ok all, i did it again!!!

i shaved my head that is!!

it's feels great, and this time i'm not worried if anyone knows i'm wearing a wig.

this time i welcome questions and looks, it gives me the oppertunity to tell anyone who is interested that i have Alopecia Areata and what that means. That I'm not sick and it is a disease that affects your hair only and can happen to almost anyone, but at the same time is very rare.

This is my way to get it out there and spread the word in hopes that people will accept others with differences.

Hey lets face it there are a ton of things out there poeple view as different, strange and I want to help make the wold a little brighter for my children.

I guess I was worried what my children's friends may say to them and I'm sure at some point there may be a rude remark or two but I hope I will have instilled courage, wisdom and understanding to help them see people are affraid of difference's , that you can't fault someone for what they don't understand.

I guess I feel that what I'm getting out of this my be a whole lot deeper then my hair. I really see a bigger picture and what I can do with my situation.

I feel like I'm on the road to accepting the fact I'm losing my hair and finding myself

thanks for reading
I know I may have been all over the place with this blog but these are just a few off my thoughts racing through my head.


Views: 9

Comment by Celeste Edwards on October 27, 2008 at 11:45pm
Congrats Jessica!!

Woo Hoo!! I LOVED what you said .. "I feel like I'm on the road to accepting the fact I'm losing my hair AND FINDING MYSELF"!! AMEN Sister!!

Yes, I too worry about my kids friends. The other day my son's friend was over (he drops-by unexpected..a lot), he says, "Boy your hair looks different today". I said thank you ... Cause 2 days prior he had seen me with a scarf on my head and this day I had on my wig ... Only the beginning, I'm sure :)

My hubby is also starting to joke about it. Calling me baldy and such. I'm okay with it two weeks after the shave ... Not sure I would have been at first; but I had also prepared him for me NOT being ready before I did it.

It's funny too, because I find that I can't stand wearing my wig around the house and scarfs are a PITA keeping on all day! They also make me feel like I'm sick ... and we ALL know we aren't :)

Anyhoo ... Congrats!!
Comment by Amber Lounder on October 28, 2008 at 10:24am
You go girl!!!
For me shaving my head was a huge part of excepting alopecia I think I'm loosing my body hair (what the heck, BRING IT ON)
I hope you posted pics of your wig I'm gonna go check
Comment by Jessica on October 28, 2008 at 1:23pm
thanks all for reading and all the support,
I to have lost body hair but hey this really has made my day easier, I don't shave my legs ofter and well no need to dry or style my hair what's left. I actually have a lot of hair but my head looks like the AA group pic.

will post pic's soon
oh can anyone offer styling tips to make my wig a little more stylish it's real cute but it's dosen't have a mono top


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