regrowth to chinese accupuncture. I tried the same treatment with the same accupunturist but I had no regrowth at all. So what works for one doesn't mean it will work for another - it may just have been that that woman's hair grew back anyway and that it was just coincidence that she was having accupunture at the time. There just isn't a cure for everyone and for me the sanest way to deal with my au is to accept this is just the way it is and learn to live with it. Actually, since doing that I've been a lot better emotionally.
Comment by Grace on October 7, 2008 at 1:46pm
Well Pat I do agree what we have to learn how to live with it, But I just can't be Ok with it.. I am ot sure if that makes much sense. Now if It grows bavk with this I would not say it is a coincidence cause I am actually in the "falling" stage. I have already started with the oils, and the pils, so how now On I am going back to my dem and see (today actually) what he will send me, then after that I am also trying a great Homeopat that had helped me so much with eccema, there is actualy an before and after this doctor, he just never treated me for alopecia cause I didn't have it. so It will be a mixture of different things, But Maybe I am ot ready to stay at home without any treatment at all.
I have had AA since I was 5, and this is the very first time that I fear goping completely bald, so I will try all I can.
Comment by Pat on October 7, 2008 at 10:05pm
I understand what you're saying Grace, and if you want to pursue treatments I hope you find one that does the trick. We all deal with this differently so for me it was easier to go with the flow rather than always be hoping this or that treatment would work because otherwise I was on such an emotional roller coaster. Also, I was dealing with other major family issues that my hair took a back seat...I just couldn't give it the focus I needed because the other situations claimed all my emotional energy. It took 9 months for me to lose all my hair and I was au for approx 4 years, then it spontaneously grew back without any treatment. I kept all my hair for another 4 years and then it all fell out again. Since then I've had regrowth here and there which initially got me so excited, but it never came to anything and now the little head hair I have I shave off each day so my wig sits better on my head.
Comment by Lacey on May 19, 2009 at 3:49pm
yes i believe stress triggered mine aswell, i was in a very very bad and stressful relationship at the time that my alopecia occured. And when we finally broke up and i found a new boyfriend who was caring sweet and supportive all my hair grew back. It was remarkable ! But now i believe i have found a new bald spot but i have not really noticed anything specifically emotional lately. So the conclusion to if i think this condition is caused by stress is yes i do think that the initial reason for the hair loss is triggered by stress. How ever once you have it, it can come back at any given time
Comment by Pat on May 19, 2009 at 8:18pm
That sums up my experience too Lacey although for others stress doesn't seem to be a factor at all. It's one crazy condition!
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on December 7, 2010 at 1:20pm
Yes, I was going through the most difficult time in my life when all my hair, slowly, started falling out.


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